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Season 2

Episode 1: Dance Class (Nov/12/2004)
Mark is still trying to get in close with Sophie, only now he has a new plan: hack into her email to read her thoughts. Jeremy pledges his love for Toni, just before meeting the sexiest woman he has ever met, who just happens to be addicted to taboo breaking.

Episode 2: Local Zero (Nov/19/2004)
While working on a Saturday, Mark meets a new friend, and the first friend, in fact, he's made since 1996. Jeremy crosses paths with an old 'friend' from school who has become successful and is, at present, looking for music for Honda. Jeremy cannot believe his luck and goes straight to Super Hans to get a track done.

Episode 3: Jeremy Makes It (Nov/26/2004)
Jeremy wants nothing more than to make Nancy his 'proper girlfriend', but she's more than a bit skeptical. Soon he is going out of his way to prove his worthiness. Mark is a small-time celebrity in an infamous way: an alcoholic. The news cameras catch him drinking at a picnic and make him the poster child of bad behaviour. His boss and workmates have all noticed and are not too pleased.

Episode 4: University Challenge (Dec/03/2004)
Mark meets an amazing woman while shoe shopping and when he returns to the store a few days later he finds that she's a student and has already returned to university. Jeremy and Super Hans have trouble, that is Hans has been asked to front another band. Jeremy, not to be left out, insists on going with them to Dartmouth. Mark, upon hearing this, goes along as it is the city where the shoe store girl studies.

Episode 5: The Man Show (Dec/10/2004)
Mark is trying anything to get closer to Sophie, even if that means spending time with Jeff, her boyfriend. Unable to make a connection with Jeff, Mark invites Jeremy around to the pub to ease the mood. Turns out Jeremy really likes Jeff and they become mates.

Episode 6: Wedding (Dec/17/2004)
Jeremy is brought to a secluded location for what he thinks is a break-up, but really, Nancy proposes to him for visa purposes; yet everyone is skeptical of this marriage of convenience. Mark is starting to get back into the dating scene when all of a sudden Sophie is single . . . again.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:06 ]
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Season 3

Episode 1: Mugging (Nov/11/2005)
Mark is 'mugged' by some teenagers on the way home, which immediately distracts him from everything else, including Sophie. Jeremy, ready to break up with his girlfriend, is kept interested by the promise of living out sexual fantasies. Meanwhile, the love of Jeremy's life is in town, but not single.

Episode 2: Sectioning (Nov/18/2005)
There's something about Merry . . . 'Canadian Merry' as they call her. After she gives away her pub and makes a pass at Mark, they suspect that she has gone 'mental'. Both Jeremy and Super Hans want the pub and don't really care about her, whereas Mark is concerned and calls the authorities. Sophie and Mark are finally a couple, but there may still be some problems with the fledgling relationship.

Episode 3: Shrooming (Nov/25/2005)
When Jeremy finds out Mark is going to be away on a business trip to Frankfurt, he plans a 'shroom party'. When Mark turns up at home again, only an hour after leaving, Jeremy is in panic mode, and tries anything possible to keep the party on by dealing with Mark.

Episode 4: Sistering (Dec/02/2005)
Mark's sister, Sarah, is in a state after she breaks up with her husband. Jeremy sees a golden opportunity to capitalize on a woman on the rebound, but Mark is livid about the idea. Meanwhile, Mark and Big Suze start spending some time together, and Jeremy returns the animosity to Mark.

Episode 5: Jurying (Dec/09/2005)
Mark is caught between a rock and a hard place when Alan asks him to talk to Sophie about her increasingly lax behaviour at work. Thing is, she wants to pop 'round his place then call in sick the next day. Jeremy, meanwhile, is called for jury duty, but secretly commits contempt of court by meeting the defendant.

Episode 6: Quantocking (Dec/16/2005)
Mark has saved up coupons for a cheap four star hotel room, and he wants to take Sophie there for a magical weekend in which he will propose. He has so many coupons, in fact, that Jeremy is able to get a room as well; but unable to convince Big Suze to accompany him, he invites Super Hans, who has just decided to give up all drugs and alcohol cold turkey. Problems start for Mark when he has no 'perfect moment' to propose; and similarly, Jeremy is in trouble when Big Suze has a change of heart.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:07 ]
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Season 4

Episode 1: Sophie's Parents (Apr/13/2007)
Mark and Sophie are looking forward to be married but he makes the mistake of inviting Jeremy to meet his future wife's parents.

Episode 2: Conference (Apr/20/2007)
Mark is offered promotion at work but there are certain conditions attached to it. Johnson attempts to bribe Jeremy.

Episode 3: Gym (Apr/27/2007)
Jeremy gets a job working as a cleaner.

Episode 4: Handyman (May/04/2007)
Jeremy gets to meet his hero. Mark attends a school reunion and considers having an affair.

Episode 5: Holiday (May/11/2007)
Mark's stag weekend is arranged by Jeremy which sees them ending up on a canal boat. Mark is offered a new job in India.

Episode 6: Wedding (May/18/2007)
Mark still has doubts about marrying Sophie as the wedding day finally arrives.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:07 ]
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Season 5

Episode 1: Burgling (May/02/2008)
Mark finds out what its like to be single again following his non wedding to Sophie.

Episode 2: Spin War (May/09/2008)
Sophie holds a grudge against Mark when they return to work.

Episode 3: Jeremy's Broke (May/16/2008)
When Jeremy discovers he has no money he descends into a life of criminality.

Episode 4: Jeremy's Mummy (May/23/2008)
Jeremy's mother comes fr a visit with her new boyfriend when she has to attend a family funeral.

Episode 5: Jeremy's Manager (May/30/2008)
After Jeremy and Super Hans get a manager they are asked to perform at a Christian rock festival. Mark tags along as their roadie and is taught how to have sex properly for the first time in his life.

Episode 6: Mark's Women (Jun/06/2008)
Mark discovers the world of on line gaming. Jeremy joins a cult. Sophie and Mark sort out their marriage annulment.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:08 ]
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Season 6

Episode 1: Jeremy at JLB (Sep/18/2009)
Mark and Jeremy attempt to enjoy their last few days of freedom before Sophie gives birth. Mark enjoys his promotion at work. Mark tries to impress the IT girl, Dobbie.

Episode 2: The Test (Sep/25/2009)
Mark tries to impress Dobby. Jeremy meets Elena, a Russian émigré and he tries to impress her. Both Mark and Jeremy find their worlds changing after Sophie spills the beans.

Episode 3: Jeremy in Love (Oct/02/2009)
After realising that he is in love with Elena, Jeremy decides to become less selfish so that he can win her affections. Mark decides it is not a good idea for Jeremy to declare his love to her.

Episode 4: The Affair (Oct/09/2009)
Mark finds out that Elena has a secret and wonders if he should tell Jeremy. Alan Johnson offers Mark a business opportunity. Mark and Jeremy's problems are brought to a head by Big Suze.

Episode 5: The Party (Oct/16/2009)
Mark and Jeremy decide to throw a party as a last hurrah before Sophie has the baby . Mark decides to try and sort things out with Dobby. Jeremy decides to try and make Elena jealous.

Episode 6: Das Boot (Oct/23/2009)
Jeremy is desperate to try and win Elena back before she gets married. Mark decides to learn to drive so that he can take Sophie to the hospital when the take arrives for the birth of the baby. Mark finds learning to drive harder than he thought.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:08 ]
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Season 7

Episode 1: St Hospitals (Nov/26/2010)
Mark and Jeremy are at the hospital as Sophie is about to give birth to Mark's baby. Jeremy believes that he will never get over Elena leaving him, that is until he meets Zahra, whose boyfriend is in a coma.

Episode 2: Man Jam (Dec/03/2010)
The object of Mark's desires, a girl named Dobby, is dating Simon a graphic designer. Both Gerrald and Mark are determined to win her affections. Ben offers Jeremy the ideal job as head of development for his music web site. After Jeremy signs up Super Hans's band, 'Man Feelings' things start to go wrong.

Episode 3: A Beautiful Mind (Dec/10/2010)
Jeremy holds a book group at the flat in an effort to try and impress Zahra but apart from Mr Nice, Jeremy has never read a book. Mark is concerned by not being able to satisfy Dobby's sexual needs and decides to get some help for the problem.

Episode 4: Nether Zone (Dec/17/2010)
Mark's baby's christening day arrives and he arranges to take Jeremy to the church with him, but they both eventually end up getting locked in the hallway of Zahra's flat.

Episode 5: Seasonal Beatings (Dec/24/2010)
Mark has invited his parents over for Christmas dinner. Everything has been planned down to the last detail but Jeremy has become over excited and Dobby and Super Hans show up as unexpected guests.

Episode 6: New Year's Eve (Dec/29/2010)
Mark is depressed about Dobby on New Year's Eve but Jeremy is determined that the 'El Dude Brothers' are going to have the best night ever.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:08 ]
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Season 8

Episode 1: Jeremy Therapised (Nov/25/2012)
Mark has asked Dobby to move in with him, and Jeremy is has to deal with the prospect of having to move out to make way. Jeremy has been dragging his heels though and Mark is becoming concerned that Dobby will move in with his rival, Gerrard instead.

Episode 2: Business Secrets of the Pharaohs (Dec/02/2012)
Mark manages to get a lucky break after his book, 'Business Secrets of The Pharaohs', is accepted by a 'publisher'. Jeremy, in an attempt to create a career for himself, enrols on a life coaching course.

Episode 3: The Love Bunker (Dec/09/2012)
Simon, Dobby's ex-boyfriend, asks Mark, Dobby, Jeremy and Superhans to join him and his friends for a paintballing weekend. Mark is convinced that Simon is using the weekend as a cover to get back with Dobby, and Jeremy is convinced he can life coach Neil, Simon's best friend.

Episode 4: Big Mad Andy (Dec/16/2012)
Jeremy ends up agreeing to finally leave the flat and move in with Superhans. Mark decides to get in a decorator to repaint the kitchen. Jeremy helps out by offering him some free 'life-coaching' advice. Mark enrols on a business studies evening course, where he meets Stephanie.

Episode 5: Chairman Mark (Dec/23/2012)
Jeremy wants to avoid having to live with Superhans and attempts to sparks up an old relationship with Mark's siser Sara, and moves in with her and her 5-year-old son. Mark attempts to deal with a damp patch on his bedroom wall and starts a campaign to be elected chairman of the freehold committee of Apollo House.

Episode 6: Quantocking II (Dec/24/2012)
Dobby is offered a job in New York by former boyfriend Simon. Dobby want her and Mark spend a weekend in the country. Jeremy decides to get a few things off his chest.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-19-2013 23:09 ]
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Shows that have been added but discussion are still in free chatting

Girls (HBO)
Veep (HBO)
Shameless (UK)
NYC 22 (CBS)
The Client List (Lifetime)
Birdsong (BBC One)
Danger 5 (SBS)
I Just Want My Pants Back (MTV)
Titanic (2012)


I can do the following episode guides

Fringe Season 5 done
Miranda Season 3 done
Silent Witness Season 16 done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-21-2013 21:31 ]


Reply 3648#3648 codebreaker's post

Thanks.  I'll move those to their appropriate forums ASAP.  

And thanks.  Those episode guides would be great.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Season 5

Episode 1: Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11
In the year 2036, Peter, Astrid, Walter, and Peter's daughter Etta seek out to find Olivia, who holds the secret to uncovering the master plan that will allow the rebel fights to defeat the occupying Observer force.

Episode 2: In Absentia
After Walter's memories of the plan to defeat the Observers is destroyed, the team goes to his old Harvard lab to uncover a vital clue to stop the invasion.

Episode 3: The Recordist
To find a mineral necessary for their plans, the Fringe team travels into the wilds of Pennsylvania and finds an encampment made up of people who are recording human history since the invasion.

Episode 4: The Bullet That Saved The World
The team attempt to recover part of Walter's plan from a subway station and discover that an old friend is risking his life to help them... or is he?

Episode 5: An Origin Story
When the team learns of a way to cut off the Observers from their future, Peter interrogates an Observer prisoner while Olivia tries to come to grips with their daughter's death.

Episode 6: Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
Walter discovers that one of his tapes holds the key to defeating the Observers. To obtain it, he must travel to an abandoned apartment building where time and space are compressed. Peter, Olivia, and Astrid follow, and Peter discovers that he may be able to fight the Observers directly.

Episode 7: Five-Twenty-Ten
Peter brings his new powers to bear as he plots out a way to destroy the Observers. Meanwhile, the team meets with Nina and Walter realizes he may be losing the struggle against his old self.

Episode 8: The Human Kind
Olivia goes to pick up another piece of equipment for Walter's plan and encounters a woman who informs Olivia that her coming was foretold. Meanwhile, Peter continues to use his Observer implant to plot Windmark's demise.

Episode 9: Black Blotter
Walter takes LSD in an attempt to learn more of the plan he created to defeat the Observers. Meanwhile, Olivia and Peter trace a mysterious signal and find Walter's secret weapon.

Episode 10: Anomaly XB-6783746
The Fringe team turns to Nina for help after finding the child Observer, Michael. However, to help her friends, Nina is forced to risk her cover at the Ministry of Science.

Episode 11: The Boy Must Live
Using the sensory deprivation tank, Walter learns of Donald's address and the team goes to see the former Observer known as September. Donald tells them of the plan and of the young Observer Michael's role in it.

Episode 12: Liberty
To rescue Michael, Olivia must travel to the Other Side and meet with old friends so that she can enter the lab and save the boy before he is dissected. Meanwhile, Windmark tries to determine exactly what danger Michael poses to the Observers.

Episode 13: An Enemy of Fate
To save the present, the Fringe team must send Michael into the future and stop the Observers from ever being created. To succeed, a father must sacrifice everything.

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Season 3

Episode 1: It Was Panning (Dec/26/2012)
Penny threatens to cancel Miranda’s Christmas unless she attempts to sort her life out. She makes her go into detox. Stevie has a new executive job and Miranda decides to try and get an office job as well but it all ends up proving too much.

Episode 2: What A Surprise (Jan/01/2013)
Penny manages to embarrass her daughter after she decides to run for local councillor with Tilly supporting her. Gary decides to join the dating scene and Miranda decides she has to do the same. They both attempt to find dates for Stevie’s birthday party.

Episode 3: The Dinner Party (Jan/07/2013)
Miranda attempts to prove to herself and her friends that she can officially be an adult. She starts by looking after a toddler, but ends up getting stuck inside a kids' tunnel. When she attempts to host a dinner party for eight, it ends in complete chaos.

Episode 4: Je Regret Nothing (Jan/14/2013)
Miranda has been looking for her sick mother for five long days. Being stuck inside her flat being ordered around by her mother, Miranda is forced to think about her life regrets. After she ends up becoming ill as well, Tilly, Gary and Stevie offer no sympathy or help at all.

Episode 5: Three Little Words (Jan/21/2013)
Gary is getting ready for the reopening of the restaurant, and seeing him in his best chef whites leaves Miranda all agog as he he has never looked so good. Stevie's advice is simple as she advises her to tell him how she feels before it's too late.

Episode 6: A Brief Encounter (Jan/28/2013)
Miranda comes to a big life decision as she decides to go travelling. She’s leaving and this time she says it's for good. Stevie is upset and her mother is too wrapped up in renewing her wedding vows to notice. It looks like Gary is the only person who can stop her from leaving.

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Season 16

Episodes 1-2: Change (Jan. 10-11, 2013)
John Briggs, a wealthy, ageing confectionery company owner, is found dead in his London hotel suite. Nikki joins forces with Jack to prove to sceptical DS Gold that it’s murder, not death by natural causes. Several suited sharks circle as it transpires Briggs was losing a desperate fight to prevent the sale of his ailing company to investors. And Michael Trenter, his PR man, is unable to conceal Briggs’ murky private life from the baying press, devaluing the family brand by the hour. Meanwhile, Geraldine, Briggs’ estranged daughter, is a fish out of water as she’s left control of the company in her father’s will. Leo is left in no doubt about how to secure the Lyell Centre’s future – by employing Jack to head up a new forensics department. And just as the new team are cemented, crucial evidence from a discovered body gives them a shocking lead on the killer’s motive.

Episodes 3-4: Trust (Jan. 17-18, 2013)
When two women are shot dead in the basement of a rented house, Nikki and Jack are baffled by the conflicting possible motives for the killings. Meanwhile, Leo is tasked with proving that his one of his pathology colleagues and close friends made a mistake when giving evidence that imprisoned a mother for smothering her baby to death. As the hunt for the basement killer intensifies, Nikki nearly meets her death when evasive D.I. Reed leaves her in a burning warehouse to pursue the chief suspect. Meanwhile, Clarissa and Jack are shocked to uncover a dangerous plot that threatens national security - including an outbreak of a deadly disease - while Leo must race against time to prove the imprisoned mother’s innocence, and reunite her with her other son, Darius, before he is lost in the adoption system.

Episodes 5-6: True Love Waits (Jan. 24-25, 2013)
When a pub landlady is stabbed to death in the basement of her own pub, and her little finger is cut off by the killer, Nikki is isolated in her quest to prove her husband’s innocence, against Jack and Leo’s mounting evidence to otherwise suggest his involvement. However, when her husband is charged by the police with her death, Nikki must convince Jack and Leo that she is infact the latest victim of a psychopathic serial killer, who is igniting a deadly game of cat and mouse, as the pathologists close the net on his reign of terror.

Episodes 7-8: The Legacy (Apr. 31-Feb 01, 2013)
While Nikki and Jack investigate the death of a man found on the site a rural building project, Leo is tasked with helping a grieving father’s discover the cause of his son’s fatal tumour. While Nikki is wooed by a charismatic junior Science Minister, Leo’s discovery of a similar medical condition in the man found dead on the building site reveals an abnormal cluster of tumour deaths, and a possible government cover up of their cause. When Leo suspects Nikki’s charming new man could be involved, it threatens their friendship, and leaves Leo and Jack battling to expose the sinister truth, and to discover just who is responsible for murder.

Episodes 9-10: Greater Love (Feb. 07-08, 2013)
When human remains are found on the site of an Afghan charity water supply project, Leo, Nikki and Jack are sent to the war-torn region to establish if they are the remains of a British soldier who vanished five years ago, suspected of being murdered by Taliban forces. Amidst ruthless Taliban attacks and a dangerous, alien culture, Leo develops a life-changing relationship with a charity worker, as the team grow suspicious of a British security firm’s torture of captured Taliban fighters. But when a forensic breakthrough changes the course of the team’s investigation, it triggers a chain of events that puts them all in imminent danger.

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Reply 3650#3650 waterlilybarb's post

Silent Witness Season 16 has yet to be updated on VIP as the first four episodes have aired


Reply 3654#3654 codebreaker's post

I'll let LBJ know.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


About Tron: Uprising

Tron: Uprising premiered on Disney XD on May 18, 2012

About the Show:
Beck is a young program who becomes the unlikely leader of a revolution inside the computer world of The Grid. His mission is to free his home and friends from the reign of the villainous Clu and his henchman General Tesler.

Beck will be trained by Tron - the greatest warrior the Grid has ever known. Tron will not only teach Beck the fighting skills he needs to challenge this brutal military occupation, but will be a guide and mentor to him as he grows beyond his youthful, impulsive nature into a courageous, powerful leader.

Destined to become the new protector of the system, Beck adopts Tron's persona and becomes the archenemy of Tesler and his oppressive forces.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Elijah WoodvoicedBeck
Emmanuelle ChriquivoicedPaige
Mandy MoorevoicedMara
Nathan CorddryvoicedZed
Lance HenriksenvoicedGeneral Tesler
Paul ReubensvoicedPavel
Reginald VelJohnsonvoicedAble
Bruce BoxleitnervoicedTron
Tricia HelfervoicedVoice of the Grid
Fred TatasciorevoicedClu

Link to discussion thread

Watch It Here

How to become a VIP Member.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-27-2013 23:05 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 1-27-2013 14:58
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 1-27-2013 14:58


Season 1

Episode 1: Beck’s Beginning (May/18/2012)
Beck is a young mechanic living in Argon City, a growing metropolis in a far off corner of The Grid that has just been occupied by General Tesler, a henchman of the notorious Clu.

After his best friend Bodhi is ruthlessly derezzed by Clu’s army, Beck seeks justice for his lost friend and launches a crusade against the regime. His rebellion captures the attention of Tron, the greatest warrior The Grid has ever known, who sees the potential in Beck and trains him to be his successor.
Labeled with the moniker of The Renegade, Beck sparks a revolution to fight for the freedom of The Grid.

Episode 2: The Renegade, Part 1 (Jun/07/2012)
A spin-off of the " Tron" films focuses on Beck, who leads a revolution inside a computer world that is controlled by a tyrant. In Part 1 of the two-part opener, Beck is captured and sent to the Coliseum to fight in a deadly game.

Episode 3: The Renegade, Part 2 (Jun/14/2012)
Conclusion. Beck and Cutler continue to battle in the games and win, but the Occupation takes extreme measures to stop them.

Episode 4: Blackout (Jun/21/2012)
Beck tries to destroy an Occupation-controlled energy drill that threatens to topple Argon City.

Episode 5: Identity (Jun/28/2012)
Beck's identity disc is stolen and his memory starts to unravel.

Episode 6: Isolated (Jul/05/2012)
Paige and the Renegade are forced to work together when they crash on a remote island that is sinking into the sea.

Episode 7: Price of Power (Jul/12/2012)
Beck intercepts a secret weapon that gives any program who wears it increased strength and agility, but it also makes the program more aggressive and reckless.

Episode 8: The Reward (Oct/19/2012)
Occupation arrests an innocent program falsely accused of being The Renegade.

Episode 9: Scars - Part 1 (Oct/26/2012)
Part 1 of 2. Tron's history before the occupation is revealed. Meanwhile, Beck tries to convince Tron to stop his planned revenge against a program named Dyson that was once his friend.

Episode 10: Scars - Part 2 (Nov/02/2012)
Conclusion. More of Tron's history before the occupation is revealed, including how he got his scars.

Episode 11: Grounded (Dec/03/2012)
The Renegade is challenged by Tesler to a showdown, but Beck is grounded at the garage by Able. The situation forces Beck to choose between his duty to Able and his responsibilities as the Renegade.

Episode 12: We Both Know How This Ends (Dec/10/2012)
Mara tries to prove her leadership ability when she is put in charge of the garage while Able is away.

Episode 13: The Stranger (Dec/17/2012)
Beck falls into a trap and discovers a shocking secret; Able uncovers a plot to build a super weapon.

Episode 14: Tagged (Dec/24/2012)
The Renegade recruits three fearless supporters to join the resistance and then learns that one of them is his best friend Mara.

Episode 15: State of Mind (Dec/31/2012)
Tesler uses a mind-control device to build an army, and Mara falls under its influence and turns against the Renegade.

Episode 16: Welcome Home (Jan/07/2013)
Beck tries to rescue a fleeing government scientist from being derezzed before Paige and the Occupation finds her. But when Paige and Beck become passengers on the same runaway train, Beck must figure out a way to save the innocent programs on the train and prevent Paige from capturing the runaway scientist — all without revealing his identity as The Renegade.

Episode 17: Rendezvous (Jan/14/2013)
Beck agrees to go on a date with Paige, but their night is cut short when Paige is cruelly betrayed by Pavel and thrown into the Games. Beck thinks he may finally be able to win her over to his side of the Uprising by rescuing her – as The Renegade.

Episode 18: No Bounds (Jan/21/2013)
When ‘The Stranger’ returns to Argon City to plot revenge on Beck and Tron, Beck is forced to choose between saving Tron or his friends.

Episode 19: Terminal (Jan/28/2013)
Tron tells Beck that he is dying and that the only way to stop his illness is to use the Occupation's new super recognizer.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-27-2013 23:05 ]
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About Emily Owens, M.D.

Emily Owens, M.D. Premiered on The CW on October 16, 2012

About the Show:
At long last, Emily Owens (Mamie Gummer, "The Good Wife") feels like she is an actual grown-up. She can finally put her high school days as the geeky-girl-with-flop-sweats behind her. She’s graduated from medical school, and she’s beginning an internship at Denver Memorial Hospital, where, not-so-coincidentally, her med-school crush Will Collins (Justin Hartley, “Smallville,” “Passions”) is also an intern.

So why does everyone keep warning Emily that the hospital is just like high school? She will soon finds out the hard way – her high school nemesis, the gorgeous, popular Cassandra Kopelson (newcomer Aja Naomi King), is also a new intern at Denver Memorial. Another fellow intern, Tyra Dupre (Kelly McCreary, “White Collar”), warns Emily that the cliques at the hospital are all too familiar: the jocks have become orthopedic surgeons; the mean girls are in plastics; the rebels are in the ER, and Tyra has her own awkward place as the principal’s kid – her father, Dr. Tim Dupre (Harry Lennix, “Ray”), is the chief resident. Tyra latches onto Emily as a new friend, and immediately begins confiding in her – the fact that Tyra is a lesbian, that she hasn’t come out to her father, that she is interested in dating a certain nurse – nothing is too personal for Tyra to share with Emily.

She may have made one new friend, but it doesn’t take long for Emily to realize that the long-standing rivalry she had with Cassandra back in high school is only going to grow. Now, both Emily and Cassandra are competing to impress the brilliant Dr. Gina Bandari (Necar Zadegan, “The Event”), a world-famous cardiothoracic surgeon who has been an inspiration and role model to both of them for years. While Emily and Cassandra vie for Dr. Bandari’s approval, they’re also competing for Will’s attention. Will and Emily were friends in med school, although his handsome face and charming personality left Emily hoping for more. Will has made it clear, however, that he likes their relationship the way it is. Emily struggles to convince herself that being friends with Will is enough, but she has to admit it bothers her just to see Will and Cassandra talking together.

Meanwhile, Emily is also getting to know the slightly nerdy, but smart and handsome resident Dr. Micah Barnes (Michael Rady, “Melrose Place,” House of Lies”). Micah is faced with serious medical issues within his own family, and Emily’s compassion proves an invaluable help. Impressed with Emily’s medical skills and warm bedside manner, Micah brings her in on a delicate surgery and talks her through the procedure, boosting her confidence and bringing them closer – both professionally and personally.

Even with the long hours, the heavy workload, and no shortage of personal drama filling her first days as an intern, Emily still fees like she’s the new geeky kid all over again, and it’s just as awkward as high school. At Denver Memorial, Emily is just beginning to learn that although she may be a geek, she may also grow to be a great doctor, flop sweats and all.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Mamie GummerEmily Owens
Aja Naomi KingCassandra Kopelson
Justin HartleyWill Collins
Kelly McCrearyTyra Dupre
Michael RadyMicah Barnes
Necar ZadeganGina Bandari

Link to discussion thread

Watch It Here

How to become a VIP Member.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-30-2013 23:05 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 1-30-2013 11:59
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 1-30-2013 11:59


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Oct/16/2012)
Recent medical school graduate Emily Owens is now a first-year surgical intern at Denver Memorial Hospital and she is ready to leave high school persona of geeky-girl-with-flop-sweats behind her. But Emily quickly realizes that a hospital is a lot like high school -- cliques and all -- when she is faced with her medical school crush Will Collins and high school nemesis Cassandra Kopelson. On top of that, Emily manages to get herself in some hot water with her attending Dr. Gina Bandari, as well as the nurses, on her first day. Another fellow intern, Tyra Dupre latches onto Emily as a new friend, and immediately begins confiding all her personal information, including the fact that Tyra is a lesbian, and that she hasn't come out to her father, who happens to be the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Dupre. Emily is also getting to know the slightly nerdy, but smart and handsome resident Dr. Micah Barnes, who is facing some serious medical issues within his own family.

Episode 2: Emily and... The Alan Zolman Incident (Oct/23/2012)
Emily is unaware of her bad reputation with the nurses until one of them gives her a very specific case as revenge. After Emily reveals her feelings to Will, she tries to avoid anymore awkwardness by telling him she already has another crush. With a patient's life hanging in the balance, Emily contemplates using the secret she knows about the chief to get a speedy approval on a procedure. Meanwhile, Micah is surprised to find someone new entertaining his mother during her chemotherapy.

Episode 3: Emily and... The Outbreak (Oct/30/2012)
When the surgical interns are given an impromptu medical quiz with a chance to assist in surgery as the prize, only Emily and Cassandra are left standing. After an STD outbreak at a local high school becomes an issue, Emily reluctantly agrees to speak to a group of high school girls about safe sex. Meanwhile, Emily continues to try to forget about her feelings for Will, but finds the task easier said than done.

Episode 4: Emily And... The Predator (Nov/13/2012)
Emily and Micah are frantic when they discover their patient needs a kidney transplant immediately, but they are baffled when she mysteriously refuses to accept the kidney from her new husband. Elsewhere, Emily assists Dr. Hamada and Dr. Bandari, with a risky surgery after they discover that one of the babies their patient is carrying for her sister suffers from a defective heart valve. Meanwhile, in an effort to keep Cassandra away from Will, Emily tries to land the job as Dr. Bandari's research assistant. However, her competition is Cassandra, who is willing to play dirty in order to get what she wants.

Episode 5: Emily And... The Tell-tale Heart (Nov/20/2012)
When a drug impaired patient in the ER embarrasses Emily, making her the laughing stock of the hospital, she tries to take Dr Bandari's advice to be tougher. Emily and Will discover that their teenage patient needs a partial liver transplant, but when neither parent is a match, a shocking secret is revealed. Meanwhile, Cassandra tries to get some intel on Will by being nice to Emily, while Tyra sets Emily up on a date with her ex without Emily's knowledge.

Episode 6: Emily And… The Question Of Faith (Nov/27/2012)
Emily and Tyra's infant patient seems perfectly normal until they discover she has a condition that forces her parents to make a difficult decision about her future. Emily's is assigned to Dr. Bandari's deeply religious patient who finds his faith shaken after a risky surgery. Will becomes impatient waiting for his patient's lab work and takes a chance on a possible diagnosis, breaking protocol and upsetting Micah. Meanwhile, Tyra is finally ready to tell her father the truth about being a lesbian and seeks out Emily for support, but before she can reveal her secret, she gets shocking news of her own.

Episode 7: Emily And… The Good And The Bad (Dec/04/2012)
When the beloved hospital flower delivery man collapses, Emily is determined to diagnose his condition, but she is baffled at his reluctance to get treated. Will and Emily are assigned to a help a sick prisoner, but find it hard to stay professional and not let his crimes cloud how they treat him. Meanwhile, Dr. Dupre continues to try to smooth things over with Tyra, but when he hits a rough patch he comes to Emily for help and once again she's stuck in the middle between them.

Episode 8: Emily and… the Car and the Cards (Jan/01/2013)
When a female car accident victim is brought into the ER everyone immediately blames her boyfriend for causing the accident, bringing up painful memories for Will. Emily discovers that her cancer patient refuses to undergo surgery, fearing that reconstructive surgery will end her career and relationship. Meanwhile, Will is forced to make a difficult decision to using his girlfriend Cassandra's studying method over Emily's legendary flashcards for the upcoming exam, making Emily ultra competitive.

Episode 9: Emily and… the Love of Larping (Jan/08/2013)
Emily goes on a blind date with Cassandra's friend, but the night comes to an abrupt end. Meanwhile, Will assumes a patient who is dressed as a costumed character is psychotic; and a tough businesswoman refuses to slow down after having a heart attack.

Episode 10: Emily and... the Social Experiment (Jan/15/2013)
After a year long absence, Dr. A.J. Aquino returns to Denver Memorial, but before he can rejoin the staff, the Chief insists that he make peace with Dr. Bandari. Emily is tasked with treating a patient who claims to be a psychic, and is convinced that her tarot cards predict her own impending death. Elsewhere, Cassandra and Dr. Bandari treat a patient who needs a lung transplant, but Micah's discovery of a new medical issue leaves the patient with a tough decision. Meanwhile, Emily decides to test her theory that Will was jealous of her recent date, so Tyra offers to teach Emily how to flirt.

Episode 11: Emily and... the Teapot (Jan/22/2013)
When Emily, Will and Cassandra compete against each other to be Dr. Bandari's research assistant, feelings get hurt when they have to describe each other's flaws. Emily is determined to solve the medical mystery of a young patient whose x-rays reveals a bullet lodged in his lung, but who has no signs of a gunshot wound or scar. Meanwhile, Emily comes to a revelation about her personal life after diagnosing a daredevil with a rare disease that forces him to change his entire life.

Episode 12: Emily and... the Perfect Storm (Jan/29/2013)
When the hospital is inundated with bus crash victims during a winter storm, Emily is assigned to run triage in the E.R. During the chaos, Emily is forced to do an emergency skull procedure on a heroic Marine who suddenly collapses. Tyra bristles at her father's lack of respect for her as a doctor, but they later experiences a breakthrough when they perform an emergency c-section together. Meanwhile, Will and Emily secretly work to help an unexpected patient leaving Cassandra to question Will's true feelings for Emily. Micah finally makes a bold decision in his personal life.

Episode 13: Emily and... the Leap (Feb/05/2013)
Emily's decision about starting a relationship with Micah becomes even more complicated when Will hears about it and begins to feel jealous. Emily and Tyra treat an unruly woman, but after learning of her home hoarding situation, Emily wonders if the woman's personality changes may be caused by her many cats. Now that Cassandra and Will have broken up, Cassandra's strictly professional behavior distracts Will and causes him to misdiagnose their patient. Meanwhile, Micah's sister comes to town after finding out the truth about their mother.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-30-2013 23:06 ]
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About Primeval: New World

Primeval: New World Premiered on SPACE on October 29, 2012

About the Show:
PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD follows the story of a North American team that discovers dinosaurs and other dangerous predators emerging onto the streets of modern-day Vancouver through anomalies in time. EVAN CROSS (Niall Matter), visionary inventor, heads up the team - predator control expert DYLAN WEIR (Sara Canning), security specialist MAC RENDELL (Danny Rahim), and physics prodigy TOBY NANCE (Crystal Lowe). ANGE FINCH (Miranda Frigon), Evan's oldest friend and business partner, keeps Cross Photonics afloat while Evan and his Special Projects Group track escapee dinosaurs, with the overeager help of LIEUTENANT KEN LEEDS (Geoff Gustafson), head of the government’s decommissioned department for investigating alien life and other mysteries - including Anomalies. Throughout Season 1, the characters quickly gain expertise in the prehistoric creatures they hunt, the weapons they need to handle them, and the nature of the Anomalies themselves. They face danger side by side, and come to rely on each other for not only survival, but comfort and intimacy as well.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Niall MatterEvan Cross
Sara CanningDylan Weir
Danny RahimMac Rendell
Crystal LoweToby Nance
Miranda FrigonAngelika "Ange" Finch
Geoff GustafsonLt. Kenneth "Ken" Leeds

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-1-2013 23:32 ]
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