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Law & Order Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Confession
Logan crosses the line in order to obtain a confession from the man suspected of murdering Max Greevey, and is also faced with breaking in a new partner. Stone finds that his prosecution is placed in jeopardy because of Logan's actions.

Episode 2: The Wages of Love
A double homicide of an older man and his younger lover casts suspicion on both the ex-wife and the former boyfriend of the murdered duo, with the dead man's murdered son holding the key to the mystery.

Episode 3: Aria
A lethal drug overdose of a young actress leads the detectives to an aggressive stage mother and a pornographic movie producer.

Episode 4: Asylum
The stabbing death of a man in front of a coffee shop leads detectives to a local homeless man, but the conviction is threatened on appeal based on the lack of a search warrant for his "home", which was a lean-to in Central Park.

Episode 5: God Bless the Child
A couple faces trial after they deny medical help to their daughter based on their religious beliefs and their daughter dies of strep throat. Stone's prosecution hinges on whether or not the parents wanted to call for medical help. Things take a turn when the investigation uncovers another child that died under similar circumstances.

Episode 6: Misconception
The mugging of a pregnant legal secretary leads to a case involving her lover, her boss and charges of fetal murder when she loses the baby.

Episode 7: In Memory Of
The renovation of a brownstone uncovers the remains of a young boy who disappeared thirty-one years earlier, reviving a wrenching and long-suppressed memory in his childhood friend and neighbor.

Episode 8: Out of Control
The detectives investigate the gang rape of a college student during a fraternity Halloween party, but when her own testimony can't be supported by the evidence, it becomes hard to prove rape.

Episode 9: Renunciation
When a gambler is killed, the hit-and-run investigation leads to the discovery of a schoolteacher carrying on an affair with one of her students. Cerreta and Logan suspect that she may have manipulated him into killing her husband.

Episode 10: Heaven
The investigation into an illegal social club fire which claimed 53 fatalities leads to a connection between arson, illegal immigrants and the sale of green cards.

Episode 11: His Hour Upon the Stage
The discovery of a frozen corpse in a dumpster leads to rival Broadway producers

Episode 12: Star Struck
An obsessive fan pleads temporary insanity when he is charged with attempting to murder the soap opera actress who is the center of his life.

Episode 13: Severance
Stone faces an old rival in court as he tries to link a hit man and three murders to a sleazy lawyer and a powerful man behind bars.

Episode 14: Blood is Thicker...
An apparent mugging ends in the death of a wealthy woman but the case comes to hang on a silver pin that may have been in the victim's possession.

Episode 15: Trust
Stone is determined to see that a teenage boy doesn't get away with murder twice when the young man is brought to trial for the shooting death of one of his friends.

Episode 16: Vengeance
The parents of a murdered woman contest Stone's prosecution of her killer so that he can be extradited to their home state, where the death penalty still exists.

Episode 17: Sisters of Mercy
Cerreta and Logan investigate the accusation that a nun in charge of a shelter for teens molested a young addict.

Episode 18: Cradle to Grave
The discovery of a dead baby leads to a case involving a slumlord who would not provide any heat and who defends her actions by blaming the rent laws.

Episode 19: The Fertile Fields
The brutal murder of a Jewish jeweler appears to be a hate crime, but the investigation soon leads back to the man's brother and his shady business deals.

Episode 20: Intolerance
When a Chinese-American honors student is killed, the investigation uncovers a racist mother whose son was competing with the victim for the same scholarship.

Episode 21: Silence
A politician opposes the prosecution of his son's murderer because it might mean revealing that his late son was gay.

Episode 22: The Working Stiff
The murder of a Wall Street legend begins a case involving an ailing union worker and a former governor and old friend of Schiff's.

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I will work on the other ones closer to when the show might get updated


Reply 602#602 spratt89's post

Sounds good.  Thanks Adam!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Law & Order Season 3 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Skin Deep
A sleazy photographer is found murdered in his studio, and his appointment book leads detectives to a modeling agency -- and a bevy of models who all had motive.

Episode 2: Conspiracy
The assassination of a black political leader at a Harlem rally results in the arrest of a white man whose wife may have been having an affair with the victim.

Episode 3: Forgiveness
A priest defends a poor young man accused of murdering his wealthy girlfriend because she wanted out of the relationship.

Episode 4: The Corporate Veil
When 17-year-old boy has a heart attack while driving and plows into a crowded city park, a defective pacemaker is to blame, and the DA's office must decide whether to prosecute the salesman, the doctor, or the manufacturer.

Episode 5: Wedded Bliss
The unidentified body of a woman found in the bay near the garment district leads police to a sweatshop using illegal aliens, and Stone uses a 100-year-old slavery case as precedent in his prosecution.

Episode 6: Helpless
Detectives discover that the same highly respected gynecologist accused by Dr. Olivet of sexual assault was responsible for his wife's suicide.

Episode 7: Self Defense
An immigrant shop owner claims self defense after shooting two brothers with a history of theft and assault, but the investigation reveals he might have had another motive.

Episode 8: Prince of Darkness
When the murder of a wealthy businessman is tied to a Colombian drug cartel, Detective Cerreta sets up a buy with a notorious gun dealer. But the deal goes sour, and Cerreta is shot twice in the chest. Jerry Orbach joins the cast.

Episode 9: Point of View
While Cerreta recovers from gunshot wounds, Logan is teamed with a new partner, Det. Lenny Briscoe.  Their investigation of a so-called "self defense" killing produces a suspect whose attorney knows ADA Ben Stone from law school.

Episode 10: Consultation
When a pregnant Nigerian girl dies, 20 heroin-filled condoms are discovered in her stomach, and the investigation points a finger of blame at a tribal chief.

Episode 11: Extended Family
The abduction of a famous Broadway producer's little girl  leads to allegations by the child's mother that the father is guilty of sexual molestation.

Episode 12: Right to Counsel
An elderly woman worth millions is found murdered, and though her young lover accepts a plea bargain, his account of the crime is inconsistent with the evidenc

Episode 13: Night and Fog
An elderly man confesses that he assisted in the suicide of his wife, but when Stone finds out the man was a Nazi collaborator he digs deeper.

Episode 14: Promises to Keep
A sexual relationship between a psychiatrist and her patient may have had something to do with the murder of the patient's fiancee.

Episode 15: Mother Love
A young black woman is brutally murdered, and while her crack-dealing boyfriend seems a likely suspect, his refusal to plea bargain leads McCoy to dig deeper into the victim's past.

Episode 16: Justice
A judge's stepdaughter is found raped and murdered, and the investigation reveals the victim had shocking relationships with some of the felons who appeared in her father's court.

Episode 17: Conduct Unbecoming
A female Navy lieutenant is murdered during a wild officers' party, and the investigation unveils a military cover-up that reaches into the highest ranks.

Episode 18: Animal Instinct
A renowned genetic research scientist is murdered and the investigation leads to a group of animal-rights activists -- until the victim's troubled marriage and the existence of a mistress come to light.

Episode 19: Virus
Detectives seek the person responsible for a virus in a clinic's computer system which causes a number of diabetes patients to suffer hypoglycemic shock, resulting in coma or death.

Episode 20: Securitate
When a business owner is shot and dragged behind a car, detectives learn that the victim was about to blow the whistle on a credit card scam being run out of his furniture store.

Episode 21: Manhood
A gay cop is killed by a cornered drug dealer when the former's backup arrives on the scene too late, but the investigation leads some to suspect that the victim was set up by his fellow officers.

Episode 22: Benevolence
A young, independent-minded deaf woman is murdered, and the suspects include her scorned lover and her mentor, the founder of an institute for the hearing-impaired.

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Law & Order Season 4 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Sweeps
The father of a molested child shoots the molester on a live TV talk show, and detectives discover the show's host arranged the confrontation in hopes of a ratings boost.

Episode 2: Volunteers
When a homeless man is found bloodied and beaten, detectives focus their attention on a neighborhood watch group called The Block Association.

Episode 3: Discord
A college coed accuses a former heavy metal rock star of rape, but the consensus is that it's a case of a groupie's revenge -- until the rock star's sexually violent past is uncovered.

Episode 4: Profile
A serial killer has targeted a racially integrated neighborhood, and Briscoe and Logan zero in on a white supremacist who hires a celebrated civil rights attorney to represent him.

Episode 5: Black Tie
The police receive an anonymous tip that a wealthy man was murdered, but the medical examiner says he died from natural causes, and the wife won't permit an autopsy.

Episode 6: Pride and Joy
A 17-year-old boy becomes the chief suspect in the murder of his father. The defense claims it was self-defense, and that the father was abusive -- a charge the rest of the family is reluctant to face.

Episode 7: Apocrypha
A bomb goes off in the garage of a Wall Street banking complex, and the sole victim is a young woman whom Stone and Kincaid believe was brainwashed into planting the bomb by a charismatic cult leader.

Episode 8: American Dream
The discovery of a decomposed body in a tattered blue blazer at a construction site results in the resurrection of one of Stone's old cases, and brings him face-to-face with a brilliant crimina

Episode 9: Born Bad
The issue of whether some people are genetically predisposed to murder comes to the fore in the case of a foster child who kills his "brother."

Episode 10: The Pursuit of Happiness
The owner of a meat company is found butchered, and the police suspect his "green card" Russian bride when they find out the victim was threatening to divorce her just weeks before she would qualify to remain in the U.S.

Episode 11: Golden Years
An elderly woman is found dead from an apparent heart attack and her granddaughter is charged with neglect; the suspect claims she was following doctor's orders, but detectives learn she had a lot to gain from her grandmother's death.

Episode 12: Snatched
The son of a wealthy businessman arranges his own kidnapping in order to collect the five million dollar ransom, then flees the city when his accomplices turn on him.

Episode 13: Breeder
A woman found unconscious in an ER claims her last memory is of being pregnant and in the back of a taxi, and the search for her missing baby reveals a scam involving private adoptions.

Episode 14: Censure
Kincaid resigns from the DA's office after she is accused of trumping up charges against a judge who rejected her sexual advances when she served as his clerk.

Episode 15: Kids
The son of a former policeman is arrested in connection with the drive-by shooting of a 14-year-old boy.

Episode 16: Big Bang
A nuclear physicist becomes the chief suspect when his estranged wife is killed by a letter bomb.

Episode 17: Mayhem
Five different homicides occurring on the same day have Briscoe and Logan on the run searching the city for the killers

Episode 18: Wager
The police suspect the death of a prominent baseball player's father might be linked to gambling debts -- until the son's alibi becomes shaky.

Episode 19: Sanctuary
When a child in Harlem falls victim to a hit-and-run driver, racial tensions are so enflamed that an innocent man is murdered by a young black man who then seeks sanctuary in a church.

Episode 20: Nurture
When the detectives investigate the disappearance of a child from her abusive foster home they discover that she's been given sanctuary by a caring but disturbed woman who lost her own child years ago.

Episode 21: Doubles
An attack on a pro tennis player leads detectives to a crazed fan, but further investigation reveals that the assault was arranged by a rival player with a co-conspirator whose identity will surprise everyone.

Episode 22: Old Friends
A businessman falls into the path of a speeding truck, and detectives learn it was no accident, but murder -- carried out by a professional hitman hired by the victim's partner, who has ties to the Russian mob.

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Sex and the City Episode Guide Season 1

1. Sex and the City (pilot)
At a birthday party for thirtysomething Miranda, Carrie and her friends vow to stop worrying about finding the perfect male and start having sex like men. Carrie experiments with an old flame and meets Mr. Big; Miranda warms up to Skipper; Samantha has a one night stand with a man Charlotte wouldn't sleep with on the first date.
Aired: 6/6/1998

2. Models and Mortals
Miranda makes the mistake of going out with a "modelizer" (someone who's obsessed with models); Samantha chooses to go out with a modelizer and has her sexual encounter videotaped; Carrie experiments with Derek the Model and flirts with Mr. Big.
Aired: 6/6/1998

3. Bay of Married Pigs
Carrie is invited to a couple's house in the Hamptons only to be flashed by the husband; Miranda's law firm thinks she's a lesbian; Samantha gets to know her doorman better; Charlotte dumps an eligible guy with the wrong china pattern.
Aired: 6/21/1998

4. Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys
Carrie discovers the limitations of going out with a twentysomething hunk. Charlotte's boyfriend has a sexual favor to ask; Samantha comes to the sobering realization that she'll always be older than her boy toy.
Aired: 6/28/1998

5. The Power of Female Sex
Carrie goes on a date with a gorgeous French architect who shows his thanks with a thousand dollars; a famous painter uses Charlotte as one of his models; Skipper becomes sexually obsessed with Miranda.
Aired: 7/5/1998

6. Secret Sex
How many of us out there are having sex with people we are ashamed to introduce to our friends? Carrie thinks Mr. Big is keeping her a secret, while Miranda discovers a secret about her new boyfriend. Samantha has never been discreet with anyone she's ever slept with, and Charlotte divulges her past love affair with one of God's chosen people.
Aired: 7/12/1998

7. The Monogamists
Carrie wants a monogamous relationship with Mr. Big, while Samantha refuses to have one with her realtor. Miranda's feelings for Skipper intensify when she sees him with another woman, while Charlotte is faced with her new boyfriend's sexual demands.
Aired: 7/19/1998

8. Three's a Crowd
Carrie discovers not only that Mr. Big was once married, but that he and his ex participated in a threesome. Meeting the ex-Mrs. Big, Carrie is disappointed to find her smart, sexy and successful. Charlotte's boyfriend wants to add another woman to their relationship, and Miranda feels left out. Samantha finds that she has unwittingly become too involved with a married couple.
Aired: 7/26/1998

9. The Turtle and the Hare
Big tells Carrie he will never marry again. After a harsh dumping, Samantha tries to turn "The Turtle" into a Helmut Lang-wearing "catch," but realizes he's still just The Turtle. Miranda introduces Charlotte to a very special vibrator called "The Rabbit," which turns Charlotte into a recluse.
Aired: 8/2/1998

10. The Baby Shower
A baby shower for Laney, a wild child turned soccer mom, gets the girls thinking about their futures. Carrie is late for her period, but unsure whether she wants her pregnancy test to be positive or negative. Charlotte is fearful she may never have the daughter for which she has been preparing her whole life, while Laney yearns for the freedom she sacrificed for her family.
Aired: 8/9/1998

11. The Drought
An accidental emission has Carrie certain that she and Mr. Big will never share a bed again. The last three months have Miranda convinced she will never share a bed with any man again. A foray into tantric celibacy leaves Samantha craving old-fashioned sex, and Charlotte's boyfriend would rather be mentally balanced than sexually active.
Aired: 8/16/1998

12. Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Mr. Big introduces Carrie to his mother as a friend, causing Carrie to ponder where their relationship is headed. Miranda breaks up with Catholic Guy because of his sexual hangups and returns to Skipper's always open arms. Samantha finally gives relationships a try, but soon finds out that size does matter. Charlotte is dismayed to discover that all the fortune tellers in the city agree on one thing--her eternal status as a single woman.
Aired: 8/23/1998

Source: HBO

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[ Last edited by serena75 at 4-2-2009 11:53 ]
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Reply 606#606 serena75's post

hi serena-can you update ghost guide you did a few month back?


Reply 607#607 bala's post

Yes, I was planning on doing that


Sex and the City Episode Guide Season 2

1. Take Me Out to the Ballgame
After Carrie ends her relationship with Mr. Big, she goes through the "rigamarole of breaking up" and dates a new member of the Yankees. Meanwhile, Miranda is annoyed by all the "man talk," Samantha's not satisfied with her boyfriend's "shortcomings" and Charlotte's new flame has a problem with "crotch adjustments."
Aired: 6/6/1999

2. The Awful Truth
Are there certain things in a relationship that one should never say? Carrie invites Mr. Big to her birthday party; Samantha struggles to tell her boyfriend about his shortcomings; Charlotte gets a puppy as a "man replacement"; and Miranda musters up the courage to talk dirty with her lover -- until she says something a little too revealing.
Aired: 6/13/1999

3. The Freak Show
Are all men freaks? Carrie dates a bunch of freaks before she meets Ben, then ruins a great thing when she turns into a freak; Samanatha goes on a first date with a man who wears dog collars and likes to be slapped around; Charlotte dates "Mr. Pussy" but realizes that's all he's good for; Miranda gives up on dating entirely.
Aired: 6/20/1999

4. They Shoot Single People, Don't They?
Is it better to "fake it" than be alone? Carrie thinks she likes being single; Miranda dates a guy and fakes orgasm; Samantha gets taken in by a club-owning jerk; and Charlotte convinces herself to like a "fix-it" actor friend.
Aired: 6/27/1999

5. Four Women and a Funeral
Can a relationship bring you back to life? Charlotte falls for a recently widowed man she meets at a fashion designer's funeral; Carrie mends some fences with Mr. Big; Samantha is exiled from Manhattan's social scene after trying to seduce a "celebutante's" husband; and Miranda starts having panic attacks after buying her own apartment.
Aired: 7/4/1999

6. The Chearing Curve
Is cheating like the proverbial tree in the forest -- it doesn't exist if there's no one around to catch you? Carrie officially gets back with Mr. Big; Charlotte is swept away with the "Power Lesbian" elite; Miranda's new boyfriend makes her compete with his porno videos; and Samantha gets a "lightning bolt" from her personal trainer, Thor.
Aired: 7/11/1999

7. The Chicken Dance
In a city as cynical as New York, is it still possible to believe in love at first sight? Miranda's interior decorator and her friend from London fall in love at first sight -- and invite the girls to be part of their wedding, much to their dismay.
Carrie's Poem
His hello was the end of her endings
Her laugh was their first step down the aisle
His hand would be hers to hold forever
His forever was as simple as her smile
He said she was what was missing
She said instantly she knew
She was a question to be answered
And his answer was "I do"
Aired: 7/18/1999

8. The Man, The Myth, The Viagra
Do modern-day singles need modern-day myths just to date? While Carrie and Mr. Big continue their now-it's-different relationship, Samantha starts hanging out with a 72-year-old millionaire, and Miranda hooks up with a bartender who's actually a nice guy.
Aired: 7/25/1999

9. Old Dogs, New Dicks
Can you change a man? Carrie tries to change some of Mr. Big's more annoying habits; Charlotte dates an uncircumcised man; Miranda is still dating the bartender but has problems with his schedule; and Samantha bumps into an old boyfriend who's now a drag queen.
Aired: 8/1/1999

10. The Caste System
Has New York's class system been replaced by a caste system? Carrie and Mr. Big exchange "I love you's", Miranda splits with her bartender boyfriend, Samantha dates a rich man with a duplicitous servant, and Charlotte gets caught in the fast lane after hooking up with a hot-shot movie star.
Aired: 8/8/1999

11. Evolution
Have New Yorkers evolved past relationships? Carrie tries (unsuccessfully) to leave a few feminine items at Big's; Miranda finds out she has a "lazy" ovary; Charlotte is unsure about her new beau being a "gay-straight" or "straight-gay"; Samantha's revenge plan on an ex fails.
Aired: 8/15/1999

12. La Douleur Exquise!
When it comes to relationships, how do you know when enough is enough? Big tells Carrie that he's moving to Paris for six months; Samantha introduces the girls to the hottest new S&M restaurant; Charlotte's shoe fetish is counterbalanced by a shoe store foot fetishist; Miranda meets a guy who likes to "do it" only when he thinks he might get caught.
Aired: 8/22/1999

13. Games People Play
Do you have to play games to make a relationship work? Carrie meets another "wrong" guy in her shrink's waiting room; Samantha dates a sports addict who "scores" only when his team does; Charlotte joins a bridge club to meet a "nice" boy; Miranda plays "peep show" with a man in the building across from her.
Aired: 8/29/1999

14. The Fuck Buddy
Are the girls doomed to repeat the same unconscious relationship partners and date the same person over and over? Carrie makes a date with her "fuck buddy"; Samantha "makes love" with the couple next door -- with a wall between them; Charlotte starts double-booking dates with men; Miranda dates a very mean and controlling man.
Aired: 9/5/1999

15. Shortcomings
Does sleeping with someone mean you're also sleeping with their family? Carrie dates a short story writer and his family; Miranda dates a divorced father; Charlotte's brother has sex with Samantha.
Aired: 9/12/1999

16. Was it Good For You?
How do you know if you're good in bed? Carrie dates an alcoholic and wonders if she's a compulsive substitute for beer. Charlotte is destroyed after her partner falls asleep during sex. Samantha's gay friends ask her if they could sleep with her. Miranda gets new sheets.
Aired: 9/19/1999

17. Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women
Twenty-something women. Friend...or foe? Carrie and the girls get a share in the Hamptons, where Samantha's ex-assistant steals her Rolodex and throws a party; Charlotte dates a twenty-something guy who gives her crabs; Miranda runs into the hairstylist she's suing for age discrimination; and Carrie discovers Big dating a 26-year-old named Natasha.
Aired: 9/26/1999

18. Ex and the City
Can you be friends with an ex? Big tells Carrie he and Natasha are engaged; Miranda gets back with Steve; Samantha meets Mr. Too Big; Charlotte gets reacquainted with an equine friend.
Aired: 10/3/1999

Source: HBO

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Sex and the City Episode Guide Season 3

1. Where There's Smoke
The four friends take the ferry out to Staten Island to watch and judge the New York City Fire Department's “Calendar Contest”. Carrie meets a handsome local politician, Bill Kelley, but is reluctant about starting a relationship with him. Charlotte decides to get herself married by the end of the year, and has a date with Arthur. Samantha meets Ricky, a dream hunk, but their time together is ended prematurely when he has to leave to attend a fire. Miranda realizes that being rescued isn't necessarily a sign of weakness.
Aired: 6/4/2000

2. Politically Erect
Carrie eventually consummates her relationship with Bill Kelley, but is put out when he reveals a fantasy of his. Charlotte starts to put into action her plan of getting married by the end of the year, by throwing a ’used-boyfriend“ party. Samantha meets a bachelor, who although he is no match for her in height, is a match between the sheets. Miranda discusses with Steve whether their relationship should become deeper.
Aired: 6/11/2000

3. Attack of the five foot ten Woman
Carrie spots Mr. Big and Natasha's wedding announcement in the paper, and later bumps into her while shopping. Samantha treats the four friends to a day at a spa, where one of the male attendants is reputed to give more than just massages. Charlotte is inhibited about disrobing in the steam baths, but later manages to force herself to, and is pleasantly surprised. Miranda has a new, Ukrainian cleaning lady, Magda, who takes it on herself to clean up Miranda's life as well as her apartment.
Aired: 6/18/2000

4. Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl
Carrie finds out that Sean, her new young boyfriend, has had relationships with both men and women, and tries not to let it faze her, but it does eventually. Charlotte takes part in a photo shoot by a famous photographer, Baird Johnson, whose latest technique is to photograph women dressed as men. Samantha stands up to Matt, her new male assistant, eventually firing him, and then having sex with him. Miranda begins to feel suffocated by Steve's presence in her apartment, but when he leaves she feels lonely, and ends up inviting him to move in.
Aired: 6/25/2000

5. No ifs, ands or Butts
Carrie tries to quit smoking to improve her chances with her new boyfriend, Aidan Shaw, a furniture designer. Charlotte has a new boyfriend, Brad, but he turns out to be an irredeemably lousy kisser. Samantha dates Chivon, an African-American, but his sister is no so open-minded. Miranda doesn't have the time to watch Steve practice basketball, even though there's the potential to win a million dollars: he is upset about this, and she realises she needs to put more effort into their relationship.
Aired: 7/9/2000

6. Are we Sluts?
Aidan is waiting until the time is right to sleep with Carrie, despite her best attempts at seduction, though they get there eventually. Charlotte's new man, Alexander Lindley, is unpleasantly talkative in bed, which upsets her. Samantha and her late night visitors get the blame when someone in her apartment building is robbed at gunpoint, and she is forced to move. Miranda contracts an STD, and notifying her list of sexual contacts proves to be highly embarrassing.
Aired: 7/16/2000

7. Drama Queens
Carrie is invited to meet Aidan's family, but she feels overwhelmed and declines: she then spots Mr. Big and Natasha out together, and comes to realise that she has been behaving badly, and decides to meet Aidan's family after all. Charlotte falls down in the street and meets Trey McDougall, a very eligible doctor, with whom she hits it off immediately. Samantha is seeing Mark, a doctor with access to a supply of Viagra, which she experiments with. Miranda gets used to the details of a life of domesticity with Steve.
Aired: 7/23/2000

8. The Big Time
Carrie keeps bumping into Mr. Big, causing her to wonder what's going on, which she finds out when he confesses he can't stop thinking about her. Charlotte starts to think that Trey might indeed be her “Mr. Right”. Samantha fears she is becoming menopausal, but when sleeping with Len, an older man from her new apartment building, discovers she's not. Miranda is starting to get fed up with living with Steve, and the last straw comes when he tries to persuade her it's time to start thinking about a baby: they break up.
Aired: 7/30/2000

9. Easy Come, Easy Go
After Mr. Big confesses to Carrie that his relationship with Natasha is not going well, they return to their old ways, resulting in a night of passion. Charlotte realises her greatest goal in life when she and Trey become engaged, though it was she who had to pop the question. Samantha has a difficult time with Adam, her latest boyfriend. Miranda and Steve are still sharing an apartment even though they've broken up, and they find out that it's not easy living with a former partner, particularly if they want to date someone else.
Aired: 8/6/2000

10. All or Nothing
At last Aidan says that he loves Carrie, which makes her feel even more guilty about her renewed relationship with Mr. Big. Things go well with Charlotte's engagement to Trey, until he proposes a prenuptial agreement that upsets her. When she's feeling down with the flu, Samantha panics that she's going to end up alone, as no-one is prepared to look after her. Miranda finds that phone sex (with her new boyfriend George) can be as fulfilling, but also as painful, as more usual relationships.
Aired: 8/13/2000

11. Running with Scissors
Carrie's reignited affair with Mr. Big puts a increasing strain on her relationship with Aidan, and she meets Natasha again in the worst of circumstances: while letting herself out of the Big's home. In the commotion, Natasha has an accident, so Carrie takes her to hospital. Charlotte becomes more and more preoccupied with preparations for her wedding, especially finding the perfect wedding dress; she also finds out about Carrie and Mr. Big, and is outraged. Samantha's new boyfriend, Tom Reymi, makes her take an AIDS test, which fortunately proves negative, before he will sleep with her. Miranda is attracted to a man wearing a sandwich costume.
Aired: 8/20/2000

12. Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Carrie is in a continued quandary as to whether to tell Aidan about her renewed relationship with Mr. Big. At the last moment, Charlotte starts to have doubts about marrying Trey. Samantha has a relationship with one of the wedding party. Miranda pretends to be an air stewardess to get a date.
Aired: 8/27/2000

13. Escape from New York
At short notice, Carrie, Samantha & Miranda go to Los Angeles, so Carrie can discuss options on making a movie based on her columns. Her agent Debbie sets up a meeting for her with Hollywood actor/producer Matthew McConaughey. Samantha meets an unusual sort of model at a party. Miranda takes a wild ride on a mechanical bull, determined to enjoy herself. Meanwhile, Charlotas been on a sexless honeymoon in Bermuda, and tries to find out what Trey's problem really is.
Aired: 9/10/2000

14. Sex and Another City
Carrie, Samantha & Miranda spend a second week in Los Angeles. Carrie & Samantha go to a movie screening party, but are refused entry at the door. Fortunately another guest, Keith Travers, gets them into the party, and Carrie spends the evening with him, ending up in bed at his fabulous home, until she discovers he isn't all he pretends to be. Miranda meets up with Lew, an old friend from New York, and finds he's mellowed since he's been living in LA. Charlotte despairs of her sexless marriage, and flies to LA to be with the others.
Aired: 9/17/2000

15. Hot child in the City
Carrie meets a new man, Wade Adams, at a comic store, and falls in love with his fabulous apartment, but not with his mother. Samantha is hired as the publicist for the Bat Mitzvah of Jenny Brier, and finds that Jenny and her friends are as over-sexed at 13 as Samantha is at 34. Charlotte searches the internet for a solution to Trey's sexual problem, and then demands that they see a sex therapist. Miranda is having to wear braces, which make her feel like a teenager, but she gives them up after a date fears he'll get caught up in them.
Aired: 9/24/2000

16. Frenemies
Carrie gives a couple of seminars on meeting men to a packed audience of women, who ask some pointed questions that show her up badly. Samantha finds a new friend in Claire Anne, who turns out to be more than her equal. Charlotte succeeds in making herself more sexually attractive to Trey. At the funeral of a would-be boyfriend, Miranda agrees to a date with another man, despite Carrie's warnings to her.
Aired: 10/1/2000

17. What goes around comes Around
Carrie is snubbed by Natasha at a restaurant, and is then mugged. Samantha drags Carrie to a party, only to find out it's a dorm party; Samantha makes out with one of the college lads, who happens to share the same name with her, but he becomes obsessed with her. Charlotte, tiring of the lack of sex with Trey, has a couple of encounters with a gardener, which leads to their separation. Miranda has a date with the police detective investigating Carrie's mugging, but nervous that she isn't good-looking enough, gets too drunk.
Aired: 10/8/2000

18. Cock-A-Doodle-Do
Mr. Big phones Carrie and invites her to lunch, which she accepts against Miranda's advice. Samantha's sleep is being disturbed by the noise made by some transsexual prostitutes, and she ends up inviting them in for a rooftop party with the other three friends. Charlotte receives an early-morning visit from Trey, who's finally ready for her. Miranda is feeling that her life is in a rut, and runs into Steve on a couple of occasions.
Aired: 10/15/2000


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[ Last edited by serena75 at 4-2-2009 12:43 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks. I edited the two posts together 4-2-2009 10:58


I had to make two posts, because it was too long. Can it be put together, or do I have to cut some of the text out of the guide?

17. What goes around comes Around
Carrie is snubbed by Natasha at a restaurant, and is then mugged. Samantha drags Carrie to a party, only to find out it's a dorm party; Samantha makes out with one of the college lads, who happens to share the same name with her, but he becomes obsessed with her. Charlotte, tiring of the lack of sex with Trey, has a couple of encounters with a gardener, which leads to their separation. Miranda has a date with the police detective investigating Carrie's mugging, but nervous that she isn't good-looking enough, gets too drunk.
Aired: 10/8/2000

18. Cock-A-Doodle-Do
Mr. Big phones Carrie and invites her to lunch, which she accepts against Miranda's advice. Samantha's sleep is being disturbed by the noise made by some transsexual prostitutes, and she ends up inviting them in for a rooftop party with the other three friends. Charlotte receives an early-morning visit from Trey, who's finally ready for her. Miranda is feeling that her life is in a rut, and runs into Steve on a couple of occasions.
Aired: 10/15/2000


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[ Last edited by serena75 at 4-2-2009 12:43 ]


Reply 611#611 serena75's post

I edited the posts together, so all the info is in #610.  If you have any problems when posting it in the SATC forum, just let me know and I'll do the same there.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 612#612 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks. I'll let you know if I need help


Law & Order Season 5 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Second Opinion
New EADA Jack McCoy must convince the husband of a woman killed by an unethical if well-intentioned doctor to testify against the physician.

Episode 2: Coma
When a female journalist is shot, detectives take a hard look at her husband, the owner of a comedy club -- even though he seems to have an ironclad alibi.

Episode 3: Blue Bamboo
A desk clerk's high-stakes scam is uncovered in the course of an investigation into a robbery that leaves one guest dead in the lobby of a luxury hotel.

Episode 4: Family Values
When it's determined that the death of a wealthy woman was murder and not suicide, detectives investigate her first and second husbands as well as her daughter.

Episode 5: White Rabbit
A burglary puts police on the trail of a female political activist who became a fugitive when she killed a policeman during a Sixties car bombing.

Episode 6: Competence
Lt. Van Buren shoots and kills one of two young men who try to rob her, and when the deceased proves to be a mentally retarded boy, the DA's office prosecutes the other robber for his partner's death.

Episode 7: Precious
Briscoe and Logan are suspicious when a man reports his infant daughter kidnapped. When the baby is found dead in an ice cooler, some shocking facts about the mother are uncovered, leading McCoy to make an unusual request: that she be sterilized.

Episode 8: Virtue
A woman found dead behind the wheel of a car at a drunk-driving accident was beaten and raped before she died, and the clues lead detectives to a city councilman's office.

Episode 9: Scoundrels
When a lawyer is found dead, the investigation links the victim to a savings-and-loan king involved in a bankruptcy scam.

Episode 10: House Counsel
The murder of a man who served on the jury of a mob trial leads to a confrontation between McCoy and a long-time friend who is acting as the suspect's attorney.

Episode 11: Guardian
A female junkie found dead behind as a member of a wealthy family, and the police seek a drug dealer who points the finger of blame at the victim's brother.

Episode 12: Progeny
A pro-choice doctor is shot in the parking lot of her health clinic, and the investigation leads to an activist group headed by a former priest.

Episode 13: Rage
A junior trader indicted for the murder of a successful white stockbroker pleads insanity due to "black rage." Stars Courtney B. Vance, who would later join the cast of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

Episode 14: Performance
An amateur porn tape contains what appears to be the rape and murder of a young woman, but a tattoo on the victim leads the detectives to a couple of shocking discovery -- the young woman isn't dead and is involved in a high school points-for-sex club.

Episode 15: Seed
The death of a woman trying to shoot her husband leads detectives to a fertility doctor who has been inseminating his patients with his own sperm.

Episode 16: Wannabe
The father of a boy threatened by a schoolmate who is expelled from school is killed in front of his house, and the father of the schoolmate pleads guilty to spare his son.

Episode 17: Act of God
A child is killed when a bomb explodes at a construction site, and McCoy sends a man to jail -- only to rethink the conviction when the police find another suspect.

Episode 18: Privileged
The investigation into a double murder leads to a young alcoholic whose parents once lived in the victims' house. He claims he had had nightmares about killing, and thought he was stabbing his parents. Hypnosis indicates a history of abuse

Episode 19: Cruel and Unusual
When an autistic 18-year-old is arrested and dies in police custody, the investigation leads to a behavioral control clinic that uses unethical therapies.

Episode 20: Bad Faith
A police detective -- and an old friend of Logan's -- is found dead, an apparent suicide, and the investigation leads to a neighborhood priest with a history of child molestation.

Episode 21: Purple Heart
The motive behind the murder of a cabbie seems to have been robbery, until detectives discover that the victim was a participant in a number of get-rich schemes.

Episode 22: Switch
A psychiatrist is killed by one of her patients, but the problem lies in determining which of the suspect's multiple personalities is responsible for the crime.

Episode 23: Pride
A controversial gay city councilman is shot dead, and the murder weapon turns out to be a missing piece of evidence from a 1985 robbery -- which means a policeman may have to be added to a list of suspects that includes the victim's roommate and a homophobic politician.


[ Last edited by spratt89 at 4-3-2009 02:34 ]
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Law & Order Season 6 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Bitter Fruit
A young girl is abducted and murdered, and the suspect is shot and killed by the victim's distraught mother on the way to his arraignment.

Episode 2: Rebels
Briscoe tries to adapt to his new partner Curtis while investigating the death of a rich NYU student whose father had offered him $10,000 to stop frequenting biker bars.

Episode 3: Savages
The murder of an undercover narcotics agent results in a rift in the DA's office, as McCoy and Kincaid quarrel over whether to seek the newly-reinstated death penalty.

Episode 4: Jeopardy
The investigation into a dead editor reveals the victim's brother had tried to ruin the victim's reputation to enhance his own business, but McCoy faces an uphill battle in court when forensic evidence is ruled inadmissable.

Episode 5: Hot Pursuit
A woman kidnapped and sexually abused by a criminal claims she was forced by her captor to participate in his crime spree, but the DA's office questions her true motives.

Episode 6: Paranoia
The graphic description on the Internet of a pretty coed's murder leads the detectives to the victim's roommate, whose attempted suicide unlocks the secrets of a deadly past.

Episode 7: Humiliation
The wife of a prominent doctor is the prime suspect in the murder of a street hustler who had a history of blackmailing her clientele.

Episode 8: Angel
When a baby girl disappears, Briscoe and Curtis zero in on the mother, who claims God told her to kill the child, leaving McCoy and Kincaid to battle the defense of divine intervention in court.

Episode 9: Blood Libel
The murder of a Jewish art teacher in her classroom exposes an undercurrent of anti-Semitism in the student body, and pits McCoy against Klan lawyer Roy Payne.

Episode 10: Remand
A famous stabbing case is resurrected when new evidence seems to show that the wrong man was convicted thirty years ago.

Episode 11: Corpus Delicti
The death of a show horse leads detectives to a shady horse dealer who sells sick animals to unsuspecting investors -- one of whom disappears and is presumed dead.

Episode 12: Trophy
A five-year-old case is reopened when a thirteen-year-old boy is murdered and all the evidence seems to point to a serial killer -- who is in prison.

Episode 13: Charm City
Briscoe and Curtis join forces with Baltimore detectives to track down a man suspected of setting off gas bombs in New York City and Baltimore. But the NY detectives soon discover that their methods of investigation often conflict with those of their Baltimore counterparts. (A Homicide crossover)

Episode 14: Custody
A drug-addicted mother trying to reclaim her baby is the suspect in the murder of a social worker, and McCoy faces a tough challenge from her attorney, former ADA Paul Robinette.

Episode 15: Encore
A jogger murdered in Central Park turns out to be the second wife of a man who was acquitted of killing his first wife and who's suspected of hiring someone to do the job this time.

Episode 16: Savior
A woman, her son, and her daughter are shot in a jewelry heist, and when the mother and son die the detectives begin to suspect the daughter and her deadbeat boyfriend might have been responsible.

Episode 17: Deceit
When a gay attorney is murdered, detectives investigate his lover, a female impersonator, and along the way discover a blackmail plot and an embittered wife.

Episode 18: Atonement
Briscoe and Curtis suspect that a model who has disappeared is a murder victim, and their search for her body lead them to a drug dealer, a photographer, an athlete and a limo driver.

Episode 19: Slave
A drug-addict mother sells her son to a dealer, and when the son is involved in the murder of a woman he refuses to testify against the dealer in order to protect his mother.

Episode 20: Girlfriends
A murdered college coed turns out to have been part of a call girl ring, but when detectives go after the madam they discover she has fled the country.

Episode 21: Pro Se
Accused of three brutal murders, a schizophrenic homeless man who also happens to be a lawyer, and who represents himself in court. Kincaid realizes he's the same man she plea-bargained with on a harassment charge a year earlier.

Episode 22: Homesick
The poisoning of a baby boy leads to the arrest of a British nanny, but further investigation reveals that the real culprit might have been a member of the family.

Episode 23: Aftershock
McCoy, Briscoe, Kincaid and Curtis react in very different ways to witnessing the lethal injection of a convicted killer. (Jill Hennessy's last episode.)

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I will do some more at the weekend


Reply 616#616 spratt89's post

Sounds good.  Thanks.  I'll watch for them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sex and the City Episode Guide Season 4

Sex and the City Episode Guide Season 4

1. The Agony and the 'Ex'-tacy
Carrie thinks about men and the future when no one shows up for her birthday party. Miranda confronts her married friends about her single life. Charlotte tries to deal with her separation from Trey. Samantha tries to seduce a celibate monk.
Aired: 6/3/2001

2. The Real Me
Carrie gets invited to be a celebrity guest in a fashion show. Miranda gets a lesson in confidence when a guy at the gym asks her out. Charlotte gets the courage to look at herself in a hand-mirror. Samantha immortalizes herself by having nude photographs taken.
Aired: 6/3/2001

3. Defining Moments
Carrie meets a jazzman while on a pseudo-date with Big. Miranda tries to get more comfortable using the bathroom in front of her date. Charlotte finds out that Trey only wants to have sex in places where they can get caught. Samantha meets Maria, a lesbian painter, at Charlotte's gallery, and questions her own sexuality.
Aired: 6/10/2001

4. What's Sex Got to do with It?
Carrie continues to date Ray King, the jazzman, but finds he has an ADD problem. Miranda substitutes chocolate for sex. Charlotte deals with Trey getting a little too overconfident in bed. Samantha tells the girls she's dating Maria.
Aired: 6/17/2001

5. Ghost Town
Carrie gets an invitation to the opening of Steve and Aidan's new bar, Scout. Miranda thinks she has a ghost in her apartment building. Charlotte butts heads with Trey's mother, Bunny. Samantha's girlfriend Maria gets fed up with the men from Samantha's past.
Aired: 6/24/2001

6. Baby, Talk is Cheap
Carrie realizes she wants to get back together with Aidan. Miranda gets an unexpected surprise when she sleeps with "marathon man". Charlotte and Trey decide to start trying to have a baby. Samantha uses fake nipples to lure in a "baby-talker".
Aired: 7/1/2001

7. Time and Punishment
Big calls Carrie while she's having sex with Aidan. Miranda throws her neck out after fighting with Charlotte. Charlotte decides to leave the gallery to pursue motherhood full-time. Samantha's latest guy tells her she needs to shave below the belt.
Aired: 7/8/2001

8. My Motherboard, My Self
Carrie's laptop crashes, and when Aidan tries to help, she pushes him away. Charlotte becomes the "Martha Stewart of funerals". Miranda's mother dies. At the funeral, everyone's concerned that she's single. Samantha "loses" her orgasm.
Aired: 7/15/2001

9. Sex and the Country
Carrie is dragged to Aidan's country home in Suffern, New York. Charlotte visits the MacDougal "compound" in Connecticut. Miranda yells at Steve after he tells her he has testicular cancer. Samantha gets annoyed when her dates keep asking her what she's doing "next weekend".
Aired: 7/22/2001

10. Belles of the Balls
Carrie invites Big up to Aidan's country home to talk. Charlotte tries to discuss her and Trey's infertility problems. Miranda sleeps with Steve after he has one of his testicles removed. Samantha tries to get the PR position for hotelier Richard Wright.
Aired: 7/29/2001

11. Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
Carrie is reluctant to tell Aidan that she had an abortion when she was 22. Charlotte discovers she only has a 15% chance of getting pregnant naturally. Miranda finds out she's pregnant, and debates whether or not to keep it. Samantha gets Lucy Liu as a client.
Aired: 8/5/2001

12. Just Say Yes
Aidan proposes to Carrie. Charlotte discusses adoption with Trey, but hits a wall when Bunny finds out. Miranda tells Steve she's keeping his baby. Samantha starts sleeping with her boss, Richard Wright.
Aired: 8/12/2001

13. The Good Fight
Carrie and Aidan have a huge fight over the clutter in her apartment after Aidan moves in. Charlotte and Trey have a huge fight when he brings home a cardboard baby as a gag gift. Miranda goes on a date despite her being pregnant. Samantha finally gives in to Richard's romance.
Aired: 1/6/2002

14. All that Glitters
Carrie finds time away from Aidan with a gay shoe distributor at the exclusive Bungalow 8. Charlotte and Trey separate permanently after their apartment is photographed in House & Garden. Miranda accidentally outs her co-worker after he accidentally told the office she's pregnant. Samantha tells Richard she loves him while high on ecstasy.
Aired: 1/13/2002

15. Change of a Dress
Carrie freaks out about getting married to Aidan. Charlotte takes tap classes, and has a meltdown during the "Tea for Two" number when she realizes she isn't ready to be alone after her divorce. Miranda feigns excitement when she learns her baby's gender. Samantha finds out Richard is seeing other women, and pushes him to be monogamous with her.
Aired: 1/20/2002

16. Ring a Ding Ding
Carrie is forced to buy her apartment back from Aidan. Charlotte doesn't know what to do with her old wedding ring. Miranda has to refurbish her wardrobe due to her gaining baby weight. Samantha tries to trick Richard into saying he loves her.
Aired: 1/27/2002

17. A Vogue Idea
Carrie starts working at Vogue. Charlotte throws a baby shower for Miranda. Miranda gets fed up with Charlotte after she tries to make her baby shower too cutesy. Richard asks Samantha to have a threesome with a 21-year-old for his birthday.
Aired: 2/3/2002

18. I Heart NY
Carrie is shocked to find out that Big is moving to Napa, California. Charlotte begins dating another recent divorcé. Miranda prepares for the new baby as her delivery date gets nearer. Samantha suspects Richard may be cheating on her.
Aired: 2/10/2002

Source: Tv-com, Wikipedia

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Smallville Season 8

Episode 1 : Odyssey
Green Arrow calls upon fellow heroes Black Canary, and Aquaman, to locate the missing Clark Kent, last seen in the Arctic. Meanwhile, a new CEO is appointed the head of LuthorCorp, and Chloe is kidnapped by a secret group who have discovered her special power.

Episode 2 : Plastique
Chloe invites an injured 15-year-old to move in with her. Meanwhile, Clark experiences his first day of work with Lois.

Episode 3 : Toxic
When Oliver is poisoned, he starts having flashbacks to the period when he gained his archery skills... and met Tess. Meanwhile, Chloe has to make a decision which surprises Clark.

Episode 4: Instinct
Tess and her team of scientists trigger a signal through the blue Kryptonian crystal. It reaches an alien princess, Maxima, who comes to Earth to seek a suitable mate... and whose kiss kills mortal men.

Episode 5: Committed
Chloe and Jimmy are among several couples kidnapped by a man who subjects his victims to a lie detector test to measure their feelings for each other, Clark and Lois pretend to be involved to lure out the kidnapper and find their friends.

Episode 6: Prey
A serial killer is on the loose in Metropolis, but Clark and Chloe find themselves on opposing sides when Clark believes that Davis Bloome is responsible, while Chloe defends her new friend.

Episode 7 : Identity
Jimmy takes a picture of Clark saving Lois from danger but it comes out in a blur on film. Tess decides the story should make front page for the Daily Planet. Chloe refuses to help Clark.

Episode 8: Bloodline
Clark receives a mysterious package containing the crystal that Tess found in the Arctic. When he touches it, it transports himself and a visiting Lois to the Phantom Zone where they meet Kara. She opens a portal to free Lois, but Zod's wife escapes and possesses her.

Episode 9 : Abyss
Brainiac strikes and replaces Chloe's memories with Kryptonian code. In order to help his best friend, Clark must ask for Jor-El's help. Meanwhile, Davis tries to get Chloe to understand that Jimmy is wrong for her.

Episode 10: Bride
Chloe and Jimmy have unexpected arrivals at their ceremony. Oliver is shocked to see Lana after expecting to find Lex. Lois and Clark begin to fall for each other.

Episode 11: Legion
Three superheroes from the future travel to the past and join Clark in hopes that together they can defeat Brainiac, who has taken over Chloe's body.

Episode 12 : Bulletproof
Using the name Joe Foreman, Clark goes undercover to discover why Detective John Jones was shot. Meanwhile, Lana confronts Tess and reveals the truth about her involvement with Lex.

Episode 13: Power
Clark discovers that Lana is missing and Tess Mercer may be responsible. Tess informs Clark of startling news concerning an old friend, then discovers startling news of her own at a secret LuthorCorp facility.

Episode 14 : Requiem
An explosion wipes out the LuthorCorp board of directors and narrowly misses Oliver. Clark and Lana track the explosive to Winslow Schott, a toymaker with a grudge against Oliver.

Episode 15: Infamous
When Clark's secret identity as the "Red-Blue Blur" is threatened, he decides to go public by having Lois publish his story. However, he soon discovers the price that goes with public fame.

Episode 16 :Turbulence
Tess Mercer invites Clark to accompany her to a press conference in Los Angeles, but when an accident cripples the plane, Clark must choose between saving Tess and revealing his powers, or letting her die. Meanwhile, Davis tries to control the Doomsday monster within.

Episode 17 :Hex
Chloe discovers how the other half lives when she wishes for a peaceful life like her cousin Lois... and a sorceress transforms her into Lois. Meanwhile, Clark receives a wish of his own.

Episode 18 : Eternal
Tess fails in her attempt to kill Davis. In order to try and explain his destiny, she captures him and unveils his past with the Luthors. Meanwhile, Clark and Chloe discover Davis' secret.

Episode 19: Stiletto
Lois needs a big story to boost her career, but the Red-Blue Blur proves too challenging for her investigative skills. However, when she rescues Chloe from a mugger, Lois decides to take advantage of the situation and disguise herself as Metropolis' newest hero - Stiletto. Although Clark disapproves, he soon finds himself counting on her help...

Episode 20 : Beast
Clark discovers the truth behind Davis' supposed death and angrily confronts Chloe when he realizes that she has been protecting him... but it may already be too late, as Davis ambushes Jimmy and Oliver at the Talon.

Episode 21: Injustice
Chloe pleads with Clark to end Davis' life since he can no longer control the beast within him. Tess and her team of meteor freaks help Clark track down Davis.

Episode 22: Doomsday
Despite the threat that Doomsday poses, Clark cannot bring himself to kill Davis--forcing Oliver and his team to take matters into their own hands. Chloe finds herself caught in the conflict between Oliver and Clark, while Lois takes on Tess.

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Unit Season 3 Guide

3x01 - Pandemonium (1) [SEASON PREMIERE]
Jonas is still in hiding, Mack and Hector are still imprisoned, Charles is on the run, Bob is in Mexico, working for the CIA and Colonel Ryan is again called to answer question before a Congressional hearing.

3x02 - Pandemonium (2)
Jonas works out a plan and the team reunites to clear their reputation. Kim is working behind the scenes to keep the CIA away from the other wives.

3x03 - Always Kiss Them Goodbye
The Unit is back together and ready to take on their next assignment when a bomb filled with a nerve agent stolen from a nearby base is discovered to be on its way to their home. On the home front, Jonas and Molly make plans to spend time together, Mack is ordered to move out of his home, and Kim proposes a new show for the station but ends up handling a crisis.

3x04 - Every Step You Take
The team travels to Abidjan, Ivory Coast to aid personnel from the American Embassy. They must get the Americans and their families out of the area. On the home front, Jonas’s daughter has enlisted in the Army and he wants to train her as well as to test her resolve.

3x05 - Inside Out
Jonas, Mack and Hector are assigned to recover a chip containing informatiaion that could prevent a possible terrorist attack. On the home front, Kim is ordered to bed, which leaves Bob caring for the children. Tiffy is fired from her job and must find new employment.

3x06 - M.Ps
Mack, Charles and Jonas are assigned to protect an American musician while she tours the army camps in Iraq. Bob is assigned to transfer a prisoner from a high-security prison. On the home front, Hector is set up with one of Tiffy's co-workers, which has surprising consequences for Tiffy.

3x07 - Five Brothers
The Unit is in Lebanon when Charles is seriously wounded. They must think and act quickly to save his life.On the Home Front, Tiffy's problems continue to build when a man she met at her job tows her car. The women stand up and fight to protect her.

3x08 - Play 16

Jonas goes on a solo mission, enlisting the help of some local militants to hunt down a terrorist known as "The Butcher". Charles is still recovering in the hospital, Mack takes on the task of arranging Hector's final funeral preparations, with the help of the other wives and Bob has been ordered to deal with the rescued journalist. Ryan must deal with the man sent by Washington to oversee the cover story.

3x09 - Binary Explosion
Charles goes undercover among gang members from his old neighborhood when it's discovered that they've been stealing explosives and weapons. Meanwhile, Tiffy gets hurt and Mack goes after her attackers.

3x10 - Gone Missing
In Montenegro, Bob has a moral dilemma when he disagrees with the team's mission. Tiffy discovers some information about Molly's past and decides to look into it further.

3x11 - Side Angle Side [SEASON FINALE]
A Russian scientist and a British MI5 agent are suspected of collusion. Jonas is sent to London to team up with the agent. However, things get complicated as Jonas had been engaged to the agent's wife earlier.


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