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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 80#80 themegababe's post

i don't think it will happen straight-away i think in long-run it's a possibility if these mercy west stay past season 6. you do know that mercy west people are auditioning to  become regulars on the show. just like what happen with house last season


Reply 81#81 bala's post

That's so weird, I didn't know that. So they only are signed on for a few episodes and then the Grey's producers will see how they're liked or not?


Reply 82#82 studiojek's post

i don't know the details but i think each of them have some sort story-line to play this season. obvious some of them will be leaving that girl who killed a patient for example. That her role in the show. we just have wait and see


Reply 83#83 bala's post

I actually only liked the one who got written off - the rest of them bug me!


Reply 84#84 studiojek's post

same here. the others don't seem to want to be friends, they will only cause trouble for a while


yeah i liked the one who got written off too.. oh well

ok so i just watched most of the most recent episode live.  and all i can say is wow.  did not see that coming with the Chief.  so sad.  

If you haven't watched it yet. then this is a total SPOILER!!!

I really hope Mer smells his drink and figures it out and tells Bailey.  Augh.  my heart is hurting.  

Once I re-watch the episode & catch the first 15 minutes, I will have more to say.....

but the previews for next week.  uh oh!


Reply 86#86 themegababe's post

yes your right i also didn't see that coming but can you blame him it's all on him make his hospital the best that's too much pressure for any man to handle and it's going be interesting story-line to play out.


Well, this time it was not one person in focus but it was still a rather intense and sad episode. Gosh, didn't you just hate Izzie for just waltzing back like that? Especially when seeing Alex' face? In typical Shonda manner the pregnancy thing of course made for a great spoiler clip. I knew she could nto be pregnant and in a way it was interesting how the former teacher kept telling her she'd be a doctor someday- and we're not sure what will become of her, she is not an intern anymore and I wonder if she'll be back as a doctor.
It was sad to see Alex dreading the confrontation but good for him that in the end he managed to set her straight- her selfish talk about how Alex got her fired and that she just threw all their history and relationship away over one thing. And how wrong she was- it was good that Alex said it. But do you think these two will ever get back together again? I have my doubts.
Now... Christina and her gift. It was great. Teddy is so not what Christina had in mind when she asked for a cardio god but I like the two together. But I had a feeling that her and Owen had a thing for each other. And he clarified it before they kissed. I wonder if Christina did the right thing when she kissed the guy. Christina and her gift provided much needed comic relief and it was classic Christina when she bitched about everything inthe cafeteria. That was the old Christina. And I needed it because so many sad things dominated the episode.
Which brings us to the Chief. I knew he wasn't himself lately. So harsh, so stubborn and so wrong sometimes. Bailey tried to ignore it, manage the erratic behaviour but I think when he made the mistake in surgery she too realized that work-wife or whatever- it is beyond what she is capable to manage. I knew it could not be an affair and sigh, I had a feeling that he fell off the wagon. It is quite sad really. But it explains so much- all the scenes he saw in flashback- Izzie, the accident, the merger, the fight with Derek.
I think the merger and all the trouble at SGH, it was a signal for him to step down and hand things over to somebody else. But he stayed and he clearly could not manage by himself. And it is so sad that he's drinking again. And Mer as the one suspecting it. After having just donated part of her liver to her ex-alcoholic dad.
As happy as she seems to be with Derek- she was right when she wished for that brief moment when George wasn't dead, Izzie was ok.... that moment before all hell broke loose.
Do you think the Chief can be chief for very much longer? I have my doubts.


Reply 88#88 Teachergirl's post

yes your so right about teddy i think she's a great teacher for her it will be interesting to see how long she last in the show.

i officially hate izzy she really is bad person i mean do what she did i really wish she died end season would thing better.


sigh.......... me too. I liked the Izzie past but the way things were last season and how she behaved now? Makes me kind of wish that George had lived and she had died.
As for Christina and her teacher, I think it was really interesting how Teddy taught her and had confidence- none of the other cardio gods really wanted to teach Christina. Hahn ignored her pretty much and with Burke she got to do so much because he needed her to cover up for the fact that he could not operate himself. So here there is one teacher who actually wants her to learn and it is good- and it was great fun to see all her blunders as she is not used to a hospital like SGH. And seeing Christinas horror!
Also interesting to get some insight into Owens past- he mentioned another girlfriend- and in a way it sounded like they too have unfinished business. Interesting. I think an episode centered around Owen might be interesting but it looks like Mark will be next.


Reply 90#90 Teachergirl's post

The girlfriend - Beth - was his fiancée. Remember, when they met in SGH when her father had cancer and Owen turned round and practically ran away after he had spotted her? She was an overprotected tender little girl and he had broken up with her by email...


And seeing Christinas horror!
i think that what made it funny for me her reaction


I loved the line wife wife to work wife someone in this hospital is sleeping with our husband



Well this another great episode meeting Bailey's father was great because we learn why Bailey so strong and tough it's because of her father i love how she stood up to him after he said he was disappointed that she choose being a surgeon rather being a good wife but she was right she was unhappy and she made the right decision.

Sloane is going to be a granddad . She really is something and i think he needs to handle her carefully. i think he feels guilty about her and she is going to use that to her advantage


Reply 94#94 bala's post

You are right about sloane, but I don't think lexy is going to let that happen.
About Bailey, her father telling that he wouldn't judge her, what a joke! He did it just the day before.

I think that Owen and Christina might have a bit of a rough pad coming up because Teddy isn't just gonna give in like that. I even thought for a minute that Owen would choose for her in stead of Christina so Christina could hook up with one of the Mercy West guys


Reply 94#94 bala's post

Great seasonal episode the Sloane situation was funny but Bailey's father was annoying how can any father not be proud of their child becoming a surgeon. The doctors putting their own money to save the little boy and the girl without the heart was emotional


  I can't believe Mer believed the Cheif, although I was starting to believe him too! haha  I can't believe Sloan is gonna be a grandpa, that is ridiculous! haha


Reply 97#97 themegababe's post

I think its funny that if Lexie stays with Sloane then she will become a grandmother in her late 20's


GA Season 5 Blooper Reel


haha good point.  that's even creepier!

