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The girly`s ......giggle box

reply 3660#3660 arksongbird80's post

ive heard of taco bell but what is chick-fil-a

what do you think of hershey kisses ?
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3660#3660 arksongbird80's post

I've not had lemon bars but I have to tell you I'm not crazy about lemon desserts either, lol!!!


Reply 3661#3661 babysexylexy's post

I think that I've become too familiar with americanisims as I know what Chick-Fil-A is !!!!


Chick Fil A is only the BEST fast food place there is.  They only serve chicken.  They have waffle Fries (I think ya'll call them chips) and you can get the orginal, grilled, a wrap, chicken salad sandwitch, nuggets ect.  They have milkshakes and the BEST sweet tea ever.

take a moment and check it out!

As for hershey's kisses, I have no problem with them. I rather like 'em, but I don't eat them often either.  I don't like the new Peppermint ones. Those are gross.   Did you know, The chocolate isn't just a Treat.  The name is also;

Milton Hershey School (formerly Hershey Industrial School) was established in 1909 by Mr. Milton Hershey and his wife Catherine to assist orphaned boys. The mission of Milton Hershey School (MHS) today, is to nurture and educate children in financial and social need in keeping with Milton and Catherine Hershey's Deed of Trust. Milton Hershey School is the largest residential pre-K through 12 school in the United States. MHS provides free education, career training, housing, clothing, sustenance, health care, and counseling to over 1,100 racially and ethnically diverse boys and girls who are in financial need and social need.
You want the best for your children. You want them to be happy, healthy, and successful. You want to give your children greater opportunities. There is a place to which you can turn. The Milton Hershey School.

Hershey did alot of good in the area with his philanthopie and creating jobs.  I was able to tour the park a couple years ago and it's very interesting!

[ Last edited by arksongbird80 at 12-18-2010 19:29 ]
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 3662#3662 shinny's post

You're killing me!
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 3663#3663 shinny's post

You REALLY have Shinny!  I've never heard of Chicken-Fil-A, though I don't know if they have them in Michigan.

I'm not crazy about fast food at all.  I love a good plate of chips - REAL ones, but even before my food allergies. I hadn't eaten fast food in years other than a Dairy Queen ice cream cone or blizzard, and coffee from Tim Horton's (which is ubiquitous in Canada).  I did like the veggie sandwiches at Subway, but since I can no longer eat the bread, I haven't eaten there in at least a year and a half.  

Not saying I'm a health food nut, though it feels that way, because I love treats, but everything in moderation.  I'm glad I can still eat a bit of chocolate on occasion, though NOT dark chocolate, which is my favourite.  My downfall was cookies, but I haven't tried making any since I've gone completely wheat-free and mostly gluten-free.  I've found a few recipes I plan to try, but I have to get the proper ingredients to make them (as well as feel well enough to bake).  I do buy store bought GF ginger snaps which are pretty good, and nice with a cuppa, but they're pricey (and not as good as homemade), so I maybe buy one bag a month.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


lol im glad someone over here new what chick-fil-a is (doesnt llok too bad) if we had one here i might onsider it

arksong since you like hersheys kisses or dont mind them your opinion about chocolate doesnt count im sorry yuck major yuck sorry

cadburys forever
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3666#3666 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, there are Chick fil a, pretty much in a lot of places in the US, though Indiana is the closest to Michigan that has them, as does a few points of Ohio.  And I can not see what the whole deal with Tim Horton's is?  I found their coffee to not be that great.

.  I do like Mounds bars in occasion.

Finding sweets and good deserts for those that are wheat-gluten free is hard.  When you get around to it, good luck.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 3668#3668 sanggye's post

Honestly, it isn't that great - especially for real coffee lovers, but they're EVERYWHERE, and thus very convenient when you need a caffeine fix.   I don't mind they're coffee, though it's not my favourite, and I don't get it often - maybe a couple times a month, unless I'm out running errands and am in need of some caffeine to keep me going.

I'm pickier about my tea, and usually won't drink it in restaurants as most don't carry any decent brands.  When I travel, or visit friends around town (who aren't tea drinkers) I carry a ziplock baggy of teabags in my purse.   I also get a ginger tea from the Asian market, which I love, and use frequently for nausea - am actually making some right now.  It's more of a tisane than tea.  Do you make your own ginger tea blend or buy it?

Thanks for the well wishes on finding some decent wheat/gluten free treats.  I subscribe to several blogs & have found some promising recipes, which I look forward to trying.  I already have a good GF brownie recipe, and have made it several times, but I don't always want chocolate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3669#3669 waterlilybarb's post

I make my own ginger tea.  I spent 3 years or so up in Nova Scotia, and yes I drank Tim Horton's, but it wasn't my favorite.  I agree with carrying the tea, it is ridiculous what places charge for tea
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


whoo hoo, it's vacation! (well, mostly. i've still got some 20 papers to slog through and grade plus various house projects to finish before the mother-in-law comes! ) it's been a million years since i could drop in. i had a pm about the AFR but i couldn't check it out since the pictures had already disappeared ah, life!

hey, studio - i hope the little monkey's been sleeping! monster baby here stopped napping after about a year but she's pretty good getting to sleep (if she gets all her stories and songs) and has always slept through the night. believe me, i know how lucky we are!

how's everyone else's holiday season? sorry about everyone who's buried by the weather. stay warm and hope your internet holds up!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Well i hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and look forward 2011


Reply 3672#3672 bala's post

I'm hoping to finally find a job in my area that for the past 2 years has been impossible.


Reply 3673#3673 spratt89's post

what is your area of expertise.  Maybe some of us can help??
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 3673#3673 spratt89's post

Good luck, I just finally found a job after almost 2 years, have had to move to another area though
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 3674#3674 arksongbird80's post

at this moment in time I will take any job on offer


Reply 3673#3673 spratt89's post

Most people in UK are having that problem it does seem people are not moving from their jobs which mean young people like yourself don't get opportunity to learn jobs. you be amazed at how bad job market is but it's up to you find right job for you rather than take any job.. Your young it's when you get older it tougher


Reply 3677#3677 bala's post

Nice thought, but when you are broke, bills piling up, you gotta do what you gotta do.  I took a job as a vegetarian chef in a retreat center for little money, though I am an IT person.  Why because I was homeless for 2 months before I took that job (it included room and board) Having been laid off from my previous job and going months of not finding work that I wanna do.  Oh, I am back in the IT field
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 3678#3678 sanggye's post

Yeah i suppose that true if you got bills that a different matter i think that reason why there a lot people in wrong jobs.


Reply 3678#3678 sanggye's post

I agree.  While it's great to have a job in your chosen field (congrats, by the way), bills keep coming and a job is a job.  These days many people can't afford the luxury of waiting for work in their field.  I'm not able to work at present, but the job situation here is bad too.  I live in a factory city, and when the factories lay people off it trickles down to all other areas - especially retail, since people spend less when they don't know how long they will have a job.  

Anyway, I'm getting offline again.  My head is percolating a new migraine and the computer isn't helping.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

