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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 159#159 arksongbird80's post

i think they will break as well which is a shame because i like Arizona


I like the season so far- loved the way Mer dealt with that lovestruck intern- it was hilarious when she walked into Derek's office.
Mark's decision was a hard one but even *I* feel more comfortable knowing his daughter will not raise the little guy- she seemed so helpless, I think she needs to grow up first and in the end it was good someone told Mark it was not his son after all.
Now- the big breakup that we were promised for the finale? I don't think it is going to be Arizona and Callie because we all expect it after the last couple of episodes. I think the Christina/Owen/Teddy thing is more probably or- as the fallout... after all she's Mark's "Flavour of the Day" as Derek put it- could it be a break between MARK and DEREK? But I think it is going to be the Christina triangle. If she was to choose between Owen and Teddy? Or lose both in the end? She always says she puts cardio first but what if she does and then realizes that it wasn't it after all?
Personally, I'd find that more interesting than the Arizona/Callie thing.


Reply 161#161 Teachergirl's post

So true teachergirl's so true!  I agree entirely!


But knowing SHonda and the writers we could all be SO wrong. Like the George thing- we all assumed he was going to enlist and that would be it and then........ 007.


How Insensitive

This was great episode in humanity we all made fat jokes but this episodes showed a different side to being obese and i am glad he didn't die and will able to see his kid grow up. . Those doctor making fun of his wife when they found out she pregnant was rather awful-these weren't intern there doctors. .

So Callie get a phone number from a patient who likes her that was so out of blue don't you think?.

Christina actually show some compassion with that girl and we found out that her dad past away and she was great, it ain't often cracks in her characters but it was nice she choose girl over doing surgery.

Merdieth really need to not butt into other people business she should just leave it the situation and keep things to herself. . She needs to respect her husband new position and should act according, she really needs to learn not to be so emotional. I hope she will work on it.


Interesting episode- and Alex has come a very long way! Zoom back to the first episodes- who'd have thought that he could be the one who gets the guy to agree to the surgery? And how he signed the papers and THEN kissed Little Grey! Just like that. He's turned out to be a good guy. He has shown it in the Izzie drama but I for myself did worry he'd lose it after the whole return from the dead thing. Instead- he grew up and he's a good guy.
As for Christina- interesting that she did not go to Meredith with the whole breakdown. Why did she go to Owen? Because he showed her his personal drama and she feels he can handle it better?
Calliezona breakup- sweet and sad. But really over yet? Somehow I do not think this is final already. I am however sure that theirs is NOT the breakup announced for the finale. It could be Meredith and Christina. Somehow. Over the Owen/Teddy thing. If she tells Christina Owen did not do what she asked him to do?


Reply 164#164 bala's post

Christina was great with that girl but Bailey wining the bet for the guys weight considering the sensitivity training at the start was hypocritical


not that bailey took great care at teaching that class in the first place!


Reply 167#167 Teachergirl's post

Well she rushed through it because she was expecting him to be at the hospital at any moment


yes- but somehow I only bought half of it and her joining that pool did not surprise me.


Shiny Happy People

Great episode and Slone made a move for lexie was wrong but i am glad she decided to stay with Alex. Next week the two hour season-finale i can't wait.


I just watched both episodes together.

I'm glad Meredith went to Owen about Christina. They were friends before any relationships and extremely good friends too. Interesting now the Teddy heard the whole thing.

I'm glad Sloan made his feelings for Lexie known, but I feel sorry for Alex. He's just literally put himself back out there.

Loving Miranda's new guy. He is very cute


Hm- interesting setup for the finale. I am not too sure what Lexie is going to do. Her and Alex seem more natural together considering Lexies age. Mark made it pretty clear that he's looking for a family and marriage.
Bailey- great this episode. It was about time.......... she deserves to be singing in the elevator.
Meredith and Christina- still not sure the storm is over.
Owen/Christina/Teddy........ uh oh. I think I see a breakup coming. I can understand how Owen says he doesn't know where he stands. But I doubt he can ever fully let go of Teddy and that may be something Christina isn't going to take. But Teddy and the threesome? Interesting........
Arizona Callie......... they're so not over yet.


Reply 170#170 bala's post

Miranda and Ben humming the same song was amusing considering she didn't want anyone to know and Karev treating a troubled teenage patient whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia was great


Originally posted by codebreaker at 5-16-2010 10:07  
Miranda and Ben humming the same song was amusing considering she didn't want anyone to know and Karev treating a troubled teenage patient whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia was great
Definitely another great elevator scene. Someone should make a video for youtube with all the elevator scenes.


Reply 174#174 Teachergirl's post

Because it's copyright those video get taken down


They should do it themselves then- maybe include as an extra in the dvd boxed sets! I'd definitely enjoy it.


BTW, who's getting excited about the finale? I saw the promos and spoilers and I hope some things are true- especially regarding Meredith!!


Oh dear- just saw the first ten minutes of the finale and OMG! This is going to be one nail-biting episode..........


Reply 178#178 Teachergirl's post

i didn't post that on here because i know temptation i actually avoid watch it.

