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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3719#3719 shinny's post

A little something to help you feel better Sinéad.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3721#3721 waterlilybarb's post

Mmm, all I can see there is that "Chicken noodle" book! Now I want some chicken noodle, the way mom makes it! =)


Reply 3721#3721 waterlilybarb's post

Oh that's so cute. I wish I could have that delivered, lol. Thanks Barb!

Thanks Studio, feeling a little better in the last hour or so. I ventured out today to get a few bits in. I took a spin down in the car, got a few bits and I'm back home now with a nice fire blazing!!

I bought some apple cider vinegar when I was out as i heard it's good for chest colds. I mixed it with warm water so it wasn't too hard to drink. I think it may have helped, not sure yet though!!!


Reply 3722#3722 studiojek's post

Haha I know, me too!


Reply 3723#3723 shinny's post

I was wishing it was the real thing too.

My friend started taking apple cider vinegar (in water) a while ago for her acid reflux problem.  She's been on meds for quite a while, and hasn't really had much relief.  She was telling me how shocked she was at how much better her gut has been feeling since starting it, so I know it does have medicinal properties.  Funny thing is, she had put off trying it because it sounded counter-intuitive since vinegar is acidic.  It's amazing how folk remedies can really help.  Too many people laugh at them as old fashioned, but if it's not something that's harmful, then why not give it a try?  I don't know exactly how it works in the body. but I hope it gives you some relief too.

A nice fire sounds lovely.  My apartment has electric heat, which is my least favourite, but beggars can't be choosers.  Grateful not to be freezing (especially since I bought a decent space heater).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3725#3725 waterlilybarb's post

YES, a fire sounds splendid!

Apple cider vinegar, huh? For BOTH acid reflux AND the flu? Sounds too good to be true! I'll be sure to try it out next time I get sick, which hopefully will be NEVER, but I guess i have to be realistic!


Reply 3726#3726 studiojek's post

I agree that there are many folk remedies that are good, but "buyer beware" there are also many that are not and can be harmful.  In this day of information that is readily available, please do research on a new "old" thing.  I am a firm believer in natural health remedies, but there is a lot of "snake oil" out there too.

Lately, I have been suffering, and fighting hard at my new job to get my health insurance (which was suppose to have started the 1st of January) But the HMO has no record of me.  Ugh, I dislike aging.  Though as a great teacher once said, "All human beings go through Birth, Aging, Sickness, and Death"  I just don't always like the aging and sickness part alot of times, and as I am typing, the fourth one hasn't happen (Wonder if Zombies feel sickness )

Peace and health to all
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Well I had to take a trip to the Dr this morning because I woke up this morning feeling worse when I should have turned the corner and be on the mend. I was more worried it might be swine flu or something! But, it's just a good old fashioned chest infection. I had to go on antibiotics much to my dismay. I hate to take them but the Dr said I had an infection in my left lung that I wasn't going to get rid of myself. I'm not sure if they are making me feel worse or not but I feel really lousy at the moment! I'll be grand in another few days I'd say.

Lol Sanggye, I'd say they don't nor vampires, lol!!


Reply 3728#3728 shinny's post

Oh no, sorry to hear it Shinny! My father-in-law had something similar happen today - he was feeling really weak (after a week of a cough) and it turns out he has pneumonia. He'd been on antibiotics for his sickness, but they were the wrong ones. They caught it in time so he's going to be ok, just has to take some stronger antibiotics and rest (though his Dr. recommended staying inside, but not in bed as that will make him feel weaker).

Get well soon Shinny!!


Reply 3728#3728 shinny's post

Now I REALLY wish the gift basket was real.  Get well soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3728#3728 shinny's post

Get better soon and take them antibiotics
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Thanks everyone, woke this morning feeling a little better so the antibiotics have kicked in. I did feel awful after taking them inititally, but I know that's normal. I'd say I'll be fighting fit in a few more days!!


Reply 3732#3732 shinny's post

My doctor always suggests I take something to help the tummy while I'm on antibiotics, like a product called "Enterogermina," that helps your "intestinal flora." (that sounds ridiculous, but it does help!) Ha!


Reply 3733#3733 studiojek's post

Thanks for that Studio. Will try and see if I can get something tomorrow


Reply 3734#3734 shinny's post

Natural yogurt with active culture is also effective in keeping the good bacteria at the proper levels.  I always take that or acidophilus when I'm on antibiotics as they tend to cause me to get yeast infections when things get out of balance.  Glad to hear the meds are doing they're job.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3735#3735 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, that would work just as well - and probably be much tastier!


OK, on the marmite/vegemite issue.  I am watching Oprah, and she just had her first taste of vegemite.  She really liked it, so I definitely think it's a love or hate thing.  Hugh Jackman DID tell her not to smell it first, which no one warned me.  He also showed her (like Shinny's pics) how much to spread.  I don't think there's a vast difference between the two, and will not be trying it again (unless I get stranded somewhere and that's the only thing to eat ).  Just thought I'd share.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3737#3737 waterlilybarb's post

I strongly hope that you (or anyone!) never gets stranded somewhere and only has marmite//vegemite to eat!! LOL, leave it up to Oprah to discover the underlying mysteries of a marmite sandwich!


Reply 3738#3738 studiojek's post

BLECH!  I agree whole-heartedly.  What a thought, eh?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey everyone!  Just realized I haven't been here in FOREVER!  so vegemite, huh?  I haven't tried it.  but I have smelled it.  Maybe I should have tried it and not smelled it, as you guys said!! haha

