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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #719 gypsiegirl66's post

Well then the rest of you can party, but keep the noise down OK.  Gypsie and I both need our beauty else do you think we maintain our youthful glow?   

p.s. If you do us some goodies.  I know I'll want something to nosh on when I get up, and Gypsie might too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #721 waterlilybarb's post

Absolutely, but I'm off for my nap. I'll be back though and expecting my goodies.............




Its 4 am in the UK.....I know where I SHOULD be!
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #724 silver1978's post

Eh, um, why aren't you in bed, young lady?


Heartburn Been having it a lot lately. Took some Tagamet, waiting for it to kick in. Plus since I didn't get to sleep until almost 8am after bringing hubby to the airport, my schedules all messed up again. I am pretty hopeless when it comes to keeping regular hours- usually I can train myself with Ambien but it only takes one night of staying up all night to mess me up again!
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #726 silver1978's post

I hear ya there girlie, I've had that problem for years. Insomnia can be a kicker, you'll get back on schedule though and all will be right in the world. How long is hubby gone for?

Well, I just popped in to see what was up and to check on my boards. Hope you get to sleep soon!
I'm off to see the sandman myself (hopefully), finger's crossed XX!

If not, I'll be back!!


Hi all. I am back from the country part of Tunisia. Wow so interesting. The way of life is harder than you can imagine but not as bad as National Geographic. The people were lovely and I ate all kinds of goodies. They make this bread in clay ovens. You stick the dough to the top and the sides and hot coals bake it. Since I am accident prone I didn't go near it just ate the bread.


Reply #728 gabsimom's post

Good thinking Tina (re: only eating, not cooking, the bread).  Glad you're getting to see more of the country.  It always gives you a better understanding of the people (in any country) when you get away from the city.  Sounds like you had an enjoyable, if eye opening, experience.  I'd love to travel...and will someday, but I'm just the teensiest bit envious of you on your travels.

Well, I'm finally going to watch the season premiere of Atlantis.  So I'll catch you all later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #728 gabsimom's post

Wait...You've been to Tunisia? That's close to Egypt...I went to Egypt like...last month


If Tina had baked.....

Thank god you didn't Tina..I had a psychic feeling again....this was what i saw

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #731 dognxtdoor's post

lol, Thank God I stayed away. That was a close one
A little back info on Tunisia. Carthage was founded by the Phonecian Queen Dido and later was built over by the Romans. Tunisia boasts of having more roman mosaics than anywhere else in the world features aquaducts and several colosseum. They also have a berber population, Turkish palaces and cous cous


Reply #732 gabsimom's post

Well. it sounds like you're having a great time and learning a lot too! I've loved all my travels and always tried to soak up, as much of the culture as I could also. I can't wait to hear more!  




Reply #734 gypsiegirl66's post


Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #732 gabsimom's post

Don't forget to bring us back some presents.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #735 waterlilybarb's post

How the heck did this get in the wrong thread?

I'll make putting this into the giggle box wish 1,2 & 3.......please!!

edit: Here you & sound at home.


i want a medal!!!


Reply #738 Tobbi's post

You are a long way off from getting a medal.  Make interesting or helpful posts and you never know, you could rise to the rank of moderator.  There'll be a medal waiting for you then.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #738 Tobbi's post

Here you go Tobbi...I'll give you one.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

