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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I really liked this episode. It was nicely done. Can't believe Mary died; that was so tragic. I wonder how long Callie and Arizona will be gone for?

One thing that didn't make sense from a continuity point of view.....they were back in their light blue scrubs!!! They got their dark blue ones last week so this didn't quite ad up.


Reply 39#39 shinny's post

Unless i was mistaken last week the attending had to submit their proposal to chief so temporary the 4th year resident were made attending just for that period. Once Chief selected who was getting the money they went back to being 4th year attending.


Reply 40#40 bala's post

Ah, you're probably right. I was watching it in the States last week in a friend's house (I was in New York) and her little boy was distracting us so I may have missed that. Thanks. Makes sense.


Reply 37#37 bala's post

This was a great documentary style episode, Karev was great with Lily but loosing Mary was tragic and the alarm lock down could of been fatal all thanks to Lexie


I understand Lexie's frustration, but it was stupid to just run through! I mean, it isn't that much of a deal to show the pass and go through the detector. But they should have made an exception for the doctors or something (then again they can do stupid things too)


That's me Trying

I certainly wasn't expecting Yang to blame Meredith.  

I understood Bailey's quest for answers.  Sorry she wasn't able to find them that day...

Arizona breaking up with Callie wasn't entirely unexpected.  Although the "we're yelling at each other in an Airport, we're already over" was a bit harsh.   I mean, Callie needed time to adjust to leaving her life, her practice and all her accomplishments to go to Africa.  Just because Arizona had a dream for years and years, she needed to give Callie time to find her dream in africa.  Love isn't always enough.  Life gets in the way...  Surely Arizona knew how much Callie loved her and Callie had already started trying to find positive things she would get out of the experience...  Now Callie, might could have kept her mouth shut more.  That could have helped.

I'm holding out hope for McSteamy and Little Gray.....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 44#44 arksongbird80's post

Well she has every right blame to Medieth i mean what she said was true but i am surprised she quit and look promo next week she still in the show.

Arizona breaking up with Callie wasn't entirely unexpected- Yes i knew that relationship would eventually end


Reply 44#44 arksongbird80's post

YES, me too - Little Grey and McSteamy just have to get back together! LOL at the butt-enhancement girl too!

yes, Callie and Arizona breaking up wasn't a surprise - but I also think Arizona was a bit harsh. However, better to maybe cut things off if she wasn't entirely sure she could handle waiting for Callie to adjust. Maybe Arizona just realized that in the long run it probably wasn't what she wanted anyway.

I can't believe that everyone just let Christina walk around all this time not being able to be on her own or do anything - she was like a walking time bomb and it's a good thing she didn't kill anyone!


7x07 That\\\'s Me Trying

Christy did look like she needed some junk in her trunk and its a shame Miranda couldn\'t find out why Mary died but i loved Aprils determination during their trauma certification drill


Something's Gotta Give

Alex you idiot what he did to April was awful but i am glad he got punched. Christina seem going a bit crazy i can't Callie allow her cut her hair . Derek conversation with Christina was nice


I'm so sick of the Christina storyline now. It's done to death, they need to end it soon!!


Reply 49#49 shinny's post

Well think about most of the pervious season Christina didn't have much of story-line apart Burke  & Owen they hasn't been much of focus on her. Just like Izzy story-line i have feeling this season-long story-line.


Reply 50#50 bala's post

I agree the christina nonsence needs to GO!

FYI:  Ya'll probably already know this, but I recently found out the actress who plays Arizona, is out on Maternity leave.  That opens all kinds of ideas for her coming back...

According to Kristin Dos Santos at E! Online, Capshaw's departure is for maternity leave, and she is expected to return. "As for Jessica Capshaw's Arizona, I'm told she's set to return to the set "very soon" from her real-life maternity leave, so you won't have to go too long without her," she wrote, saying that Callie should be back to work at Seattle Grace by episode 10 in the wake of Arizona's departure.

@bala....LUUUUUVE the pic.

[ Last edited by arksongbird80 at 11-15-2010 17:16 ]
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 48#48 bala's post

What Alex's did to April was diabolical and he deserved what he got but his idea to save the baby was impressive


Reply 51#51 arksongbird80's post

Well i didn't know that but it's nice

i am getting positive feedback on my new avatar


Slow Night, So Long

Well this felt like filler episode with it about different hours Surgeons and resident worked. The teenage couple who super glued each other was sweet


Reply 54#54 bala's post

Christina was a terrible barmaid and the young lovers was nice but Dr Stark was a jerk


Adrift and at Peace

Christina caught a fish and started crying which shows she starting to feel better and i hope teddy patient doesn't turn into a Deni situation.


Reply 56#56 bala's post

Well said.  I also do not want to see another Deni situation.

You have no opinion about Arizona and Callie??   I thought it was harsh that she slammed the door in A's face.  I thought it took alot of courage to drop her dream and come home because she loves callie.  

The whole Yang thing is annoying.
Meredith and Kevin McKidd (character name i can't remember ) had a good run until he threw her out.  I think he had more issues than she did.
Bailey needs to be the nazi again....she's getting predictable and boring.
I love that McSteamy and Little Gray kissed.  I liked them together.
Where's the SEX!
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


I saw the thing with the dying patient coming from miles away. It was too predictable.
About Arizona and Callie, I think Callie had all rights to slam the door in her face cause Arizona wasn't nice to her when they broke up. She just left Callie on the airplane when Callie needed some time to adjust to the idea. And when A. finds out she needs Callie, she comes running back and Callie just has to accept that? I mean, A has to understand that she is toying with Callies feelings, and Callie doesn't have to accept that.
I think that it isn't logical that Yang responds better to the things Derek suggests then to the things Meredith thinks are best for Christina. I mean: Mer knows her the best and Derek never liked her very much. Still it seems like things are resolving and that's good cause it is getting pretty boring.
Christina's husband Owen Hunt and Meredith in the OR was just funny but I think Mer was right. Owen needs to take is own advice and leave his personal life out of the OR. And it was nice what Mer said to the patient in the end and I think Owen understood it was to him as well :-).
Mcsteamy and little Gray was also predictable, but since I like them together, I don't mind that :-) I like that Avery came in to say there was an emergence like she had asked and that she sent him away
Can't wait to see next epi!

