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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 103#103 shinny's post

I think they could be cute together, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Lexie-Mark. I hope they finally work things out! But, I'm thinking we're going to get a Lexie-Avery-Mark triangle for a while here.

Callie was right, though - as a once-pregnant woman, people really do try to tell you what to do all the time, as if being pregnant somehow makes you public domain!


Golden Hour

What a great episode i thought Meredith did a great job in this episode managing the ER and that guy with a knife in his head was lucky the guy who pulled it out didn't cause any damage.


Reply 109#109 bala's post

Yes, I definitely think Meredith is the most probable out of all of them for Chief Resident. She handled everything badly. Felt badly about the man dying so suddenly.

Do you think the Chief's wife has Alzheimer's?


I really loved this episode because in a lot of ways it was back to basics. I think the focus on the pit was really good this time.

Wouldn't it be a little cheesy if Edel ended up having Alzheimer's too? I'm hoping it might be something else. I think if they are clever enough, they'll make it something else!!

And Henry is back. I love his character!


Reply 109#109 bala's post

You wouldn't expect a guy to walk in with a knife in his head but i suppose the alcohol numbed the pain and i cant believe they left the other drunk guy in there alone with him, the lift scene with the injection was not what i was expecting but was funny


Reply 112#112 codebreaker's post

Yes the lift scene was amusing


Reply 113#113 bala's post

My brain was thinking rude thoughts after they walked in on Bailey


Reply 114#114 codebreaker's post

Well yeah but it was understandably the privacy for the injections.


Reply 114#114 codebreaker's post

Yes, me too - I was thinking "oh lord, Grey's, you're not really going there are you??!" Ha!

Yes, Shinny, I too love Henry! It's obvious they're eventually going to have the two of them like each other for real pretty soon down the line...a cheesy writing decision that I'd be fully behind!


Reply 116#116 studiojek's post

We missed that in greys there not many those type scenes


Reply 117#117 bala's post

Ha! No, not too much sexy going on, except what's left to your imagination of what goes on behind the doors of those doctor nap rooms =D


Reply 118#118 studiojek's post

I suppose they want to concentrate on them being doctors


Reply 119#119 bala's post

How boring! ;)


Reply 120#120 studiojek's post

Exactly even Alex is becoming a good guy


Not Responsible

Well a very light episode but i love male bonding on the roof what a great way relieve the tension.


Reply 122#122 bala's post

Dr. Stark asking April on a date was surprisingly amusing and the guys on the roof was nice


Reply 123#123 codebreaker's post

I thought that April coming into the bathroom and talking to Lexie (who was standing in the shower with Avery) was pretty funny.


This Is How We Do It

Well a nice returning episode but i was surprised Arizona proposed to her but i hope she's not doing it out jealously over Mark and Callie relationship just because she having his baby she probably feel threaten is only reason why she proposing to her IMO.


Reply 125#125 bala's post

Everyone making fun of April about Dr. Stark was amusing but loosing her temper and shouting out about not taking her pants off was funny and you could see that accident happening after the proposal with the long look in each others eyes and not watching the road


Reply 126#126 codebreaker's post

Next week the musical episode Glee style but better.

