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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #560 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm the same, especially since I became a mod.  I came to the site looking for a place to watch the shows I had missed.  Now I'm lucky if I watch one episode.  I'm trying to be a bit more balanced with it, especially while it's not so busy.  Once the new season starts, people will be posting in the forums about the shows, and I'll be kept on my toes again.

p.s. Is he a spy?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #561 waterlilybarb's post

Well let's just say I'd have to kill you if I told you what he did...LOL.  Yes the new season will bring lot's of peeps to the site I hope, I'm really looking forward to it. I'd like to see this site become a site, where peeps come to chat about there shows and the characters on them, (that's what I like to do). Is it like that during the Fall season? If so we'd better out on our dancing shoes, if you got my PM you'll know why I said we!!!!


Reply #562 gypsiegirl66's post

I'd rather stay alive, thank you very much.

You will definitely notice a difference when new episodes start airing.  People talk about shows, episodes, characters, and in cases of shows like Lost and Heroes, we like to discuss theories on what's going to happen and where we think the story is headed.  It really is good fun.  You'll enjoy it.   

p.s. Those dancing shoes better be sturdy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #563 waterlilybarb's post

Not to worry, I'm fast on my feet and although my shoes are a little weathered, they are broken in just right so I'll get no blister's.
Now, that's what i'm talking about, real discussions. Awww, my mouth is watering, I can't wait to join in all the fun.!!


well girlie

I'm headed to the Doc, I'll be back in a couple of hour's see ya then.


I'm Baaack!!!

Hey girlie, did you get to watch any of Atlantis while I was gone or were you here posting away??
Doc went well, all new tests and set me up for my next epidural, yay (not)!!

Reply from Me : Sorry I missed you today.  You're a braver gal than I am Gunga Din.  You couldn't pay me to ever have a needle stuck in my spine again.  The last time I had an LP, I had a severe post reaction and wound up in hospital for 2 weeks.  I only went in for a couple of tests.  That'll teach me.  I hope your epidural goes well, and the tests come back with some fabulous (I know, unlikely) news.  Catch ya later 'gator!


Good afternoon!!

Hey girlie, how ya feeling? I missed you last night, hope you're just busy with the everyday life stuff. Me, I'm having an excellent day!!  My head has to decided to remain quiet, with just an occasional tap for the past day or so. That is so very mush better than the constant banging I am used to, as you are well aware of.
I am also, very happy that I have moved up in this world of ours, now I just need to figure out how all this new stuff works ......LOL.  I'll get there though. This was a nice surprise to wake up to this morning, I like the feel of the new duds too.
Well, I hope you are feeling good today and that we get to chat soon,  see you later  


What about me i am still here and on Vacation? Now you just love Barb


Reply #568 gabsimom's post

Oh nooooo, I still love you tooooo!! I didn't know you were around. How are ya girlie????  How's the vaca going?/ Having a greeeaat time I hope?? Bringing gift's home to all us nerd's??

Thank God you showed up too, I'm sure people were starting to think I have multiple personalities ....LOL


Reply #567 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm up to episode 12 now...only 9 more to go.  I'll be ready for season 4!

I've been away today because my sister had a baby last night.  I have a beautiful new nephew, and a VERY sore little sister.  She had to have an emergency C-section...but everyone is healthy and safe now.  I'm a bit tired, and will be at the hospital for a while tomorrow as well.  It's not far from where I live (closer than where my sister lives), so I'm taking advantage of the time with my sis and the baby.  So far, my niece is excited...sort of.   She likes the idea of a brother more than the fact of him, I think.  She's 6...going on 21.

The new duds look good on ya girl!  Glad I could finally make my welcome post.

Hey Tina!  Nice to see you in Tunisia.  I hope the holiday is going well and was sorry to miss you earlier.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #570 waterlilybarb's post

A new nephew how exciting, a new addition to the family always bring joy. NEW LIFE, Oh how I love to hear about that!! Yes, big sisters get excited at the birth, but there can be a little new baby syndrome,, arter that newness where's off....she'll be fine though. Definitely take advantage of that time you have with you sis and new neph, time is so valuable!!

You gave me quite the welcome, you're pretty good with that puter of your's eh? Me, I have no clue as to how you put my welcome up in light's, but it was FANTASTIC, thank you!!!!

My day started off great yesterday and slowly went down hill, I had to put on a pair of ski's to keep up with it. That's how I able to get some of the things I wanted to accomplish in ER done.........LOL  


Reply #571 gypsiegirl66's post

Glad you liked the welcome...I kept checking your status before I went to bed the night before, to see if LBJ had appointed you yet, but had to wait until the morning.  As for the pics, I've only learned how to do that since I came to this site.  Jane (janenjab) helped me a lot, and explained how to do that for me...along with a few other things.  Everyone is so helpful here, and it has helped me be a bit more 'puter savvy.

I see you've been busy...those skis have you flying!  Both of your forums are looking good.  Keep up the good work.

p.s. Had a great time today.  I spent a few hours at the hospital, getting to cuddle my nephew for much of the time.  Was also able to help my sis out, with getting around.  He's such a little peanut...only 6lbs 4oz, but he's so alert, quite far not a big cryer...and has big blue eyes.  I'm hoping they either stay blue or turn green.  My sister and niece have brown eyes, but I have green eyes like our dad.  He died when my sister was only 19 months old...the baby's middle name is our dad's name...and I would love it if at least ONE of my nieces or nephews had our eyes.  They tell me to have my own baby if I want one to look like me , but there's not a chance I'd start having kids now...even if I were married.  If I really had wanted children, I would have had them in my 20's.  Besides, with poor health it would be way too much work.  I can enjoy everyone else's kids, and when I'm tired, I can send them back home.  It's the best of both worlds, really.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #572 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, those ski's do come in handy, unfortunately today I had to spend the evening getting them fixed. They kept banging and bouncing on the water, the ski Dr. said they needed to be waxed. So, I had a few nice cold iced tea's and relaxed while they were being fixed...LOL .

I hear ya about the children, mine are all grown up now. I could not imagine having a child at this age, my goodness it frightens me to even think about it. To be ill an have one, well that is a hardship I wouldn't wish on anyone.
I'm so happy to hear about the little paenut, oh how I love lttle babies. I can just sniff the top of his head from here. I hope he has blue/green eyes too. I think that, that would be just awesome!!

Thank you for the info on the pic's, I'm sure it will be of great use to me. Now, if I can just figure out why I can't get my pic into my custom avatar, I'll be all set.....  


Reply #573 gypsiegirl66's post

Does it give a message like the image is too big?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #574 waterlilybarb's post

Nope, just says completed and pops back into my CP screen and noyhing is there


Reply #575 gypsiegirl66's post

Could be a temporary glitch in the system.  Have you tried reloading your old board avatar to see if that works?  Try it, you can always remove it again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #576 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I don't know why, but when I re-loaded my board avatar the one I had been trying to load popped up instead, yay!! I decided not to mess with it anymore, looks like you're my good luck charm!! Thank You!!

I just came on to check to see if I had any messages and to check my boards. I've had to take some down time the past few days, I'm sure you can understand that. Wouldn't it be nice if these spells only came when we actually had time to give up, it seems like sometime they know when you want or need to be doing something, like the day after I get my comod, that's life for ya, eh?  


Reply #577 gypsiegirl66's post

Nice to see a pic under your name...I'll have to get used to looking for Wentworth Miller now, though.
Glad you got that issue resolved...however it happened.

Re: the other...I hear you on that.  I'm just here for a quick check as well.  Not feeling that spiffy today, and I have to go out for a bit.  Just wish I felt better.  I'll be back later to close the Heroes Quiz.  Until then, toodle-oo.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Congrats Auntie. I waited to have my little guy that has kept me young. One of my old chums son is driving and mine is learning to use the potty. Headaches all around today


Reply #579 gabsimom's post

Thanks Tina!   I was at the hospital again today, and got to give him tons of cuddles.  

For some people, like yourself, having children when they're a little ...more mature, shall I say out well.  I have friends my age who are just starting their families, or have fairly young children.  It's nice, I just know that with my situation, it's not for me.  I have young 'uns around often though, and they do keep you young.  I also have friends of all ages, so I always feel heart anyway.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

