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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 119#119 funny-girl101's post

I thought that scene was good - and even more for me because generally dramatic scenes with her make me nuts (she does this gutteral voice thing that drives me insane). But this scene was really nice, and they are growing on me as a couple too.

Meg, who is Jackson Avery? (is that the name of the actor or the character?)

Anyone see Bailey getting together with the anaesthesiologist (sorry for my horrible spelling of that!) she berated? They seemed to be flirting didn't they?


Reply 120#120 studiojek's post

yes i see them together

Jackson Avery is the character not the actor he play christina competition at mercy west guy.


6x14 Valentine's Day Massacre

Bailey getting tongue tied was funny but what a shame for the dish washer and the restaurant owner


Reply 122#122 codebreaker's post

Yes i hope he gets his arm repaired in right place


6x15 The Time Warp

Unusual re-cap episode but the the fuss the G.R.I.D / A.I.D.S.. patient made and then returning two months later and apologized was annoyingly stupid


Reply 124#124 codebreaker's post

Well this was a must-see episode of grey's anatomy,  did you notice that it  was Medieth mother who got Richard to start drinking which i think is interesting as her daughter is helping him to kick the habit.

The episode was really interesting epically seeing Bailey as an intern was great. i think the actress did great job pretending to be an intern. I'm glad to see she managed to solve her case.


Reply 125#125 bala's post

Bailey was so quiet as a intern until see lost her temper at the surgeon and i thought the same thing about Richard and the drinking


Reply 126#126 codebreaker's post

Well i think most intern are shy and scared to speak up.


Not a bad episode, it was nice to see Richard and Miranda ("Mandy"!!) in their younger years. Ellis Grey really was a mean one wasn't she!!?


Reply 128#128 studiojek's post

i didn't think she was mean i would say she was determined.


Reply 129#129 bala's post

I'd say she was mean - if you look at how she treated Meredith I mean! And of course there's telling Richard it's time he stopped being a baby and drank down his glass of vodka!!


Reply 130#130 studiojek's post

I can see a good discussion coming about this but since you want get into this, here goes she wasn't mean she was working and her husband brought Meredith to work which I think was a bad idea, I know you might be biased but personally it would annoy me if someone bought my kid to my work place, I have enough things to deal with at work the last thing I need would be my kids create additional problems- there is a reason why most parent leave their kids at home .

Please note this is my opinion and isn't intended cause any offense


No offense taken!

I see what you mean, but we also know the history of Ellis and what a lousy mom she was to Meredith, so that's where my "mean" comment came from. If this were the only scene we had in which she was "cold" to Mer, I wouldn't make such a harsh judgement, but we know the whole story.


Reply 132#132 studiojek's post

How do we know she was a lousy mum we only saw Ellis after she was old/sick?.


Reply 133#133 bala's post

From what Meredith and Thatcher and Richard have talked about in the past - don't you remember that all of Mer's problems with committing to Derek and trusting him were linked to her abandonment issues with her Mom. Her mother used to always make her feel she wasnm't good enough...if I remember right.


Reply 134#134 studiojek's post

don't you remember that all of Mer's problems with committing to Derek and trusting him were linked to her abandonment issues
Wasn't that because Thatcher left Ellis to raise Medieth ?


Reply 135#135 bala's post

Oh yeah, maybe you're right, I was mixing up Thatcher and Ellis being the "bad guys." Good memory!


Perfect Little Accident

Great episode patients who are doctor are worst patient,  what kind of guy telling the hospital he would like to be awake to observe the operation and the chief did a good job but Christina repairing damage lungs and putting it in a patient was risky move I have never heard such a thing, it's show like these give people wrong idea of medicine can you imagine if a patient actually asked for this in hospital. it makes for interesting tv but on the other hand it shows what happens when people think what happens on tv show can actually happen in real life?. There only so much people are willing to believe.  


Reply 137#137 bala's post

hey bala just read your comment and was curious so i looked it up and actually the technique that was used is actually a real technique that was developed in 2008. heres the link if your curious... ... w-hope-for-patients
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 138#138 angel-87's post

Thank you for that link .

