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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

A lot of it was also in the other preview clips- and a few things I was able to guess correctly. It is going to be interesting....



Did that really happen !   I knew this man was mad about his wife being killed or unplugged, but OMG ! to do a rampage like this OMG ! .  this is the best 2 hours of my life I have ever seen on Grey's


Reply 181#181 minnieholly's post

Well he was grieving and he only planned to shoot Derek but because other doctor were ignore him he had no choice but to make them listen to him but shooting doctors. Lexie was lucky .

Christina did a fantastic job   Bailey lying to gunmen to save her life was smart .

This was a great season-finale :)


Reply 182#182 bala's post

sure was
The Mod Police Are Watching You


It's still giving me goose bumps even though I saw it on tv from my pvr .   and Merideth losing the baby that just shows you waht shock can do on the body.


Amazing Finale, simply Amazing.

Reid getting shot was had a major impact. Wow!

McBaby didn't last very long though. Poor Mer, her happiness was short lived. Well done Christina for doing such a good job and with a gun to her head part of the time!

Lexie loves Alex, but Alex still loves Izzy. Uh-oh, there's gonna be trouble next season.

Miranda was smart, very smart to pretend she wasn't a surgeon. Poor Charles though.

The only thing I found a bit far-fetched in all of this was how long it took S.W.A.T. to get in !!


Reply 185#185 shinny's post

i kind of knew the baby wouldn't last long this isn't private practice but greys anatomy . It's a shame but question now will she tell Derek?.


Reply 186#186 bala's post

THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!!!!  Loved every min of the episode.  Every aspect of it was great.  

SWAT taking so long, was a bit disappointing   Loved how they rid of all the Mercy West people though.  Are they cutting personnel in General, or is there new blood coming.  

One of the BEST season finales I've ever seen, and one of the best episodes of Grey's I've ever seen.  YAY!!!!!   


Reply 187#187 arksongbird80's post

I suspect they will get new actors for next season


Yes how they got rid of mercy west people without hurting thier feelings was priceless.

but this finale was one that really had me on th edge of my seat and I almost had nightmares from it.  Alex saying Izzy name could be because of him being under a lot of stress from being shot. it might not be serious.  

Owen coming in to help Yan well that was something to see he almost got himself killed. What happened to his Army training I thought he would have stopped the gunman.

SWAT was dissapointing if it was a cop type show they would be able to pin point the gun man along time ago and shoot him from the outside. and they only shot his shoulder they should have got him in between the eyes.


Well, Shonda wasn't kidding. This was one killer finale. (sorry for the pun) I need to watch this several times- I think I missed bits and pieces because I was literally jumping up and down. What a finale. You know, I hated the dead denny season five so much that I did not even bother to get the boxed set of the last season. And the last finale, the 007 was unexpected but it was too much Izzie. This one? BRILLIANT. And I must say this season was miles better too. Some real developments and I know I wasn't keen on the Mercy West gang. WOnder if they'll introduce replacements. But if something like that happened in real life, I'd probably ask for a job transfer. I'd always look over my shoulder and I'd find it hard to feel secure. I think Mer has to come to terms with it. I was so sad that McBaby wasn't to be but at least she knows now that she actually WANTS kids so it may not be out of the question for good???


INSANE season finale!! I'm also probably going to have nightmares about it though  - every time they shot another angle of that empty hospital I got chills, then when Clark showed up with his gun, I got so creeped out!!!

I still prefer Lexie and Mark together, despite the age difference. I wasn't sure if I wanted Christina and Owen together but by the end of the episode I decided I like them as a couple =) Too bad about McBaby though =(


Reply 191#191 studiojek's post

I think there IS a future for Mark and Lexie- Alex asking for Izzie rather than for Lexie..... somehow that means that he too would not be too sad if Lexie went back to Mark. Once he's back to normal. The threesome looked like he was back into his old form. ;)


OMG   What a finale.  Best finale this year.  I agree with comments above, the police/SWAT were slow to move, especially because the hospital has a large glass wall which they can see through and shoot the guy with the gun.  I actually expected them to shoot him when he was about to shoot Derek.

You have got to give it to Meredith, she continued working while having a miscarrage, she did pass it off though as unimportant.  This will feature heavily i think in the first few episodes of next season i reckon.

I really like Callie and Arizona, now the problem with children is over they an get on with being a couple

[ Last edited by slade01 at 5-21-2010 17:16 ]


Reply 193#193 slade01's post

OMG that was bloody awesome. i agree with everything above except that meredith passed the misscarrage off as unimportant. she was completly in shock over derek thinking that he was dead one minute but they were faking it. and she was trying to make sure owen was ok for christina and he was resisting. she seemed like she was numb from it all and couldnt have another break down right then.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


You have got to give it to Meredith, she continued working while having a miscarrage, she did pass it off though as unimportant.  This will feature heavily i think in the first few episodes of next season i reckon.
She knew it was important but she a doctor first so she prioritise what was important


I think several of them had to learn to be a doctor first- like Yang when she kept operating with the gun to her head. That was incredibly brave and in a way, when she took control- it shows she's no longer that student- Burke put her out there too soon but this time- I feel she was truly ready to be in charge. In a way it was the same with Bailey- knowing when to be the surgeon (Yang) and her knowing when it may be better to say you aren't one (Bailey).
As far as finales go? I think this is my faovurite GA finale so far.


Reply 196#196 Teachergirl's post

Yes but she promised her friend she would do everything save her husband life and she did that i thought it great how she made the gunman think he was dead and when he walked out she start it again .


What an amazing season final with Meredith continued working while having a miscarriage and Christina for continuing with a gun to her head but unplugging the monitor was a brilliant was to trick the killer


I was a supper ending to the season. I am sad to see some of the people going that are but the staff positions did not need all the doctors they had.

Mereidith loosing the baby was something I could see happening because she is a surgeon and I could not see the show going on with her having a baby. It also really brought out the best in everyone. It show how much they have learned and will really be great surgeons.

