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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 147#147 arksongbird80's post

you're right, she's not going to be able to keep her mouth shut especially to derek and he is to honest to let it go.
So I figure that it has to be the boss who's going to save her.


Reply 146#146 bala's post

Meredith making a calculated and risky move by swapping the placebo is bound to come back at her by the end of the season and the way Alex treated the cranky old rich woman dying of cancer was terrible but amusing especially when she wanted him to roll her over


White Wedding

Well two separate wedding one big one and one small one but Christina still doesn't realise what Teddy is trying to teach her.


I feel sorry for Teddy with Christina being mad at her and her boyfriend asking her to move away and have a serious relationship while she is married without him knowing it.
I think Christina isn't going to realise it any time soon.
And I loved the fact that Callies father came back.
I'm curious if Alex is going to tell.


Reply 302#302 fox044's post

You do realise you are breaking forum rules by posting links to other sites


Reply 303#303 codebreaker's post

i given up on that let moderator deal with

That member has been doing it this almost a week

How many warning can one member get ?

[ Last edited by bala at 5-10-2011 09:33 ]


Reply 150#150 bala's post

Callie's mother avoiding holding the baby was strange but her father coming back for the father daughter dance despite his wife was nice and Meredith and Derek making the decision to adopt was interesting


Reply 152#152 codebreaker's post

For Callie's mom calling herself a Christian and then turning completely against the baby by not holding her or having anything to do with her was atrocious.  I was VERY disappointed.  Once again, the facets of religion are warped for all by the actions of a few.       Makes me sad.  

The two weddings were fun and Christina isn't learning anything from Teddy's actions, so maybe she should try a different track....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


I Will Survive

Well a tree in a patient throat was interesting but Christina trying hide it from teddy backfired and her reaction of Owen telling her she a great surgeon but not a choice as chief was right and i loved she forgave him and Alex telling Owen what Medieth did was amusing because he came out with so unexpected after his girlfriend stole job from under him


Reply 154#154 bala's post

I'm curious as to what owen is going to do with the information.
And Avery backing out of the trial was very nobel. But I think it's too bad that it is necessairy.


Alex has a big mouth!

I thought that whole thing with Avery was a bit silly really. Very unbelievable.


Reply 156#156 shinny's post

why would it be unbelievable?
We saw an episode about his family. Avery is right to think the trial wouldn't stand a chance to win the Harper Avery Award if his name stood on it. And the fact that he stepped down because of that is typical for series.


Originally posted by shinny at 5-14-2011 05:56  
Alex has a big mouth!.
Amen!!  That's such an Alex thing.  Things don't go his way or he's picked last for dodgeball and he brings the others down around him.  

The tree was awesome and the way Teddy is treating christina, it's any wonder C didn't go to T and tell her.  She needed a chance to shine.

The Teddy Fake husband thing is sad.  Teddy is kinda an idiot and i'm SUPER glad to see her go to Germany!!  You're married, but you didn't think to talk it thru with the guy you really like and are married too.  What would the insurance say to one spouce in Germany and the other in Washington.  HMMM
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 158#158 arksongbird80's post

they took the insurance thing into consideration. the fake husband has a job now so he will have his own insurance soon


Reply 156#156 shinny's post

I agree, big ol' freakin Alex mouth. He really does suck sometimes! I also think Mer was in the bag as Chief Resident, until now. She'll probably be suspended - but perhaps it's better this way considering otherwise I have NO IDEA how they would've handled both their jobs plus Zola!!

I agree with arksongbird: Teddy really is an idiot! Both with the way she's handling Christina and the way she's messing with "insurance guy." LOL!

I'm wiling to bet that the job is going to go to April!!


Reply 160#160 studiojek's post

I hope not. She really needs to get over herself killing a patient cause that's the only reason that she sticks to the rules that hard and sometimes you have to skip them. I think chief resident is going to Avery for backing out of the trial to give it every chance it can get.


Reply 161#161 kellemanske's post

Yeah, I think April sticks a little *too* much to the rules to do a good job. Actually, I think Alex may get the job, since he turned in Mer.


7x21 I Will Survive

I know Cristina jumped the gun in finding out it was a tree in side him but considering he had seen three other doctors first  I'm not surprised he wanted her to do the surgery and Lucy taking Alex's job was cruel but he should of considered her feelings first


Unaccompanied Minor

This why i watch this show because every  grey's anatomy season finale does is make you want to want to watch next episode. I was curious how they going make it more dramatic but i never thought they would split most of the couples up.

Christina, after everything she been through i actually thought her being pregnant was a nice thing but you just knew she didn't want a baby but the way she found out was rather amusing  

Alex lost his chance to chief resident and i kind of knew it would be April and Slone trying let Lexie go was rather sweet.

As to only survivor of the plane crash that almost bought a tear down my eyes when all those people decided to stay help the mother through the difficult situation. If only she knew that rest of them lost people.


It was a pretty good season finale but I do think it's a bit lazy just to, in one episode because it's the Finale, undo everything from all the previous episodes.

The plane crash storyline was obviously very sad with only one survivor.

Yay for Teddy and Henry. Now I am pleased about that. I knew she couldn't leave him! I just hope they develop that storyline next season and not just have Henry become ill and die à la Izzy and Denny style!

