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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 59#59 studiojek's post

Yes, the Izzie of baking cupcakes, rescuring the doe, that sort of thing. In a way I miss the feeling of the first two seasons- the banter between Addison and the various guys...... that sort of thing. With the merger and all it is so gloomy and panicky.


I miss old Izzie too!  and that banter that you are talking about.  I think they are going to have to lighten up the show sooner rather than later!  Yeah Katherine Heigl is probably with her new baby and filming.


I got really tired of her with all these hallucinations and the way she tried to find out about her disease via "patient x" - although the idea with the competition for the interns was great  But it was during a rather dark phase of the show with Meredith being suicidal and her mother's death and the near-death-experiences - simply too much

[ Last edited by tycoonworld at 10-28-2009 17:02 ]


Exactly, there was too much gloom and sadness and bad things- and the merger does not help. I hope for some happier moments or a funny patient or something. Just to stop all the dark and twisty-ness.


Reply 64#64 Teachergirl's post

And I am starting to feel really sorry for Christina - no heart surgeries in sight and Owen doesn't appear to be very supportive... It came as a proper shock how desperate and sad she was when she started to cry - a proper outburst of her emotions


Reply 65#65 tycoonworld's post

Yes,  she was great when she did Burke's surgeries and there has not been an adequate replacement for the cardio gods they used to have at SGH. And she clearly deserves to shine. But it shows that even she is human after all.


Reply 66#66 Teachergirl's post

You are right - and yet the robotic, inhuman, ambitious Christina was one of my highlights   The way she looked when someone talked about empathy or compassion - simply priceless!!


6x07 Give Peace a Chance

Great episode what a way to pick your staff but Yang was over confident, but Lexie in a diaper was funny. Derek drawing on the bedroom wall after standing in the OR for ten hours the first attempt and over 20 hours the next day was great and then he get fired


Reply 68#68 codebreaker's post

yep this was great episode it reminds you that people out there that do this everyday can you imagine doing surgery 28 hours without any breaks and i can't believe he was successful i expecting him to die to be honest based grey's history but getting fired -he did disobey the chief so he knew the risk.


Reply 69#69 bala's post

I don't think he will be fired. They need him too much and now he did this miracle they almost can't fire him


Reply 70#70 kellemanske's post

you are probably right

he's a big star i don't think the show could survive without him


Reply 71#71 bala's post

Maybe not at the moment, but I think, if they find good replacement that it might be possible that he gets chopped after a while

though I hope not


Great episode!
I reckon the Chief will stick to his guns and fire Derek but after a while he will realise he needs him and ask him back.

It does seem a bit much to go 20hrs without a break.  He must have to take some breaks for food and toilet or he will just collapse.


I really enjoyed this episode. CHandra Wilson directed it and it was her first ever and I must say- not only do I like her as Bailey, she also did a great job here. A very intense storyline and I liked that it was all Derek. I would not mind having one of them as the centre for each episode. Interesting too how last week it was one story, all perspectives and today they picked it up again by having people watch it, Meredith on the phone..... and yet it was all about Derek.
Don't you just hate the way the chief behaves? How the merger affected him? I feel sorry and in a way I believe he should have retired because his own fear is holding back Derek. He HAD to disobey the chief. And see how the docs joined ranks? Arizona did great.
Of course the chief had the right to fire him. But I do not think Derek will be fired. As Bailey said- this surgery on the one hand meant he would get fired- but can or should you fire someone who can do the impossible? SGH is  not one of the best hospitals anymore and others would be surely glad to get such a surgeon. The Chief must know that and Derek to say to him what he himself got as an advice before the surgery was really well made. Derek reacted very wisely. And the Chief probably knows that at that moment, Derek probably deserved being chief himself. He did the impossible. The Chief has to face the impossible with the merger and all and he failed. He fired one of the chances to get SGH back to its former glory.
All in all, a great insight into the mind of Derek.
And as an aside- Alex. Who gets his heart broken again. Was it just me or was Reid tempted to hug him in the cancer treatment room? And yet she knew she could not. Poor Alex, he deserves better.
Last but not least, the diaper, Christina and Lexie. Without that little story it would have been gloomy and it is the good old GA quirkiness. Well done.
Overall, good episode. More of these please. Less izzie drama, more cases like Concrete Block Guy, Impaled people, bomb inside a patient. Or this tumor that got Derek fired. Well rounded, good story, inspiring too. Great job Chrandra.
Recent Ratings
  • themegababe Points +5 excellent review, seriously! i couldn' 11-6-2009 20:41


Invest In Love

Well this was great Arizona story-line 11 year old boy she really didn't do operation but the $25 million donation from patient parent was a huge burden but they still gave it afterwards because she is a great doctor. The surprise party didn't go plan for callign but they both said i love you at end was great ending

Alex and baby were nice story-line and i think mercy girl likes him but he still isn't over izzy who left him for bill for her treatment


I really liked the last 3 episodes.  They have all been great.  I read some spoilers about the Christina and Jackson Avery hookup and people were all pissed off.  Which brought 2 things to my attention.  1) I didn't realize there were so many Christina & Owen fans. and 2) it totally wasn't even what the spoilers said, it was really a laughable scene and she remained true to Owen.  Sucks for those on the message board who said it was the last straw and they were leaving Grey's because of it! haha  I did see some previews for next week, I won't reveal what they said, but know that the cardio god concerns are being looked into, that's all I will say until Bala posts the preview vids

I also liked how Arizona really got to shine in this episode.  She showed just how a peds dr is supposed to be.  And I love that she saw the kid, and not the 25 million.  and how great was it that the parents called the chief (or was it penis fish guy) a kiss ass. haha  so true.

Alex is really showing peds promise again.  Just like when Addy was around.  I think he is a great pediatric doc and will find his calling there - even if he called them raunchy names in season 1 ...   I don't like that the Mercy West doc is falling for him.  booo.  I do like that they have kept those 3 around tho, to spice things up.  nosedive. haha  that's what my hubby and I call him

Okay off to start the episode guide.  If you all have any changes or suggestions for it, just pm me!  


Hm, is there a trend about focusing on a character per show? If so, keep it up because I like it. I mean Arizona joined the cast to provide a possible love interest for Callie and so far she just stepped up for her or provided storylines for others. I'm glad she got to explain why what she does is different because she works for kids. Treating a kid, or any patient for that matter, over a long course of time of course means you cannot just see the kid as a patient but a person too. Wallace was special for her and it was tough for her to know that there was the money and the knowledge that surgery could kill him. It was interesting how strong she was whenever she was with the kid. Even in the morgue, did you notice she did not cry? Even though she cried in front of the chief last week, when she was with Wallace, she did not. Even at the end when she managed to do the spell to chase the bad dreams away. Which made ME tear up. Especially when the parents finally told the board creep to stop ass kissing. And decided to give the money nevertheless. Maybe because they too had to finally come to terms with the fact that Arizona was probably right when she said no more surgery for Wallace.
She may have lost Wallace but the money can mean she can help others.
Callie...... well, surprise parties, in my opinion, are never SUCH a great idea. I just knew she'd cry and break down. Imagine coming home after such a day and finding all your friends throwing confetti in your face. And how heartbroken Callie looked when she realized that it was a bad idea. And she was so insecure, had no idea if Arizona would kill her for that. WHen she woke up and frantically tried to recreate a party atmosphere. And how Arizona stopped her by saying I love you. Rewind a few seasons when she said I love you to George and for the life of it he could not say it back to her. How hurt she was. And now...... Arizona said it first, not her. Did you see the look on Callies face? Finally someone loves her without her having to put herself out first. I think those three words will do her good and heal some wounds of relationships past. And I must say that I love these two as a couple. Callie with the kick ass hardware surgeries (some gorey scenes there!) and Arizona saying the spell over Wallace. They're good for each other.
It was sad though that in a way all the couples looked happy in the episode except for Alex. I think it is so not fair that not only did she leave him and he has no idea if she's alive or not- no, there's medical bills and I think that is not a very grown up thing. Just because he married her, just because HE made her dream come true, after watching her DIE..... she's leaving him. He must feel like a total failure. But even at his lowest, he's Alex and he's not that hardcore. He'd spend all night holding the baby. It is interesting to notice he's still great with babies, reminds me of the time when he worked for Addie. And yes, Bailey is probably right, it would be an interesting specialty for him. And while I did not really like the Mercy West gal at first- after she so desperately wanted to hug him, today she did a better thing by just taking it slow and sit there with him. Good move.
But speakng of moves- Christina? Mercy West guy? Whoa. I just knew she'd go over Hunt's orders in the OR. Because she's Christina. If they don't find a cardio god for her soon she'll explode. Of course she felt like Hunt washolding her back and I also feared that Mercy West guy would hit on her. But the old Christina has changed too- I'm glad she did not do more- but it remains to be seen what Mercy West guy does once he's sober again.
I don't think he's a real threat. Didn't Christina always seem to fancy superiors? Her having an affair with one of her peers- don't know.
Right now I must say I enjoyed this episode and last weeks episode a lot. I hope it continues that way. I would enjoy more episodes focused on one person. I'd like something on Mark and Hunt or it would be interesting if someone new showed us the familiar characters through their eyes. The SGH and Mercy people seem to get used to each other and along with the interns there must be new doctors too to add to the cast. I for myself don't really miss the Mer/Der storyline. She's there, she's happy (for once) and that's enough. There are more in the cast who have interesting stories to tell and I enjoy them right now.
Recent Ratings
  • themegababe Points +3 Wow, another amazing post! We need more 11-10-2009 13:10


Yeah I feel like they are focusing on one specific character per show, which is giving it a unique twist.  And I believe Arizona was originally supposed to be on for only 3 episodes, but she stayed longer.   Like Addison (she was only supposed to be around for 5 episodes - and now has her own show!)

Teacher, great comparison on the love word with Callie. I forgot about that scene with George.  Seems like things are finally going right for her.   I love the new hangout place of Christina & Callies apt.  I was trying to figure out why they were all there at the start, til I remembered Christina & Callie both lived there, and that Owen was obviously w/ Christina and Arizona with Callie.  and then Mark and Lexie visiting from across the hall.  It's a great new location, now that Mer's is the married couple's house.  I feel like they will fade a bit into the background.  

I think they are going to focus on Hunt or Alex or Yang soon - or maybe one of the MW newbies.  And each of those would be good.  I saw the previews for this week's episode - it's a shocker!  I love this season and the new life that Mercy West breathed into it!


I agree, I think these episodes are just great! And I am a new fan of Arizona!!!!! She's awesome! And I really love Callie and Arizona together, they're a great couple.

As for Alex and his shirtless baby scenes, LOVED it hehehe! I think it's pretty obvious that he and the other Dr. from Mercy West will get together just as Izzy comes back. Should make for an interesting scene or two!

I think the Chief will be returning to his normal self soon enough...he is getting really annoying as the bad guy.


Do you really think he will get with the mercy west doc?  I think he won't, since he's married and has put so much into Izzie, and all.  But yeah, those shirtless baby scenes were good! haha

And I agree, I'm sick of the Chief being bad!

