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The girly`s ......giggle box

Thanks Barb, yeh my Auntie has already been telling me to take some acidophilus. I believe it's best to take it a few days after you stop taking the antibiotics as the gut is still clearing the good and bad out!!

LOL at Hugh. The Aussie's are always trying to convince people that Vegemite is worth a try!!

Hey Meg, good to hear from you!


Reply 3740#3740 themegababe's post

Meg! How are you? Haven't seen you around in a long old time. How's things - married life treating you ok?


Hey gals!  Don't know if you remember the 5 minute chocolate mug cake I posted the recipe to in here a good while back, but I just wanted to say it can be made (and turns out very yummy) with rice flour, (vanilla) soy milk & egg substitute.  I think I actually like it better, but that might just be that I'm getting used to the new ingredients.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3743#3743 waterlilybarb's post

YES, I do remember you mentioning it, but I never had a chance to make it. Don't have much time for baking- or, well, for much of anything - these days! But I'm really glad you found the makeshift ingredients work for you!!


Reply 3743#3743 waterlilybarb's post

I can't remember that Barb, must have missed it. Sure I wouldn't be able to make it anyway, with it being chocolate based. You'll have to put up a pic if you get a second. Be interested to see it!! Can you believe it's been over 2 years since I've eaten chocolate? Where does the time go?

On that note, I was only thinking today that it will be the 10th anniversary of September 11th this year. I cannot get my head around that!! I know everyone remembers where they were when it happened.


Reply 3745#3745 shinny's post

I'll try & remember to snap a pic next time I make it.  I'm beginning to think I should avoid all chocolate too.  I know dark chocolate's out, but have an inkling any isn't good.   

I thought the same thing when the year changed Shinny.  It doesn't seem like it's been that long, and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3746#3746 waterlilybarb's post

I absolutely can't believe 10 years have passed - time does fly.


Reply 3747#3747 studiojek's post

Yeah i saw on the news at first i thought it was air plane accident but later found it was done on purpose -10 years really seem crazy it doesn't feel like that


Just checking in. How's everybody keeping?


Reply 3749#3749 shinny's post

I'm just trying to keep on keeping on.  Frustration levels high today.  My body is rebelling and I haven't been able to walk without the cane for about 3 or 4 days now.  I have stuff I need to do myself.  My friends are awesome & will do errands for me, but some things I have to do myself.  Just tired of it.  Looking foward to having a good day - which will come within a few days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3750#3750 waterlilybarb's post

Let's hope the good day comes sooner so


Reply 3751#3751 shinny's post

Thanks.   It didn't help that my phone has been out intermittantly throughout the day.  I guess there was a big fire not too far from here.  Thankfully there were no injuries, but it was a couple businesses & at least one of them is completely destroyed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3752#3752 waterlilybarb's post

That's horrible Barb, so sorry to hear it. I didn't know you needed a cane =(

How are your new homemade bread experiments going?

And hi Shinny! All's ok here- little one had a form of pneumonia and is on antibiotics, so she's home from daycare till probably the end of the month. She's doing much better, is almost completely healthy, so now we just need to keep her entertained!


Reply 3753#3753 studiojek's post

Poor little gal!  Hope she's back to full health quickly.

I don't need the cane all the time (thank goodness), but I get hemiplegic migraines sometimes which cause semi-paralysis.  I had one earlier this week, and am still not fully mobile.

As for the bread - my 2nd loaf wasn't as good as the first, but I had some tips as to why from our lovely member serena75.   I need to make some more, so am hoping to feel a little better soon, so I can make some.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3754#3754 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks - she's doing great now - it's her dad and I who are exhausted trying to keep up with her!

Ah, I see about the cane. That must be extremely frustrating =(

Good luck with the bread!!!


Reply 3755#3755 studiojek's post

That's great!  I believe you when you say it's you & your hubby who are wiped out running after her.  Don't you wish you could just bottle some of her energy for yourselves? LOL!

Well, I'm still not feeling too useful, but my sweet friend who was going to bring me shopping today is going to go get me some basics.  I'm out of most everything (including soy or almond milk) that I can just eat or is easy to make and she's used to having to read labels so it's not as challenging for her as it might be for others to do some shopping for me.  I was SO hoping to go myself - even with someone, but I awoke with the migraine tha started yesterday and can't even open my right eye, and I've taken the meds (and they're working as well as can be expected for this kind of migraine).  At least I'll have something to eat in the house.  It's beginning to look as bare as Old Mother Hubbard's cupboards because I cleaned out the pantry of anything past it's use by date (too much - sad to say...I hate having to throw food away) along with the stuff I can't eat anymore.  I was hoping to be able to bring some to the food bank, but the stuff I hadn't eaten I realized was stuff I brought with me when I moved back to Windsor.

Going to be smart and get off the computer now while the meds are still kind of working.

Have a great day everyone!  I'll do my best to have a not too bad of one.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3756#3756 waterlilybarb's post

So glad you have an understanding (and knowledgeable) friend to help with the shopping. I hate throwing out food, too, by the way!

Feel well, Barb!


Hey Studio. Glad to hear your little lady is on the mend. You and your hubbie need to take it easy now, where you can!

Barb, that sounds rough. It's good that you have someone who can get you what you need without too much instruction. Good idea to get off the computer though as I know that can make it worse!


Reply 3758#3758 shinny's post

I would very much LOVE to take it easy! THis morning was our first few hours away from our daughter - we sent her to her grandparents for a few hours - and we cleaned the house top to bottom. Boy, did it need it! However, not much of a rest for the weary!

One of my best friends is arriving for a visit tomorrow, though, so I'm very happy about that!


Reply 3759#3759 studiojek's post

I bet the grandparents were delighted to have her to themselves for a bit.

Have a WONDERFUL visit with your friend!  Is she staying with you or just passing through?

We had several days of (to every normal person) absolutely stunningly gorgeous weather.  It was like spring had arrived - it even melted most of the snow.  For me - it was hellish, as the quick change in barometric pressure caused a severe migraine.  Well, it didn't last.  It's snowing as I type this.  Funny thing is, a friend stopped by yesterday morning to pick something up - and bring me a real coffee - and he was wearing shorts.  Only in Canada will people break out the shorts in February while there's still snow piled up & forecast for the next day.   I think the highest it got was in the 50's F. LOL  Definitely not shorts weather.  I DO love my countrymen for having such a positive attitude to a warm(ish) day in winter.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

