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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Okay so let's remember that it was Avery who ticked the gunman.  Not Christina.  She probably would have gotten shot.  I think she and Owen are back on - but I'm sad because I was kinda rooting for her and Avery. He's just a cutie with a sweet heart!  As for Mark & Lexie -- I really hope that is back on.  She said she was with Alex, but he was asking for Izzie.  So Lex needs to step aside, he's not ready for her anyways.

Sad about Mer's baby.  Derek didn't even know.  

Also, I heard Avery & Kepner are regulars next season - which I'm stoked about.  I was sad when she was gone for awhile. haha I liked her on Everwood.  Anywho, I think she had a nice bonding moment with Mer, and will get over her little thing for Derek.  Crazy ending though.  I liked that there were no major cliffhangers, thank goodness for that!


I think a cliffhanger might have been overkill in that finale. I am glad Avery is going to be a regular- I liked him..... not that sure about Kepner yet but thanks to the previous post in this thread I finally know where I saw that face- Everwood! I was trying to remember all season and had no idea!!


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Discussion (Spoilers)

So this was average start to the season but Medieth really seem want to get cleared but she doesn't and all she has to tell the guy she lost a baby than she get cleared and it does look like Derek has become an Adrenaline Junkie as result of the shooting.

I am glad Christina got married

Bailey i am glad she has decided to make spending time with Tucker a priority  but i am disappointed that she decided break up with that guy because he wasn't in same situation doesn't understand what she went through.

It was great to see chief dancing


Reply 1#1 bala's post

I gotta say this was a great beginning.  It opens the door to issues through out the season.  Marriage prob. Derek will be arrested one too many times.  Carrev will alienate everyone finally.  Not sure about little grey (lexi) but look forward.  Thought it was funny how Arizona got to psyched out about what Torres wanted to talk about. LOL.

" Move in with you.  You mean like I am already??  That's it."  Classic!!

The chief dancing. Brialliant.  Glad he's back in the power seat.  good place for him.

Miranda.  Well I can understand that.  It's hard to deal and make someone else understand at the same time.  She needs space until she's whole again.  Maybe before end of the season they'll hook up again.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


It was a good season opening. Seeing how they all deal with the aftermath was well made and it did bring up a few interesting points that I am sure will be the focus of the next few episodes to come. What I really liked was Christina, glad she and Hunt got married.
And the Chief dancing- that was BRILLIANT!


Forgot to add- he was almost as good as Hugh Grant dancing in Love Actually! ;)


loved this season opener. i really liked that it was set months later and the use of flashbacks to tell the story better.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


7x01 With You I'm Born Again

This was a nice season opener with the hospital staff trying to deal with physical and emotional trauma in the wake of the deadly rampage from last season. Derek decision to resign as Chief and goes back into surgery after that great applause on his return was great


I am glad they did the jump in time- it made it easier to deal with the aftermath of the shooting by focusing on flashbacks rather showing it all.
I liked the camera/storyboard technique in this episode. They had a few interesting ones last season too and whoever directed this one- good job. Getting antsy bc of spoilers for next episode- looks like fresh drama ahead.


I agree, am also glad they did "the jump", that last episode was so HARD to watch, doing things this way made it lighter again, though still difficult for the characters.

I also liked this opener. The only thing bugging me is that every time Derek has a problem, he deals with it in the same crazy way. I hope he doesn't take the same route again this time. And, yes, Meredith is probably not ready for surgery yet, but neither are any of the other crazies!!!


Shock to the System

Well the second episode was great first of all guys declared there love for that girl but she choose bald headed guy was amusing. Grey finally gets cleared. Lexie telling Sloane off just when he was going propose to her .


Reply 9#9 bala's post

That was amusing when all the guys were after Kerry and Andrew was right not to sign Cristina off, it's about time that Alex had the bullet in his chest removed


This second episode was pretty good. I liked the ending when Mer makes it clear she had already "fixed" Christina before Owen came up and gave his nice speech!

I'm starting to get bored with Arizona and Callie though...if all they are going to talk about is paint colors!


This episode was good.  Derek's sister was a good background filler.  I didn't know he had sisters so that was a good story line. Bit over the top that she's a neurosurgeon too tho.  

Callie and Arizona are a bit callus and I'm kinda not liking them right now.  

REALLY glad derek has taken Christina under his wing.  I hope a decision will be made about her career before christmas and they don't prolong this too long.

The meredith/derek baby angle is going to be a good story arc.
Not sure about Marc and Lexie.  She finally figures it out that he's in love with her.  She get's her act together , only to have him making out with derek's sister.  BAHH...cliche.  Would love to see them back together....
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 12#12 arksongbird80's post

Lexie really scream when she saw the man hands was awful but his wife leaving him when surgeons told them they couldn't skin graph his body and spider thing was funny. Webber helping Alex elevator was nice.


thought this was a great episode and really enjoyed Aprils rant at the end. i like meredith am starting to like her more and more lol.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Good episode. So far I really love this season. Bailey and the spider- priceless. It was great to see more of Derek and his sister but does Mark have to start something with each and every sister Derek has?!? That was so typical Mark and just when Lexie was about to get closer to him again. Oh dear.
But I wish they had made Amelia a regular on GA and not on PP. Somehow I can imagine her much better at Seattle Grace. Is that just me?


Reply 15#15 Teachergirl's post

No I definitely think she fits in with the crazies in Seattle much better!

I, like Meredith, am liking April more and more! I am glad they gave her a bigger role - it's funny, they killed off almost all of the 2nd years, it's like they hired them all to see who'd work best and then just killed off the ones that weren't interesting! I think something will happen between her and Avery actually...

I also hope they don't drag out this Christina thing for too long. Yes, I know, they're all "superfreaks" and everything, but does every season HAVE to have someone going crazy?


Reply 16#16 studiojek's post

avery and april? mmmm... i dont know maybe. i wish christina would come back i miss her old christina, new christina is annoying lol.

i wish derek and meredith would discuss the miscarriage though it just kind of hanging out there.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 17#17 angel-87's post

does he know ?

i thought she didn't tell him ?

