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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #600 gypsiegirl66's post

Well, even though I'm rather taller (5' 8.5") I love my heels, when I'm able to wear them.  My vertically challenged friends hate it when I do, because then I'm a giant, but sometimes, a girl's just got to have fun.   It's funny, my Granddad was only 5' 2"...and every time he saw me (especially in my heels) he say, "My God, I'm a pygmy!", to which I would always reply, "No Grandpa, I'm an Amazon."  Still makes me smile to think of it.   He was very like James Cagney...even the swagger.
I have a friend who is petite like you, and she has the same problem with finding clothes suitable for a woman, especially work clothes.  She does take advantage of the sales in the kids department when it comes to jeans & T's though.  Figures she might as well find something good out of her frustration.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I knew you girls looked familiar.....

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #602 dognxtdoor's post

You crazy dog............Are you pickin on us?


Reply #602 dognxtdoor's post

That's too funny!  Actually made me laugh out loud.  I knew you were a lurker.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #603 gypsiegirl66's post

Oh you know I love you two...hahaha Glad you guys got a chuckle out of it...took some doing to find a pic of them together
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #604 waterlilybarb's post

Since this is an all girls site I'd say he was a peeper.......LOL We still love ya though Dan!!


Reply #605 dognxtdoor's post

hahahahaha, we were typin at the same time lol

I'm still laughing hahaha at that pic


Reply #605 dognxtdoor's post know us too well.  You've been hiding in the corner, just wishing you were one of the girls, haven't you?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #600 gypsiegirl66's post

I have super hearing....ask my son I can hear him getting into trouble a mile away
I would also like to join the petite persons club, I am 5'3" (My husband is 6'1"!!).
As for clothes and shoes, I love them both. However, I am very very picky. I typically won't wear anything with the designers name where it can be seen- I just think it sucks to pay lots of $$ for something so I can advertise for someones company! I have a lot of problems finding clothes that fit me because although I am short, I am we will say "top-heavy." I have never been able to buy a two-piece set of anything!!! And I must have a terribly popular pants size because every time I look for pants, they have all the sizes below and above in petite but rarely my size. When I find a brand, I tend to stick with it- there are only two brands of jeans I find fit me properly and thats Levi's and Old Navy.

I do a lot of my shopping online right now because living in the UK on an American salary is EXPENSIVE. Everything costs me twice as much as in the states! For example, I bought my son school pants(he goes to a British school and has to wear a uniform) at one of the local Gaps- they were £18 which translates to $36 when I can buy them in the states for $18. Luckily I have an APO box (which is considered an American address) as well as a British address so shipping is always good for me no matter what country I buy from

Anyone have plans for the weekend? I am having my sons 9th b-day party Saturday afternoon and then about 2 hours after that ends I have to attend the Kahki Ball (formal dinner for the military E-7 plus). I am going to be so tired!!!!
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #609 silver1978's post

Well, I guess I'll have to be careful when I'm telling any secrets around you. (not to worry as part of the giggle box you'll most likely be hearing them all).
I hear you about finding clothes that fit, and I know all about that EU (sorry no key on my home puter). It's especially hard, when you children are growing leaps and bounds out of their clothes. Hope you have a great time at the Kahki Ball, enjoy getting all dressed up and having an evening away from the little ones w/ your hubby  


Hey girlies

Whahhhh!!!  You all left me alone, all day......sniffle, sniffle  I don't even have someone to hand me a tissue!!


I thought I would buy you one of these, for those times when no one is around to hand you a tissue.....

A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #612 dognxtdoor's post

Dan, you old dog, you.  Aren't you the sweetie...and such an attractive gift too.  A girl could wear it with any outfit.

Hey there little chica, sorry I missed you yesterday.  I'll be in and out today, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for you.  
In the mean time:  

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Oh my goodness, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard,

Thank you Dan, Someday when I finally learn to use photobucket, I'll definitely be repaying you for that gift!! I will absolutely be the, "talk of the town now"..........It's so good to know you're always thinking of me!!

Geeze Barb, I hope you had someone cute to help you out of that...........LOL


Reply #614 gypsiegirl66's post

Well, my cats are cute...they gnawed me out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #615 waterlilybarb's & dognxtdoor's post

Well, kitties are cute too!!

You guy's are crazy cooks, it's so good to know that I'm loved!!
                               I love you guy's too!!!



Reply #616 gypsiegirl66's post

You finally did it!  Good on ya'!  I'm well impressed girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


you better run little doggy!!!

Here comes the dog catcher:

HAHAHAHA see I got away


Reply #617 waterlilybarb's post

Yep, I just followed the instructions you PM'd a while ago and it was pretty easy. Once I figured out where everything was. Thanks for your help.......YAY for me!!!


Reply #619 gypsiegirl66's post

Look at you go!  You'll be unstoppable now.   I knew you'd figure it out, and for sure...YAY for you!

I'm logging out, as I'm almost falling asleep as I type.  Have a good night, and catch you when I can.

p.s. I finished SG Atlantis today.  Now I'm ready for the season premiere.  Next week will be great!  So many shows are's better than chocolate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

