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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

just think- her and meredith sisters- their men best friends........... just kidding. I think Sloane is too much for her.


Reply 41#41 Teachergirl's post

yeah but she sweet on him and he think she adorable


might be good for an affair but they could not make it as a couple I think. He'd need someone a bit more grown up.


Reply 43#43 Teachergirl's post

can you believe callign told slone her and Erica are now a couple?


I think Callie tries to see Mark as a friend since she obviously cannot discuss Erica with her best friend which happens to be...... Erica.


Reply 45#45 Teachergirl's post

is it just me or does mark seem more nicer this season ?


I think getting the man whore talk last season made him  realise that he might not be able to pull the little boy thing off so easily. If you remember that episode with the high school kids and the girls giggle not because they think he is cute but because he looks like one of their dads..... he gets older and Derek is thinking wife and kids and Addison moved on to her new job- so in a way the on-call room might not be enough for him anymore. And while he is a player... he can also be a good guy, otherwise Derek would not call him a friend. Not after Addison. So there has to be more of Mark than what we have seen so far. And it might be a good time to show some more- same with Alex.


Reply 47#47 Teachergirl's post

i forgot about that


Just got to watch this episode. I agree with everything you have said above !! I have to admit that I also want to see an end to the mer/der saga. They need to evolve this relationship a bit more. Then they can have the normal couple issues if they need story line ideas, but not this will I or won't I dance by mer !!!

Lexie + Sloane I like, Lexie + George I do not like !!! I think that because Lexie is a really nice person underneath it all, she could bring out Mark's good side a bit more. I think how this will play out though is that Lexie will pursue George, but he will rebuff her. All the while Mark will be becoming more of a friend and will be there to pick up the pieces. That's how I'd write it anyway !!!!


Yes, I think you are right about the Lexie/George/Sloan saga- I think George should not be allowed to have a relationship in this season. ;-)

I wonder if Mer, as weird as she is, can ever just have normal couple issues. Sigh. Funny how she is more or less the main character in a show and I like everything about the show BUT her.


Reply 50#50 Teachergirl's post

the whole show revolve around her


I just feel like yelling at Meredith: GET OVER YOURSELF! We all have problems! That poor guy who got rained on and almost electroshocke (but his luck finally turned around!) Alex, Izzy, Cristina, Bailey...EVERY one of them has had a rough life but they're not constantly pouting about how difficult and awful life is.Aggggh!!


Reply 52#52 studiojek's post

there are secondary  characters


Reply 53#53 bala's post

That is exactly my point: they are secondary characters and she is the supposed MAIN character, so why do they have to make her so whiney and BORING all the time!??

And you bala, you really get a kick out of being so argumentative all the time don't ya!?


Reply 54#54 studiojek's post

no i don't i'm just bored nothing to chat about on sunday afternoon killing time waiting for tomorrow


Reply 55#55 bala's post

LOL ok then, debate away!


Reply 56#56 studiojek's post

you how it is on sunday-the game site score board isn't avaliable or not working no idea when it will be fixed


Reply 57#57 bala's post

Oh, that's too bad. Are there any other websites you could play games on?


Reply 58#58 studiojek's post

yeah but none score board system with members

this one unique because i know majority regular member so i know who to beat


I think it would actually do the show good if Meredith moved aside for a bit and we could focus on the other people in the show. It IS hard to find storylines for her and derek we haven't seen all over again. So why not make room and let others tell their stories- Mark, Alex, Christina, Bailey.......... I'd really really enjoy that for a break. Could we send Meredith to some boot camp for whiney doctors for a bit? Just say, three episodes? Please?

