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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #737 gypsiegirl66's post

Your wish is my command.   Poof!  It's done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


i think i m the only person from another continent besides N  America that talks on this thing...


Reply #742 Tobbi's post

Not so.  Our admins are in China, one of our mods is in Singapore, we have many members from Europe...especially the UK, and I know at least one active member In UAE.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm in the UK Not from the UK but living here We used to have a post where members could mark their location, will see if I can find it.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


ahhhh but now you have a person from the southern hemisphere!!!


"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


haha gosh i get it now!!!
i will get use to this thing soon, still a rookie!!!
did i really get a medal??? heehee


Reply #745 Tobbi's post

We also have some Australians here...their even further south than you.

No you didn't get a real medal, but I thought a virtual one would do for now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


haha, ya i know i was just joking..!!!

is it true that overseas people think we go to school riding animals???


Reply #748 waterlilybarb's post

I just woke up, at like 3pm and I could go back to sleep................remember no judging allowed here!

Pretend my cup is empty and I'll take the works ladies, please.


I guees it's not just me.......

Looks like we're all a little sleepy today
Well, it's on me then!
Ccoffee all around.........

and a cup of  tea for a very special sweat pea!!


Reply #751 gypsiegirl66's post

Why THANK YOU my dear.   

I just awoke from a nap, and a cup of tea would go down quite nicely...and what a beautiful china cup.

In reply to your previous post, I'm a little envious that you got more sleep than I.  I'm ever hopeful of a proper night's sleep tonight.
And I'll be happy to give you the works.  Is it cream & sugar?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #752 waterlilybarb's post

I like cream so much, I have my own dancing cow in my backyard

As for sugar, let's just say, instead of a bowl I have this.....


Well my brain is normal, I was hoping for more activity for ascention but I guess not. It appears I have a sinus infection. Yep thats right a sinus infection that keeps coming back. I thought it was allergies all this time. So with my hair cut and now my sinuses being healed my migranes should reduce signifigantly.


Reply #754 gabsimom's post

Glad to here it.  Was your hair REALLY long?  I know when I was younger and had long hair, it gave me headaches, though not migraines, because it was so heavy.  Anyway I'm glad you're looking forward to some relief.

As for you Miss do you fit the coffee in the mug?   It looks to me like it would be filled up cream & sugar.

BTW, I'll be away for the weekend...leaving early in the morning.  If I don't catch anyone this evening, I'll see you when I return.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #754 gabsimom's & waterlilybarb's post

Oh Tina, so glad to hear you will soon be free of all this pain, what wonderful news!!! We'll have to celebrate, when you've finally goodbye and have been migraine free for a good amount of time..........You know I always love a reason to celebrate!!

As far as my coffee goes Missy, I snapped a pic of the cup I use at home...............

It all fit's in just fine, thank you very much.  

I hope you're still here, I must talk to you before you go. What am I going to do with out my other pea? The pod is going to be so empty without you, this is going to be such a lonely weekend. If you're still here, you can IM anytime. I had a sleepless night last night and slept all day, so I'll be up late again.

In case I miss you and you still get here before you go...........................

Love ya sweet pea,


Reply #755 waterlilybarb's post

Yes my hair is very long. It was all one length and passed my butt. Now it is layered and above my butt. My husband prefers it long as do I. Just not as long as he does. Funny in my youth I kept my hair short most of the time. Well I am off to watch Wier become replicator Queen


Reply #757 gabsimom's post

Wow, you had really long hair, I have long hair too, all one length just above my butt. I've never been able to get to grow past my butt though, being so short I'm not sure it would look good anyway. I've been thinking about layering it. However, I wear it up a lot, because of the Florida heat and worry that I'll have problems with it (not to mention the maintenance). I bet it looks great on you and as long as it makes you feel good, hubby will have to live with

I hope you're still having a great time and I want you to know I'm........


Reply #758 gypsiegirl66's post

Layering and wearing your hair up is still possible. Just ask for long layers and have framing done in front starting at your collar bone. I can still put it all back in a bun. I have natural wave/curl so just alot of product or straighten it if I have 2 hours to waste and it does look good. .I am like you up most of the time but at least I have options  Don't you love it when people say if I had long hair like yours I would wear it down all the time. or I bet its hard to wash. No but try brushing all of it.


Reply #759 gabsimom's post

Yeah, you're probably right, the last time I had my hair layered it was about about down to about the middle of my back and the layers were kind of short. Maybe I will go for it, when I get back out there. Thanks for letting me know, that you are still able to gat everything you want with it layered.

