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Bad Judge Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x06 What Is Best in Life

Rebecca's judgement over the ass flashing was amusing as the victim was pushing her luck asking for $3,000,000 and the offender tampering with evidence by getting a tattoo but his council being handcuffed for contempt of court was priceless


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

What an idiot all the lawyer would have to do was show pictures of different butts and ask her identify it to see if she could and when she can't they could argue it wasn't him . Given the case got dismissed it really wouldn't matter


1x07 Communication Breakdown

Having 4 people to translate the information to client was amusing but Rebecca helping client set up his business was great but trust Rebecca to get carried away with her relationship with her guy.


Reply 23#23 bala's post

The Chinese man should of learnt the language before trying to set up a shoe-shine business


1x08 The Cat's Out of the Bag

Who was playing Rebecca's ex-husband was surprising and Tedward was quick to hit on the convicts girlfriend but the fact he was going to be released on a technicality was amusing


1x09 Face Mask Mom

Rebecca sweating like a pig in her court room while the maintenance guys were wearing coats in the basement was cruel and ordering the mother who tackled a PeeWee football player to skinny-dip was amusing


1x10 The Fixer

Rebecca helping Michelle get over her divorce was nice but after 17 years of marriage she was well out of the dating practice


1x11 Naked and Afraid

Rebecca sending Gary a naked selfie was a great way to get him over but getting her phone hacked was bound to make her life more awkward


1x12 Lockdown

Gary revealing his nine year relation ship during lock-down was surprising but Rebecca ringing her pretending to be Gary was amusing


1x13 Case Closed

The priest wanting to use his own bible was amusing as he was walking slow with a frame and the fire breather setting of the sprinklers system was priceless, finding a replica of her van was great as she also just finished her 1,000th case


Should've been called 'Terrible Judge' because that's exactly what this was.


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