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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 126#126 codebreaker's post

Predictable car accident scene. And Callie didn't have her seatbelt on...ugh.

Still not really liking Avery and Lexi, but happy Bailey and nurse Eli are happy!


Song Beneath the Song

As most people know i am not a fan of musicals so even though this once in a life time episode where we got see actors sings there two songs i really like 'Chasing car' and 'how to save a life'.

Rest of the songs annoyed including the sunshine song but it great Addison guest star but she limited scenes. Christina disobey her teacher was bound to have consequences so now who is going teach her since she is the only cardio-surgon in the show?.

I am not going say how cheesy ending with the yes. most people might thought that was sweet but i just thought it was a bit too much.


loved this episode. found it really intense from start to finish. really feeling for meredith and derek at the moment.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 129#129 bala's post

I agree bala I was not as impressed with the episode as I thought it could be.    Sara R has a great voice and I really enjoyed it.  Was glad to see Addison, but honestly what was the point in her being there, she didn't have any scenes worth while!     

The "yes" at the end was not even remotely believeable.  That was crap.  Callie should have stayed in a  coma or had memory loss or something....keep the drama going.

Lexie should stay away from Avery.  She was there for Mark and then to go home with avery was a slap.  NO NO NO>

And then of course there's Christina.  She didn't do this horrible thing, other than try and save a life.  Her teacher needs to get over it and she's just put out and that's why she told "C" she couldnt' teach her anything if she didn't want to learn.  No one on that show wants to learn more than Christina.  That's crap.  She's just got her feelings hurt. BAHH!!!

AVG episode....  7
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 129#129 bala's post

Are they all auditioning for a future role in Glee and i suppose Addison being the baby specialist should of been there but overall it's not one of my type's of episode and I'm not surprised she came out of the coma with all that racket going on in her head


Reply 132#132 codebreaker's post

Well your right i just think people wanted a musical episode after fans kept bugging the producer she finally gave in.


wll i'm  not sure the fans were all that happy.  All the comments I've read online have NOT been positive!.  Quite the opposite infact.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 134#134 arksongbird80's post

Well i think they hyped it too much it would better if they only did 3 good songs -notice they excluded most of the story-line in the episode usually a whole episode would forcus on the operation.


My take on this is the singing actually took away from what could have been a very dramatic episodes. There were hints of it when they weren't bloody well singing!

And as musical fan, I just could not reconcile the two together. Bad!

What I think she should have done was left this episode alone, it was dramatic enough and didn't need this. She could have written an episode where by they all got chemical poisoning or something like that and started to hallucinate and then enter the singing. Would have been better for it to be stand alone and nothing to do with what had happned in previous episodes!

[ Last edited by shinny at 4-3-2011 00:23 ]


Reply 136#136 shinny's post

Yeah that would been better but like you said i think tried too much to put everything in. I honestly don't see why they had to do a musical episode they been on air over 6 years they don't really need anything more prove they deserved to be renewed. If they just focused on story-line people would of enjoyed more .


Reply 137#137 bala's post

I agree with Shinny - it was dramatic enough without the damn singing, which I only found boring and distracting. I found myself not really caring one way or another about Callie, I JUST WANTED THE SINGING TO STOP lOl!

I also noticed that the acting was HORRIBLE in this episode: namely Mark, Lexi and Owen (aggh, I just could NOT stand his singing!!!). Crocodile tears, Mark!! The singing just seemed to make everything even more melodramatic than it normally is - and normally it's already on the edge. This pushed it over, and for no good reason.

There were also a whole lot of inconsistencies in this episode. For example, why on earth would Addison not be the one they call over to save Callie's baby instead of bringing Arizona over to save it???? Why on earth would they bring Addison in anyway - she didn't sing!!? Also, it's a musical -- how stupid was it that they all were wearing their surgery masks through some of the most key songs?? I couldn't even tell who was singing.

Blech. Episode for me, 1-10 was a 3. And the only reason I didn't give it a 1 was because Sara R has a good voice.


I think that most fans would be disappointed that Mer didn't sing more. I really hated the last song, it was just too much and the acting of Callie on it was just over the top. The rest was ok, but I didn't know what to focus on. If I focussed on the singing, I missed what was happening, but if I followed what was happening, I missed most of the singing.
Also, I wonder why they made everyone sing except for Mer en Derek. I mean, they did maybe 10 lines while Owen and Callie did most of the others. And I wonder why they made Owen sing so much...


I have yet to finish the episode. Never happened before- I love GA. I also like Glee but Glee meeting GA? Not that much. I watch GA for the doctors, the surgeries, the gore. Glee is the show I watch for the singing and dancing. All the hype before it- it was almost like they had to keep telling us how great it is. It wasn't my thing adn I have yet to finish watching the episode. I cheated and got the storyline from recaps.


Reply 140#140 Teachergirl's post

Yeah i can't even believe i manage to get through the episode mind you i had playing in the background


Oh and did anyone else notice in the scene where Derek, the Chief, Mer, Adi, Miranda and Teddy are all arguing and Owen starts singing "How we operate" they all looked like they were going to burst out laughing? Especially Patrick Dempsey!! It really looked like they had to do that take several times and just ended up going with that one! I'd say they found it hard to do those scenes. Acting all serious and some boyo in the background is singing his heart out. Lol Here's the video of it again. Jump to about 12 seconds


Owen starts singing "How we operate" they all looked like they were going to burst out laughing?
Your very observant i did notice a few smiles it was rather hard not to laugh i can't wait see the Gag reel for this season when season finishes. It usually take 1 month after it finish DVD boxset someone upload gag reel onto youtube.


Reply 142#142 shinny's post

YES I DID notice that!! And it made me cringe!!!


I actually liked this episode, I thought it added to the drama.  Although, I will say that some of it was too cheesy.  maybe they should have left it with just a few songs, instead of the whole thing.  you know?  but yeah, some of them could not sing.  And very very odd about Addison not being there for the birth.  I mean, I know they needed to develop Arizona's character, but really.... why did they even bother having Addison come at all?  Maybe she will be there later on?  I dunno.


It’s A Long Way Back

Nice episode who would of thought Alex could pull off African kids situation but what trouble has he gotten himself into by putting the whole trip on credit     .


Reply 146#146 bala's post

I don't think he's put himself in any trouble now that he got the donation.    SERIOUSLY lucky on his part.

WOW...meredith is going to get into SOOO much trouble.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

