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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The Lady Vanished

Well Jenny is really becoming such a little rebel isn't she and i had a feeling chuck mother would stay but i wonder if anyone pick up on look she gave blair at the end maybe i reading too much into it but she never really look blair in the eye. i have feeling she going try break them up?.


Reply 34#34 bala's post

Serena Finding out that it was Chuck's mother was the one that told Chuck's dad what to say which help her move on from trying to get to know her father


Finally managed to catch up on the past few episodes. So Chuck is getting to know his mother and all is well, for now!!

Jenny is testing her limits with her father. I wonder how Rufus is going to react to this latest stunt.

I like Nate and Serena together. I wonder will her Father now call her because he knows it's last chance saloon!


The Sixteen Year Old Virgin

Poor jenny she deserved what she got it was awful but this is what happens when you rush it and she was warned by Serena but she didn't listen. Well i knew Chuck's mother couldn't be trusted.


Reply 37#37 bala's post

Chuck walked right into that trap and Jenny is having a rough time


Reply 38#38 codebreaker's post

if you can't trust your own mother who can you trust?


The Empire Strikes Jack

Well they really keep mess around about chuck mother don't there and it will be interesting to see what happens now with chuck, how is he going get his company back.  


Reply 40#40 bala's post

I liked the way Nate came to Jenny's rescue after see was drugged


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Reply 42#42 marryjonthan's post

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Inglourious Bassterds

Wow Bass actually serving up Blair so he could get his company back was awful but it going be interesting to see how Blair get him back


After what Chuck said about Blair "going up there on her own", I didn't expect that he would still have hope that he and Blair would get past it... That's why I loved that last scene with Chuck and Jack.. I hope they get through it, but I want Blair to give Chuck a hard time first and not forgive him so fast.


I don't think they will recover.

Blair and Chuck were my favourite couple but there is a BIG difference between Blair sleeping with Jack to save the hotel for Chuck and Chuck giving her to Jack.  This is a new low for Chuck.

I also think that Jenny is acting quite evil, if not just plain bitchy,  trying to get between Serena and Nate.  I think he knows where his heart lies but Serena (or Erik) will have to do something soon to stop her.  I did like it previously when Erik tried to take down Jenny and failed, maybe its time for another attempt.


Reply 44#44 bala's post

I thought Blair was trying to save Chuck but finding out Chuck was behind it was a despicable act


Reply 47#47 codebreaker's post

Well the fact that Chuck think he can win her back is even more distrubing.


The Unblairable Lightness of Being

Well this was nice episode,  Dorota got her perfect wedding thanks to chuck . What was lilly up to with her ex-husband ?


Reply 49#49 bala's post

Dorota looked amazing at her wedding and Serena finding her mom at her fathers place should be interesting but what will Rufus do


Reply 50#50 codebreaker's post

What he always does mope around like a sad person


So Blair finally saw her relationship with Chuck was toxic and she didn't like who she had become with him. I think she was right to walk away.

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny ooh, you know all of this is going to come back on her and Nate will not be too happy.

I bet there is a very simple straightforward reason for Lily being with (as we're led to believe) Serena's father. Maybe he's not well or something? We know she loves Rufus, so she's not cheating on him.

I loved the scenes between Darota and Blair.


3x19 Dr. Estrangeloved

Dan didn't cope very well with Vanessa getting accepted into the Tisch writing program when he didn't and Serena finally gets the reunion with her father. Jenny taking Nate's shirt to get Serena jealous was cruel but it back fired when Serena told Nate about the message she left with Jenny

