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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 207#207 kellemanske's post

it's get better once the exams are over but i suppose nothing to watch it force you to study . Today has boring i finish everything in the morning just hang around looking something to watch.


I'm supposed to be studying, but if there are a lot of good shows, I want to watch them so I don't get behind and then I don't study. So I don't mind that some shows are delaying the episodes a bit
But for everyone else it isn't good.


Reply 209#209 kellemanske's post

This weeks there weren't many good shows , it's last week of January where all normal shows are returning so as long exam before than you are safe


Why is Grey's not returning til Feb??  That seems like a Long wait when it just returned from xmas break.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 211#211 arksongbird80's post

it's only 2 weeks which isn't that long i think it effect after bombshell end of this episode.


I'm definitely happy that Cristina's back - it was about time!

Big bombshell Callie dropped, eh!? Jeez,didn't see that one coming - now her crying in the bathroom at the beginning makes more sense!

Oh, and I really like Meredith's new haircut!


greys always makes me feel emotional when i watch it does that make me sappy, cally well in the beggining when she was crying i thought something might be up, im glad she is standing her ground with medical barbie and it is good to see yang back but i thought they might have eased her in not just chucked her back into it.
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 94#94 babysexylexy's post

"Medical Barbie"?? Ha!


Reply 95#95 studiojek's post

Yes that great nickname for her


Yeah that Callie thing was a total Bombshell.  But everyone can't be happy right?  That's what makes for good drama! hahaha  Good to see Yang back too, but yeah, weird that she didn't ease in.  I think she is the type who would just jump right back in tho.  Like whatever it was snapped and she was back in full.  She isn't the type to take it slow!


Don't Deceive Me (Please Don't Go)

Well this was good episode Callie finally giving Arizon a chance i loved how she stood up to her. The tweet story-line was amusing it certainly makes learning interesting. What a way end episode Mark telling Lexie


Reply 98#98 bala's post

shame that lexie wasn't even interested at all.  I mean, he wasn't going to be a monk while they were broken up.  And they were seperated for awhile.  Like 6-12 months right??

As always, I enjoy grey's.   

'Your wife is the only one twisted enough to do this with you."   --Alex
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 98#98 bala's post

Who would of thought the tweets would help the patient and Callie introducing them as lesbian lover and baby father but the poor obstetrician having to put up with her all day


Reply 100#100 codebreaker's post

That's the advantage of technology


P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

It was nice to see Grey's dad again. Look like Avery and Lexie are getting close. Callie telling both Mark and Arizona off at the end was amusing but her 3 vote system was great  


This was a great episode. I liked the Callie, Mark and Arizona scenes, they were hilarious. Yep, definite connection between Avery and Lexie! I think they'd make a cute couple.


Reply 102#102 bala's post

Lexie walking out after she was warned by Danielle was funny and i liked the way Owen put the Internet accident guy and his friend with the camera in their places with the worst story of an accident victim


Reply 104#104 codebreaker's post

Well there are a lot of stupid people out there that want to be famous


Reply 105#105 bala's post

I used to love the show you've been framed at the start when all the mishaps where genuine but now they are all staged for the money


Reply 106#106 codebreaker's post

Yes i remember when it was original i hardly ever watch last time i watch Jeremy beetle was hosting that that show.

