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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Did anyone else find it ironic though when Bailey's father chastised her for being on her own at Christmas and he'd left his wife behind?? Lol !

The Sloane thing is funny. He was freaking out at being a Dad and now he's going to be a Granddad at 36, haha. Lexie the Step Granny !!

Great to see Kim Raver in the show. I really liked her as Nico in Lipstick Jungle.


Sigh........ I miss the show! It seems like the last episode aired ages ago. Can't wait for it to start again.


Reply 101#101 Teachergirl's post

I got season 5 on dvd for christmas. So I'm rewatching, but I'm sooo ready for more season 6!  I feel ya teachergirl



Good episode i honestly don't know where to start but lets start with Christina telling Teddy she can have Owen if she stays on at the hospital that christina for you all focus on being surgeon. Derek finds out the truth about about chief. Mark breaking up with Lexie i think he made the right decision


Reply 103#103 bala's post

Lexie didn't wait long before moving on


Reply 104#104 codebreaker's post

Well neither did he


Reply 102#102 themegababe's post

I was hoping to get the season 5 box for the holidays myself- but in the end what got picked off my Amazon wishlist was the complete collection of Friends- not bad either. And since I did not really enjoy the Izzie storyline in season 5 anyway..... I'll wait until the price drops. Over here in Germany the box is always sold in two parts making it quite pricey. My DVD is set up for European format so.... I could get the US box cheaper but then I have to watch on the computer.


Wow. Lexie and Christina both kind of surprised me. I kind of suspected Christina's move but Lexie, not that much.


6x12 I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked

Sloan and Torres spooning was funny but Lexie and Sloan confessing about their one night stand didn't go so well


I guess that is one of the moment where the age difference shows- for Lexie at her age that would be a pretty normal reaction. But Mark has moved on, is a dad now and all that and for him there was more. And the way he was so ready to start a family with Addie in the crossover- all in all it looks like he has a totally different agenda than Lexie right now.


Reply 109#109 Teachergirl's post

Exactly. Though, I found his reaction to be pretty chauvenistic! Ok, so he can go and fool around to 'feel better' (ehem, and almost move to LA to be with another woman), but Lexie giving into the same impulse is wrong. A little hypocritical. Anyway, I really like them as a couple so I hope they get back together!

So, is Derek going to be chief then?

And the final scene between Izzy and Alex: SAD!!!


Reply 110#110 studiojek's post

Well, he's Sloane after all. I found it incredible how he suggested to Addison that they raise the baby together. Am I the only one thinking that he's confusing being a dad and being a grandpa? I did like them as a couple, but I think Lexie needs some time to get used to it all. I think Mark would want things to progress much faster than she'd prefer.
And Izzie and Alex- I was worried that it might break him but I think he has come through after all- he finally saw himself that he's not Alex the jerk but Alex the good man. He would never have walked away from sick Izzie. But now he can and while it was sad, it was also a major step for him. I just hope he won't fall into jerkdom again. Especially not with Lexie.......


yeah I wasn't happy with the Lexie / Mark ending.  I think they will make it work -- eventually.  And yes teacher, i think he is confused about being a dad / gpa.  remember how badly he wanted Addie's baby?  And I wonder if lil Sloane will even stay around.  Her last scene ended with "I want my mom".  Will she go back to her mom?  will her mom take her?  And I agree, Lexie needs time to process.

What about Owen & Cristina?  Wow.  My husband was like - what's going on?  This is weird I don't like it. haha  But I loved it.  He was saying - you think you love surgery more than me, but you don't.  and I think eventually, she will agree.  But she was burned pretty bad by Burke, and maybe she hasn't finished dealing with that baggage.

So disappointed in Izzie / Alex. ugh.  It just seemed weird.  

and yes.  I think that Derek is the new Chief.  I hope Izz stays.  I think she will, seeing as we haven't heard any news of her contract being gone.  and I loved the post it business.  too cute.


Reply 112#112 themegababe's post

I have a strong feeling that Mark may end up with the baby and lil Sloane will vanish. I do hope he and Lexie can work it out, I do like them as a couple.
As for Christina and Owen-  for a surgeon I think it is an important decision because I know that for some of my friends who are doctors they had to decide between job and family life. For some it worked out, for some it is an ongoing tug of war.
Teacher training is a bit intense too and for me it was the job, until tenure. Now my personal life does return to something almost like normal. But in training I decided I had to learn as much as I could and always put it first to get to where I am now. For Christina it is harder than for Owen who has completed his training and for him, there is no need to have a good mentor. Christina knows pretty well what she could be capable of doing. Burke gave her a taste but also showed her the price of it. She paid a lot to do those surgeries for him.
And having no mentor or crappy ones for so long- she felt like her career was in danger. So when she was pushed I saw it coming that she'd offer Owen to Teddy.
Izzie......... I think she's back. I hope she fights for Alex. She has a lot of explaining to do about her absence and in a way she hasn't been normal for a while- I would not mind having Old Izzie back. But not "I see dead people Izzie".......


All great insight!

I think you're right Meg, I agree that Sloane is going to leave the baby with Mark and then Lexie and he will eventually work things out. WOn't those make for some fun scenes!

I also see what you mean Teacher about how great it is that Alex found his way out, realized he didn't have to be a jerk. Do you think he and Lexie are going to be a couple? I don't know how I feel about that.

I also LOVED the post-it stuff. How cute was it the first time Meredith used it and Derek kissed her! No use abusing it though ;)


Originally posted by codebreaker at 1-23-2010 13:31  
Sloan and Torres spooning was funny but Lexie and Sloan confessing about their one night stand didn't go so well
Well I figured that would be his reaction remember Lexie broke up with him and even through he slept with Addison he wasn't cheating on her since they broke up. Lexie sleep with Alex was like she was cheating on him.


Spoiler - I heard Jackson Avery (who's dad is the one and only Harper Avery...) is going to have a romance with someone.  I can see him and Izzie, maybe.  I honestly don't think Izzie and Alex will work out.  Too much water under the bridge.  But I do think Lexie and Sloan will make it.  I hope so, at least!


State of Love and Trust

This was great episode I can't believe Christina finally opened up to Owen about Burke and I am glad Chief is getting the help he needs but a patient walking up in the operating table was scary and see Bailey panic really affect the patient.


Reply 117#117 bala's post

Yang having her sex injury treated when the others walked in  was funny and the patient waking up during surgery would be scary


Can I just state the obvious and praise Sandra Oh for being a phenomenal actress? That last scene was so emotional and so well executed on Sandra's part. I am liking Owen and Cristina so much more now.

