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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 49#49 bala's post

Nope.  Katey Sagal has played Helen every time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Who was the child that locke was chasing and told him he could not break the rules?

It seems that if the smoke monster and Jacob were at one time "men" then perhaps they were tasked with making the same decision that the candidates will have to make. Become protectors, become the smoke monster, or do nothing. Sawyer seems to have made his choice, it seems he has in fact sealed his fate and sold his soul to the devil to get off the island.

The balance of the island good vs evil (white stone and black stone on the scales) is now out of balance. That is why the white stone was thrown into the water. It leads me to believe even more that Saied has also made a deal for his life and sold his soul. He will more then likely become a saboteur inside the temple.

My guess is that someone unexpected will take the role of the protector. Hurley would be my pick, as he seems to want to be the hero, but is not often included to be given that chance. Jack would be to obvious of a choice.

Thats all I have for now...   can't wait for next week.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply dognxtdoor's post
I totally agree, and thought the exact same thing when Flocke (Fake Locke), threw the white stone into the ocean. I wasn't surprised at Sawyers choice, but I was disappointed. I doubt he would have made that choice if Juliette were still alive, but he probably wouldn't have been with  FLocke if she were. I feel he is selling his soul to the devil also, if he goes through with following him. Things may change, Sawyer may just be playing along to see what happens, or he may come to see that this  FLocke, is really evil. We never really know exactly, what is really going on, or what will happen next on Lost.
I'm not sure if I agree with you, as far as Sayid is concerned. He was brought back to life by Jacobs followers, so selling his soul doesn't make sense to me. Although, someone said (before they put Sayid in the healing spring), that the water wasn't clear (which I'm guessing it was supposed to be). I wonder if that is the reason Sayid came back with this illness? Was it somehow contaminated when Jacob died, by his nemesis?

Reply waterlilybarb's post

Yes Helen did break off their engagement, because Locke couldn't let go of his need for his fathers approval. What really surprised me, was when Helen said "Lets get my parents and your father, and have a small wedding" (or something like that). I guess in this reality, his father isn't the one who paralyzed him.

Reply codebreaker's post
It's possible that all the other passengers were on the wall, but had been scratched off for some reason. Or maybe they were there, because it was the only way to get all the people on the list to the island at the same time.

Reply bala's post
I definitely don't believe that they were picked at random, in an earlier episode we saw that Jacob had contact with all of them (off the island), at some point in their lives. They were all picked for a reason, and I believe we have yet to see the true meaning of what that reason is.

Here is a theory- FLocke said that they were all candidates, that any one of them could become the islands protector. Maybe he's either wrong or misleading Sawyer, because he needs the group broken up. It's possible it has to be a combination of the group, that it can't be just one person. That if for some reason they aren't all together and in agreement (as a group), something really bad is going to happen, and maybe FLocke knows this.

Well, I found this episode very informative, and I can't wait to see what next week holds. The show should be headed back to the temple & and focusing (mostly), on the rest of the Losties, and hopefully Jin & Sun's long overdue reunion! I'm excited to see what is in store, and what has been going on with all of them.


Reply 52#52 gypsiegirl66's post

Well i see what you are saying and i am sure there must be a reason but with all that has happen it can rather confusing as what purpose of all their journey to island- no matter who is picked you can't know which one it is. .
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  • gypsiegirl66 Points +3 Lost participation, Thanks! 2-19-2010 10:01


Some very interesting things you're discussing here!

Firstly, Gypsy, I also noted that Helen added "and your father" to her list of wedding attendees. This leads me to believe that in this reality, Locke is paralyzed for another reason and is still on good terms with his father.

Also, I noticed that Kate's name was not on the rock, or at least it wasn't one of the special numbers. Has she done something on the island to make her not a candidate?

I also think that if Juliette were alive, Sawyer would have stuck with Good instead of Evil. But I think our Good Sawyer will prevail in the end - I think part of his following "Flocke" is because he's curious, then we'll see.

One thing that's bothering me is what all this has to do with Charles Widmore. I keep thinking of that scene in Widmore's hotel room when Ben walks in and they admit they would like to kill each other but it's against the rules. So Ben was 'working' for Jacob and Widmore for Evil Guy/Smokey?

Also, if Evil Guy can take on the form of Smokey, could Jacob take on a form too? Is it him who 'brings back' the dead people on the island?

That's all I've got, for now!
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  • gypsiegirl66 Points +10 For Lost participation, Thanks! 2-19-2010 09:56


Reply 54#54 studiojek's post

I'm still not sure what Widmore's role is in all of this, or if he is evil or good. I think both he and Ben are evil to a point, just not sure which one is the most evil. I remember at one point Widmore said he was "The Others" leader, and that Ben banned him from the Island. Not sure if this was at Jacob's request or what really happened. Remember Ben never actually talked to Jacob, Richard was an intermediary between Jacob and Ben. Maybe Widmore was the leader and could actually speak to Jacob, and that's why Ben banned him. Of course it has also crossed my mind that Widmore maybe a follower of Evil Guy, and that was why he was banned. As far as not being able to kill each other, it makes sense that it's in relation to Jacob and Evil Guy's relationship. Then again we don't really know the rules regarding killing, maybe ex-leaders can't kill one another, maybe anyone that is a candidate can't kill another candidate, or maybe it's just what we thought, that this is all about Jacob & Evil Guy. I guess these are all answers, we'll have to wait for.  

One of my big questions is where does/did Christian stand in all this, was he a follower of Evil Guy? Or was he really a stand in for Jacob? Remember the first time Ben and Locke visited the cabin and Locke heard someone say "Help Me"? Was it Jacob asking for help, and if so, help from what/who (Christian?)? Then the next time we were at the cabin it was Christian, not Jacob that appeared, saying he could speak on Jacobs behalf. But was he really speaking on his behalf? Why did he keep Claire behind? And if he was there on Jacobs behalf, why and how was she "claimed" by the darkness (which seems to be caused by Smokey)? It's never made sense to me, that she would leave Aaron in the middle of the jungle and stay with him, even though he's her father. She hated him so much in previous episodes, that she didn't even want to know his name. Then in just a few minutes time, she ups & walks away with him, leaving her child behind.

It will definitely be interesting to find out, who is on what side and which side is really the evil one. It does seem that Flock/Smokey/Evil Guy is the evil one, but this could all be turned on a dime, when new things are brought to light. So, I'm not counting out any possibilities, for now anyway.


Reply 55#55 gypsiegirl66's post

Who's Christian?

Sorry but with all these secondary characters on the show it's impossible put a face to a name ?


Reply 56#56 bala's post

isn't Christian Jack's father


Reply 57#57 codebreaker's post

Thanks i am awful with names


Reply 53#53 bala's post

I don't know how much you enjoy this show, but it helped me to go back and re-watch the series from season one. Although, I wasn't really what I would call confused, it does have several different story lines and the many, many questions. So I thought it would be a good idea, to go back and watch it again. I'm glad i did too, seeing it again, was a great refresher course on the show. I was also really surprised, at how many things I missed the first time I watched it. If you really enjoy this show, give it a try. You might be amazed, at how much less confusing it is for you.

Yes Christian is Jacks father. :)


Reply 59#59 gypsiegirl66's post

yeah but that a lot of episodes i probably re-watch it again in the summer when there isn't much to watch


Reply 60#60 bala's post

I am going to do the same thing after the final episode


Reply 61#61 codebreaker's & bala's post

You are both going to be so surprised and amazed, at all the things you've either overlooked or forgotten since you first saw it. I enjoyed re-watching it almost as much, as when I originally watched it. I hope that even though you will have seen the end, and have all the answers, that re-watching it will give you the extra insight it gave me.  


Reply 62#62 gypsiegirl66's post

I've watched this week's epi 3 times now (it airs on the Space channel Thursday nights), and have picked up more each time, so I know what you mean.  Even if you watch and pay attention, there is so much going on that it's not possible to pick up on every little clue in one viewing.

I was reading this week's EW article, and one of the theories I found interesting was the idea that Sawyer might be conning Flocke - the ultimate long con, so to speak.  That would be a good twist.  Another thing that struck me while watching (and I've read that some others had the same thought) was that Shephard (on the cave wall) might be Christian rather than Jack.

My biggest query this week is: who's the kid and why was Flocke so surprised Sawyer could see him?  I have a few ideas, but I'll be interested to see if I'm even close.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 63#63 waterlilybarb's post

I read a theory that the little kid is actually Aaron, and that the Others originally took him to raise him to be Jacob's replacement. Not exactly sure how he got back on the island then...but ya never know with Lost!

Another theory is that it's a young Jacob. Is the whole cycle starting back over again then?
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  • gypsiegirl66 Points +4 Lost participation! 2-20-2010 15:56


Reply 63#63 waterlilybarb's & studiojek's post

I really never thought that Sawyer was going to join Flocke, I figured he was just playing along, but the con theory is an excellent one.

The little boy is a mystery that has me chomping at the bit, I have been thinking it's a young Jacob. I guess it could be Aaron, I never heard the theory that they were going to raise him to be Jacob's replacement.

It didn't cross my mind that the Shepard on the wall, could be referring to Christian, but it makes sense. I have been wondering, why we haven't seen him this season.

Oh, and I read on EW that Maggie Grace (Shannon), will be returning later in the season and that they have a great story line for her. I am sooo glad I was wrong about her not coming back, because they didn't show her on the plane...YAY!!


Reply 65#65 gypsiegirl66's post

I read that too (about Maggie Grace).  I don't know if I read it or saw it on the aftershow Innerspace (on Space channel), but one of the ideas for her was that since her family owns a catering business, maybe she'll show up having something to do with Locke's wedding.  Might be interesting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 66#66 waterlilybarb's post

Hmm very interesting, I'm intrigued! I'm beginning to really like this 'alternate reality' and seeing how all their lives intertwine.


Reply 66#66 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, I read that too and it totally makes sense, given the many, many  connections, that all the Losties have had with each other throughout the series. If you recall Helen was complaining about one of the vendors, that's why she suggested eloping. I figure, they'll somehow come in contact with someone from the Carlyle's company (either Boone or Shannon), and they'll end up planning the cool!


I finally managed to get caught up to the current episode.

My first instinct was that the young boy was Jacob because he said "You can't kill him" but then I wondered why would he refer to himself in the 3rd person, so the Aaron theory might hold through.

I was thinking that too Barb about Sawyer. You know what they say about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer.

Looking forward to the next episode!

