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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

reply 78#78 bala's post

lol i said original
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 79#79 babysexylexy's post

i think we should create another topic ' Make up your own Grey's anatomy Episode' So as not ruin this topic other member who want to discuss season 7


reply 80#80 bala's post

ok go for it
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 73#73 babysexylexy's post

Yeah, 3 weeks without a new episode is tough!!

I have a girl, her name's Sofia =)


reply 82#82 studiojek's post

i love children for the past 5 days ive been helping out a friend her nine year old was really sick so i have been looking after her now i think ive got what she has,

by the way bala started a create your own greys show you should join in
always repect peoples opinions


omg dr hunt well the actor was a priest in father ted omg
always repect peoples opinions


Grey's Anatomy Discussion

Eagerly waiting for episode 11 now!


i know what you mean
always repect peoples opinions



Fantastic episode and Christina really showed what she made of it's funny how she couldn't ignore it and she did right thing even after being told he's the shooter she stayed behind. The candle light people singing was nice . Robbins has a new boss


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I thought what Callie said to Arizona was appropriate. Just because Arizona was back and ready to get together, Callie has tried to heal and move on.   

Bout time Yang got back in the ER!  Wow.  Took them half a season.    Annoying.

I really enjoyed what Meredith said to Derek in the OR.  Heck yeah she was a wife and no one acknowledged that because she can still function...  humph.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 88#88 arksongbird80's post

You're right, I loved the things Mer said and I loved the big silence afterwards
Also good that Avery told the mom of the shooter that he was still alive and that he changed his opinion thanks to what Alex said.
I loved Yang going after the ambulances and then having to step in to save the kid, only to find out that he was the shooter

And Arizona working under the new peeds guy is going to be fun!!


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I was impressed with Christina and even more for not walking out when they found out he was the shooter but the other surgeon wanting to amplitude the 15 year old leg without trying to save it first was horrible. Bailey cussing was amusing and the candlelight vigil was nice


Loved this episode, I think it's been the best so far this season (for me). I agree arksongbird, it is about time. I was giving out about that a few episodes back!!! Yang is back where she belongs. I think it was a good way to bring her back.

I love Scott Foley (Henry) - I had a thing for him when he was in Felicity!! I hope something happens with him and Teddy.

Agree about Callie, she was right to say those things to Arizona but I want them to work it out too.


Bailey really went the mile and glad Yang is back in the OR she really needed that fishing trip


Start Me Up

Well this good episode what a clif-hanger that was one hell bombshell she dropped at the end, i hope we see the new interns again we fresh blood in this show.


Reply 202#202 bala's post

Using a permanent marker on the new guys head and the evaluations was amusing and the bombshell in the lift was a great cliffhanger


Reply 203#203 codebreaker's post

This is why you shouldn't have a shaved head as a resident


Reply 204#204 bala's post


Ok, I loved this episode for several reasons.
First: the guy that was always in the way making Avery cranky and all, he saved a guy's life making Avery look stupid
Second: the guy that was following Christina apologizing for the evaluation after she talked to him outside
Third: I loved Mark and Arizona It was great to see him defending Callie and actually being serious and ...
At last: I loved that the chief read the evaluations, but I think there should have been a catch for Alex because he only thought that girl because she was pretty.
And I think it is going to be hard for Mer to find out that Callie is pregnant 'by accident' while she is trying so hard, but doesn't get pregnant.


Reply 205#205 kellemanske's post

I noticed we have to wait until February 3, 2011 for the next episode


Reply 206#206 bala's post

I don't really mind... I shouldn't be watching shows since I have exams

