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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Time Warp

I agree with both Studio and Bala on this one. I don't think Ellis was particularly mean, she just never should have had a child. She was never cut out to be a mother and hence how she treated Meredith. There are lots of women, in the past and maybe still even today (but not so much) who have children because that is what they feel is expected of them. Unless you want a child, they will only become an inconvenience. Society tends to frown on parents (maybe not openly) who don't want to have children. Friends of my Brother and his wife don't want to have children, they decided. I don't know how many times I've heard people saying to them "Maybe you'll change your mind" - But why should they? That's their decision. At least they have the courage of their convictions to know they'd couldn't fully give to having children.

My personal opinion, by the way, is that if you do become a parent, then the child should be both of your priority, everything else becomes secondary. So it's a major commitment to make and shouldn't be taken lightly. You are shaping how a human being is going to turn out, that's fairly significant!


Perfect Little Accident

What I liked most about this episode is to see Richard coming back on form. Mark can't deal with his feelings so he's burying them by sleeping around; return of the old Mark.

By the way, Lexie's hair is horrid blond!! She needs to go back to being a brunette !! lol



This was another little gem of an episode that focus more on character personal lives than them being doctors, it was interesting to see Bailey panic over her 3rd date and what a guy telling Bailey to speak to him like a person and i am hoping it will last.

Slone and teddy i figured that was best part of this episode i am actually hoping they become a serious couple but what a way to start a conversation about breast implants . That is a cute story to tell the kids if they get married.. i am getting ahead of myself here but i can't help it despite the fact when we meet Slone he was a jerk he has grown up and there's more to him and i hoping a happy ending for his character he deserves it.

I wish there  was more to the episode than what actually happen


6x16 Perfect Little Accident

I thought what Yang did for the cancer patient was great


Reply 143#143 codebreaker's post

it's a good thing it worked otherwise she would kill the patient .


Reply 142#142 bala's post

Torres didn't look happy when Robbins said see didn't want kid's


I've got to say..."come ON Grey's" .  they are just getting weaker and weaker every episode. I guess we need a sweeps episode.  But even Meredith just  let-it-go when derek took her surgery.  That's was horrible of him and lame for her to just take it.  What was  up with Army Guy doing the flashback for no reason. Christina did nothing, Karev did nothing...there was Teddy killing someone at least that was Something.     ehh it was just a 4 for me.  Bahh...and I"m a devoted fan.  Maybe the reruns on lifetime are killing the new ones for me.  I'll keep at it though....  Good luck GREY"S


Reply 146#146 arksongbird80's post

The flashback were provide background on why he doesn't want kill that patient it was used to explain emotional things he faced about letting that guy die in desert.


Reply 147#147 bala's post

I thought the flashback's were a real insite to Owen's past and why he did what he did


Okay so that wasn't so bad!  Yay grey's. You're making a come back.  I thought it was a good episode.  They could have taken Alex's brother and made a 2 ep-arc, but it worked out.  Faith, restored.


Reply 149#149 arksongbird80's post

yes it was a good episode alex brother really provided insight over what Alex life was like before he became a doctor and better understanding why he is who he is.  It was emotional episode but one good episode doesn't replace a whole season?.


Reply 150#150 bala's post

Nahh it doesn't replace the whole season, but at least the writters haven't fallen off the deep end. They still have good work in them.  Hope Bala, Hope!  Each week will stand on it's own though.  We'll see...


Reply 151#151 arksongbird80's post

Well there only another 5 more episode before the season is over


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6x19 Sympathy for the Parents

That was a shame the the police woman getting shot by taking three guys down lost the chance to have children


The past few episodes were not that bad- but it looks like they're gearing up for the finale already- how many episodes are left in the season? Was it 22 or 24?


Hook, Line and Sinner

This was good episode i really enjoy it.

So Slone had to make a tough decision but in the end it was right but Owen telling Derek hire other guy because he's developing feeling for Teddy and he wanted save his relationship with Christina. It's lucky the other guy turn down the position so Teddy has permanent job which is great .

I am glad Lexi stood up to Alex at the end


Reply 156#156 bala's post

I think Teddy would be horrified that she only got the job because the other guy turned it down and Lexi standing up for herself to Alex was great


Reply 157#157 codebreaker's post

She won't know only Derek and the chief knows


Reply 158#158 bala's post

Yeah but these things have a way of getting out. I can't believe Shepard gave the position to the other guy.  I thought the chiefs idea was a good one about loyalty.  I don't like shepard as chief.  He kinda sucks.

The Lexi thing was way overdue and Alex needs to get over it.  We allllll know Lizzi will never come back.  It's a shame, but the show is fine without her!

I totally understand where Arizona is coming from.  She doesn't want kids and Callie can't seem to grasp that concept.  Thinking they are going to break up.  Good for Arizona, sticking to her guns!

