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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3680#3680 waterlilybarb's post

Enjoy the new year


Reply 3676#3676 spratt89's post

Well spratt I'm not sure of your back ground, but here are some ideas:

Sonoco has their main office here in South Carolina, but I know they have things over seas.
Airports always need Rampers, customer service agents, and Baggage people.  Not just major airports, but all of them.
Enterprise Rent a Carhas offices oversea's.
Ingersoll Randis a company based here in the Carolina's with many job opportunities around the world.
Boeing the airplane manufactorer is hiring.  They are opening a HUGE facility in Charleston SC but I imagine they have workers in the UK as well.

I hope this will help you and ANYONE that wants some doors open.  Don't be afraid to go across the pond either.  A job is a job and adventure is usually once in a lifetime.  Let me know if I can help any more.   It's my pleasure.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 3681#3681 bala's post

Thanks Bala.   Maybe 2011 will be the year I find a treatment (if not a cure) that works for me & can get the sheer volume of these migraines down to something more manageable again.

Off to bed for this girl.  Hoping to awaken pain-free...even if it only lasts a few hours.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3683#3683 waterlilybarb's post

Well i don't know it does seem the older you get the worser it's getting


Reply 3684#3684 bala's post

Not true, though some problems seem that way.  Migraines are one that have most doctors confounded.  Both my ex and my mother suffered them.  My mother's never went away and persisted to she died.  My ex, though various techniques, had not suffered for years.

I feel for you Barb and wish you all the best in dealing with it as bravely as you do.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 3685#3685 sanggye's post

Yes i also want to say well done to barbs for dealing with it as bravely as she does. What great about her is that she doesn't let get in the way of manners, no matter how bad they get she's still very pleasant person.


Reply 3686#3686 bala's & 3685#3685 sanggye's posts

Thanks fellas, that's nice of you.   Some women get some relief after menopause, but I'm a fair ways off from that.  Unfortunately, though some advances in treatment have been made, not enough is being done even though migraines cost companies millions every year in lost production time when sufferers have to take time off work to deal with them.

There are times when the pain puts my nerves on edge.  On those days, I do my best to remove myself from situations where I might say something I will regret.  I don't always get it right, and I have good friends (both online & off) that I check with if I'm not sure if what I said might be rude, and if it was, I apologize.

I have an appointment in the spring with a new specialist, and I'm hoping he will have a different perspective or offer something I haven't tried yet.  I have tried some alternative treatments (along with a myriad of medications), but none have been helpful. I think the only one I haven't tried is accupuncture, and I just can't afford it right now.  It's just one of those things that make everyday life a bit harder, and frankly, very frustrating.  I'm not nearly as sick nor is my pain as severe as many people, but I find it challenging because when it's in your head, you can't think or function properly.  I LOVE to read, but I can't read when I have a migraine, not can I listen to music or watch TV, which are other things I enjoy for entertainment/distraction.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3687#3687 waterlilybarb's post

My sister in law suffers with migraines, not nearly as bad as you get them Barb. She normally gets them about once a month or so. Her father suffered with them for years and then he was struck down with ME. I remember her telling me that herself and her siblings just have a memory of their Dad, when they were all younger, being in bed for years because the ME was so bad. I think he had it for about 10 years. Anyway, one day he literally woke up and it was gone. He still gets the migraines from time to time but not as badly as they were when he was younger and before he got the ME. The Dr's reckon his body just needed time out and it took it. It's mad to think it because to look at him now he's fighting fit. He probably has more energy than I do!!!


Reply 3688#3688 shinny's post

Interesting.  I have ME (though they call it CFS in the US - SUCH a misnomer).  Prior to getting sick I was one of those people who had energy & then some.  I'd love to wake up one day and feel anywhere near back to my old self, but I'm not holding my breath for it.  If it happens - great, but I actually think there's something more, and they just don't know what it is.

Been in bed nearly all day - keep falling asleep - with a migraine.  It woke me early this morning & I took my meds which allowed me to check in here for a bit.  I just hope I can sleep through the night after all the sleeping done through the day.  I feel tired enough, but that's never a guarantee.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3689#3689 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, that is interesting that you also have ME/CFS Barb. I must ask my sister in law some more about her Dad and see what his migraines were like during this time.


Reply 3690#3690 shinny's post

I thought you knew that was part of my diagnosis (no big deal).  I honestly think they just have no idea what's wrong, but know there's SOMETHING wrong, and stuck that label on it.  Initially it fit, but 20 years later, there are a lot more issues that don't quite fit.

On a nifty note, I just finished eating a slice of toast from the bread I made in my new bread maker (which I received as a gift from a very kind friend).  It was quite tasty.  I won't say it was perfect, but for a first attempt at gluten free bread making, I think I did pretty well.   I've had a migraine for days (yet again), and have caught another bug (AGAIN), so a piece of toast with a cup of tea was just what I needed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3691#3691 waterlilybarb's post

Hey Barb.  Exciting to hear about the new bread machine. I may have just the thing to go with that.  Not sure if you can handle sweets, but I bought my Grandfather the best Honey for xmas and maybe you would want to give it a try. It's made here in NC.  Let me know if you try it.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 3692#3692 arksongbird80's post

Thanks arksongbird.   I love good honey.  I have some buckwheat honey at the moment.  I checked out the site you posted.  I might give it a try.  If I do, I'll definitely let you know.    When I lived in the north, my Mum had friends who kept bees, and their honey was delicious (I especially liked honeycombs).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I think it was sddv who suggested Marmite for migraines - pretty sure a friend of hers said it worked for her.  Well, I finally found some.  It was the VILEST thing I've ever put in my mouth.  I couldn't tell if it was helping the migraine because I had to spit it out so as not to puke.  It was worth a try, and one more thing off my list.  

I also recently tried one of the natural things I had researched but, although it helped with the pain, it did cause side effects that let me know I should not take it.  Yet another thing off my list, and another thing to tell the specialist I've tried when I see him.  I called today & got added to the cancellation list.  Here's hoping something opens up before May.  

I can't take much more of this.   They are nearly constant now, which is why I haven't been around or posting as much.  I still check in daily and love to hear any news y'all want to share.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3694#3694 waterlilybarb's post

Aww Barb sorry to hear there getting worse. I used to get migrains when I was younger not to the same severity but still felt lowsey. My parents took me to a specialist who suggested keeping a diary of food intakes and activities. This lead to finding out that Milk seemed to be a trigger so I stopped all dairy in my diet and they stopped. A few migrain free years later I started dairy again and luckily I have not had any with it since. I know you have tried diaries and such in the past but just to let you know  they can go as soon as they started. I think I was just lucky and grew out of them as they say some people do. Hope you get in to see the specialist and maybe have a few more ideas.
Now silly season has finished and everythings back to normal hope to see everyone around the boards again


Reply 3695#3695 casper27's post

Thanks Craig.  Yep, I have done my best to eliminate my food triggers.  I'm now on a wheat free, dairy free, egg free diet (along with a few other things I avoid as known triggers).  I can have a little dairy occasionally (if I take the enzyme tablets), as it doesn't seem to trigger the migraines but is more of an intestinal problem.  I am as gluten free as possible, but since it doesn't seem to make a difference with the migraines I can eat barley, rye & oats, as long as I don't overdo it.  It seems I am mainly sensitive to wheat but most store bought things without wheat are gluten free.  Been on this diet for a year now, and no change in the migraines, but my gut feels immensely better.  

I'm hoping the new doc has another, maybe it's something other than migraines and can be treated effectively.  A girl can dream, can't she?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, my wish for you for 2011 is to be migraine-free, or at least to be able to get a good appointment in with your specialist! I'm sorry to hear things aren't doing wonderfully, but I'll be optimistic for you ok? By the way, what's "ME"? Please excuse my ignorance.

2011 has started off on the sick side for us as well - first the baby, then my husband and I got the flu, I'm taking a sick day today actually (though my husband, who is home with me, has gotten so many work phonecalls, I might have just gone to the office, grrrr!). At least the baby is fine and back in daycare today so we can try to rest up and get our old selves back somehow!

A very belated HAPPY NEW YEAR and my best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!


Reply 3697#3697 studiojek's post

Same here i was sick the whole last week finally feel better today


This flu is horrible, it's really killing us! Not a fever, but lots of hacking coughing, stuffed noses and overall BLECH feeling!

Glad you're well now Bala!


Reply 3697#3697 studiojek's post

No fun the whole family getting the flu.  I had a stomach flu a few weeks ago.  I feel for you having to take care of a baby while you were sick too.

ME is short for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.  It's generally called CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the US, and CFIDS - Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome in Canada.  This link provides a decent esplanation of the illness.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

