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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #698 waterlilybarb's & Gabsi's post

I totally understand, I too feel the same way about life......although Imust say there are definitely certain loved ones I have grieved for, because I missed them! We also celebrate life, usually with a huge party. As for the black (it was more of an expression), I too always wear a little color to funerals (seems to lift the depressivness).
On to other topics.......

Yes, Tina I find it kind of strange that we all suffer from  migraines, I know mine are not cause by TV. Good to hear you're going to see a specialist and might find an answer, let us all know the outcome.
So, are you home? When do you get hoem? It hasn't been 6weeks has it?


Reply #700 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I certainly hope it helps you Barb, it didn't help me. I had a radical hysterectomy when I was 31yo and they didn't skip a beat.........sorry to inform you of this. Just don't get your hopes up too high, when that day arrives!!


When I was pregnant I did not have any at all. So its either hormonal or vitamin defencency. I know I have sinus trouble and I wear glasses so I get those headaches to. I guess thats life. Sorry about your Uncle I know 1st  hand cancer deaths are very hard and drawn out. You can even feel guilt that you are glad they have passed to relieve them of the intense pain. God willing we will have a cure for this horrible disease soon.


Reply #703 gabsimom's post

I know some of mine are hormonal, but they are on the opposite side of my head than my usual migraines.  The rest are often caused by change in the barometric pressure.  I've had MRI's, CT scans and brain scans, so I know there isn't any sinister reasons for my pain.  Too bad I live in a place where the weather changes at the drop of a hat.  That doesn't help.  

Thank you too for your condolences.  I feel a bit odd, he and I weren't close.  In fact, though he loved me, he didn't like me very much...from the time I was a little kid.  I was a very bright youngster, and (being the '70's...he did some drugs) I used to freak him out when he was high.  I'd run around, pigtails flying, cackling...saying "I'm a witch!"  He actually thought I was...and I don't think he ever stopped thinking that.  Funny what drugs will do to your brain.  In the end, he did respect me, and we just agreed to disagree.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #701 gypsiegirl66's post

6 weeks hardly I won't be home till halloween . Health care here is just alot cheaper but still good.


I'm off for a bit

Catch you later girlies!  I'm off to get a few things done before the day gets completely away from me.

I'm excited for the season premiere of ER tonight.  Don't want any distractions when that's on, so off I go.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #704 waterlilybarb's post

Well, you're totally not a witch!! I have an aunt that doesn't like me at all, not exactly sure why either. I have a feeling, it goes back to some feud between my mom and her. The weird thing is, my middle name was named after her. I remember about ten years ago my uncle (her husband) had a heart attack and my cousin (daughter of my other aunt) wanted me to go with her to see him. When I went in the room and my cousin introduced me (I hadn't seen them since I was a child), my aunt threw my out. I'll never forget that, I didn't even know what I had done (still don't).
Anyway, at least you got to the point of respect, I don't know if I'll ever get to know what happened.


Reply #705 gabsimom's post

I knew it couldn't have been, but when you said you were going for tests I wasn't sure. Time seems to get away from me sometimes and days become weeks before I know it.......LOL  

I''m outta here too for awhile, I have so much to do.....ti's been piling up and up and up.........LOL See yo later, girlies!


Tina I just thought I would share with you one of the CT Scans I had done....Apparently they told me what they found was really minute, and I should not worry about headaches......I hope you have better luck with yours..

I am no medical expert so I don't know what these scans mean.....

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #707 gypsiegirl66's post

Aww, well thanks for saying I'm not a witch.   Families can be strange, can't they?

Hey Dan...are you SURE it's not your eyes?  They look about ready to pop!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Hello, Hello, Hello??

Where'd everybody go??


Reply #709 dognxtdoor's post

Everything looks normal to me.


Reply #711 gypsiegirl66's post

Well weren't you looking discombobulated last night?

Today is far.  I'm just doing a quick check of my forums to see what's happening, and then I might actually watch a show...shocker!  I sometimes get so busy answering posts, I don't have time to watch anything myself.  Not today.  I'm tired, and am taking some R & R.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #713 waterlilybarb's post

i hear ya!! Me Too!! I always say I'm going to watch a show, but it rarely turns out that way.........LOL I'm off to watch one now though, wish me luck in getting there.........Hope you're enjoying yours!!


Reply #714 gypsiegirl66's post

LOL that always happens to me...with all the school work, other sites and forums I barely have time to actually watch anything!

PS: can anyone please post the facebook site group? I remember there being one...


Reply #715 Christy1994's post

Here you go Christy: Friendvista on Facebook.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #716 waterlilybarb's post



Reply #717 Christy1994's post

Happy to help!  

I see it's been quiet here for a few days.  Well, I'm out of here in a minute to take a nap, but feel free to party without me.  I'll pop in after I wake up.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #718 waterlilybarb's post

I just stopped in for a min. too and I'm off for a


Reply #718 waterlilybarb's post

My power went out last night in the middle of our cnvo, sorry. Then at 4:30am I was pumping water out of my pool, cause it was at the rim and about to overflow. Which would have meant my house would be flooded

