Reply 70#70 waterlilybarb's post
I agree Barb, I think it will come up again and probably again. I liked this episode, though it was a little odd to me. Brennan, I could see talking to the dead girl, though it is highly unlikely, especially hearing them talk back, because it is completely illogical. Also, i like the Night Watchman, but this "sudden" friendship between the two (I know he has worked there for years, we just never seen him before), Bones joking and understanding his jokes, when 3/4 of the time she is clueless when someone is not logical, was completely out of character. And she has always made the distinction betweem "hard" Science (her work) and the "soft" science (psychology, sociology and philosophy) but here she is listening to someone who is not a scientist in any way (he attends lectures) but sprouts philosophy and pyschology and she doesn't even shudder let alone argue (like she does with Sweets)
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...