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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #680 gymcoach's post

LOL; Thanks, but I don't drink. But if I did you probably would have to give me the whole bottle


posting pics

i'm new to this site and i was wondering how you can post picutres in ur messages


Reply #681 gabsimom's post

What a fiasco!  Sorry to hear you've been glad your son is OK.  Here's another cuppa just in case you would like a good strong cup of tea.   And here's something to make you smile (excuse the mild profanity):   Tea - the cure all for any disaster.  

Now...on to Heroes.  It was FAB-U-LOUS!  If you've not seen it yet, run, don't walk to the nearest available outlet.  It outdid my expectations, and if the rest of the season is anything like the premiere, then I'll be one happy girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #682 imarielle626's post

Hiyas- the picture has to be hosted at an alternative site such as photbucket. When you Press the reply button, there is a little icon that looks like a small photograph and says image. Click that and a popup window appears. Put int he location of the picture and submit.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #681 gabsimom's post

Oh sorry just got home, Heroes was soooo good. That is such an understatement, it was EXCELLENT!!! Barb is right, it surpassed all my expectations. I truly think Season 2 may out-do Season 1!!! I didn't think that would be possible, but if we got a premier of the whole season it WILL!!! YAY RUN, RUN, RUN and watch it as soon as you can!!!


OMG....I painted this 3 days ago....I think its your pressure cooker!

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #686 dognxtdoor's post

HAHAHAHA!!! That just struck me as so funny, it made me ROFL! That was a good one Dan!!

How's that little drummer in your head?

Quieted down a little I hope!


Reply #686 dognxtdoor's post

I love the picture, but you could've given her a bit of warning if you painted it 3 days ago.

Gypsie, if you mean my personal band, it's quiet today...thank goodness.  It's been a rainy, dreary day, which often are better days for me.  The barometer drops, which alleviates some of the pressure in my head.  

Hey Dan, are you sure that wasn't a picture of my head exploding?  It often feels that way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #688 waterlilybarb's post

Actually, that was the band, that has bee the featuring "live" in Dan's head lately. It seems all three of us, have our own personal band, playing in our heads. All of them, with some version, of the word migraine in their name.......... Glad to hear, yours has decided to go on a break for a while, you need the rest. It's raining here too, as is my band's on the road for the time being!! I think that pic could represent all of us, so are you sure you're predicting the correct  persons future here Dan?


Reply #689 gypsiegirl66's post

When in doubt, I blame it on the weather.   Or hormones.

How does that strike you, Dan the man?   Seriously though, I feel your pain.  It's never fun.  I hope the band breaks up soon for you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks Dan, Next time please send your premonitions a little faster. It was clearly the pressure cookerTo bad I don't have Claires ability bad spelling courtesy of your tax dollars at work not my lack of intellect.


Actually my band seems to have quieted down as seems only when I have to read does it seem to kick up a bit, but then again maybe I should also get my eyes checked :X

As for the premonition sorry Tina, Sadly I do not always know what the events that I paint mean until they happen....I'm working on it though...

Finally watched the new heroes myself....I had planned on waiting until a few episodes built up so I could sit back in marathon mode...but I couldn't last..hehehe

anywho time for bed its like -yawn- catch you ladies later
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #692 dognxtdoor's post

Glad to hear you've had a bit of quiet Dan.  Definitely get your eyes checked if reading seems to be the problem.  If you can get those noisy tenants evicted by a getting simple pair of specs, you'd be foolish not to try.  (I'm not calling you a fool...but if you don't do it...I just might! )

I was up until about the time you went to bed last night, though I WAS in bed, futilely trying to sleep.  Next time, I'll just get up and see what y'all are doin'.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey Gypsie!

Number 3 came yesterday...not unexpectedly.  My uncle died...can't believe I forgot that was coming.  It's good.  He was suffering, as was his son watching him.  He was only 60...but it was cancer.  Mercifully, he went in his sleep.

I swear I'm not superstitious, but that better be it for a while!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sorry to hear about your uncle....glad he went peacefully though...

As for my headaches they are not usually brought on when I read, it only seems recently when I do not have a headache and try to read, I can feel one starting....I wish it would be that simple to just get glasses, but I have been suffering with migranes for years, only recently though have I thought perhaps my vision needs to be checked...

I am off to work, so I will ttyl....bye
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #695 dognxtdoor's post

Thank you for the condolences.

Sorry we couldn't fix your migraines with some specs...they're a right misery to live with.

Have a good day at work.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #694 waterlilybarb's post

Well, at least this was a merciful one and your cousin can put him to rest (not that there won't be a huge loss), watching a loved one suffer is the worst.
I'm not superstitious myself, but hopefully this three thing is it for you. You don't need to be wearing anymore black or funerals in the near future, eh?
Sorry to hear you're going through this again, even if it was long awaited it's still not fun  


Reply #697 gypsiegirl66's post

I never wear black to funerals.  It's too depressing.  I wear something with colour, but understated so as not to offend anyone.  My family like to celebrate life, and even as we lose another member, it's the life we remember and not the death.  I'm mostly glad for my cousin, though this is a difficult time.  He's been ill himself, so taking care of his dad was really taking a toll on his health.  I think it's a relief for him, which I understand.  Watching someone you love suffer is often more painful than losing them.

Now on to more cheerful topics.  Is the band playing on today?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow it is so strange that all of usTV lovers suffer from migranes. But is definetly not the TV. Must be something else. I am seeing a sinus specialist and getting a brain scan in a few weeks.


Think they'll find anything?

I know it's not the TV with me either.  I've had migraines since I was a teenager, and they run on both sides of my Mum and my uncle (father's brother).  I have read that some women get relief after menopause.  Though I'm years away from that...I hope it's true for me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

