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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3620#3620 studiojek's post

Yeah i am getting positive feedback from female member about my avatar it strange i saw it on a website i thought it was nice so i tried it out you females are going mad    

Well my life hasn't change but i am hoping 2011 might bring some good luck to my life.


Reply 3621#3621 bala's post

Eh, I don't think it's because we're female (I actually don't like cats!), but because men don't even notice new avatars!!

I didn't have a very good 2010 actually, so I too have high hopes for 2011!


Reply 3622#3622 studiojek's post

Maybe your right but it's odd for me since i hate animals


Reply 3620#3620 studiojek's post

Glad to hear your wee gal's sleeping better.  I DO know what it's like, and lack of sleep affects your whole system.  Poor little gal, and poor mama & dad.  You guys must be feeling a bit better now too.  I hope she continues to sleep properly, and that she puts on some weight.  

I'm just doing a pop-in today myself.  I've been feeling fluey since yesterday - had some crazy dreams last night, which I generally only get when I'm sick, so am gonna lie low.  We've got a good batch of fresh snow - the first to really stay on the ground this season, and it's still coming down, so it's a good day to just stay in & rest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3624#3624 waterlilybarb's post

Enjoy the snow, Barb- I hope the colder weather helps your migraines at least (I imagine really hot weather doesn't help at all).

The little one fell asleep no problem tonight, but last night was a disaster so I'm hoping she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night again (and again, and again!) =( Fingers crossed!


reply 3624 and 3625

it sounds like you have tryed a lot of stuff for your migraine how about an indian head massge or does popele touching your head when you have a migraine worse i wish i could help suggest something that  could make you feel better,
aww you have a little girl aww that is so cute if i had a little girl i think i would probabaly dress her up in little outfits little winnie the poo or super girl i see you like super heros
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3626#3626 babysexylexy's post

Little girl's are not living dolls, though, as the get around 3 or 4 and giving them a bunch of costumes to play dress up is cool.

studiojek - it gets easier, cudos for letting the little one cry, we did something similar with both our children
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


reply 3627#3627 sanggye's post

oh i think you mis understood me, i meant baby grow outfits for the day my mother used to be a child minder and ive grown up around babies since i was 5 i guess i love children and babies they are so inocent and sweet the one liners they come out with children that is, babies make my heart melt especially when they smile or burp and looks like a smile.
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3627#3627 sanggye's post

Thanks sanggye- she's doing much better with the whole sleep thing now that over a week's passed. She still wakes up in the middle of the night crying some, but generally falls back to sleep within 5 minutes - which, of course, at 4 in the morning with a crying baby seem like 5 HOURS!

babysexylexy- I actually avoided putting my little one in too much pink or cutesie, but she is starting to prefer it! She loves picking her own shoes in the morning, loves having a choice about her outfit. She's definitely more girly than I am!! She's going to LOVE dress-up once she gets to that age!


reply 3629#3629 studiojek's post

awwwwww how cute is that i think if i was a mum and my little gal started doing that i would just melt
always repect peoples opinions


mr cadburys met miss rowntree on a double decker. it was after eight. they got off at quality street. he asked her name. "polo im the one with the whole" she said with a whispa. "im marathon, the one with the nuts" he replied. he touched her creme eggs and slipped his hand into her snickers. he fondled her flap jacks and she rubbed his tic tacs. it was a fab moment as she screamed in turkish delight and he shot his chewy centre. but 3 days later his sherbert dib-dab started to itch. turns out miss rowntree had been with bertie bassett and he well you know allsaorts.
always repect peoples opinions


hmmm I bet that is funnier when you know all the candies...hehehe
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


reply 3632#3632 dognxtdoor's post

which ones dont you know
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3632#3632 dognxtdoor's post

Hey there Dan!   Long time no see!  Nice to see you - even if it's just a pop in.

Lexy - Dan is American, so probably wouldn't recognize some of the candy that's strictly British.  In Canada, we have a lot of those, as there are so many transplanted Brits here.  I was having a chat with a friend the other day re: Hershey vs Cadbury.  I DO NOT like Hershey chocolate, and even though the Cadbury we get here isn't as good as the Cadbury directly from the UK, it's MUCH better, IMHO.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


reply 3634#3634 waterlilybarb's post

i dont know about all hershey chocolates but i have tried kisses and i really didnt like it im not really a dark chocolate type of gal i love milk chocolate and cadburys is my favourites, galaxy is ok and milka is alright as well but cadburys is definately my fav
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3635#3635 babysexylexy's post

Chocolate, especially in the States, has become so saturated with corn syrup and preservative chemicals, that it is all tasting so artificial.  At least to me,  If I buy chocalte, i splurge and try to go to an all natural bar.  Oh, and I knew almost every candy your story had, except for 3 of em.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


I sent of a package to my Brother, Sister in Law and my two nieces for Christmas to Australia. Half (if not more!) was fully of chocolate!! My brother doesn't really like the Australian chocolate and although my sister in law is Australian, she prefers the Irish/British chocolate too. My niece loves Rocky Bars so the majority of the package is made up of that!! My brother loved Wispa and was so happy when they brought it back recently

I can't eat chocolate anymore but when I could eat it I honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with the Australian chocolate. However, have to agree with the American Chocolate (in general, I know there are exceptions) not being very nice. When I used to visit our offices in the States I always had to bring over the Giant size Bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk or Butlers Irish Chocolate, lol!!!

Edit "forgot to finish the last word, haha!"

[ Last edited by shinny at 12-18-2010 11:36 ]


reply 3637#3637 shinny's post

im not sure i could contol myself where chocolate is concered im such a terrible eater i eat so much junk i have a piece of chocolate everyday and get fairly grumpy if i dont im not deciplined at all
always repect peoples opinions


Reply 3638#3638 babysexylexy's post

I know, I used to love chocolate. I can't eat it anymore as I'm actually allergic to it and will be quite ill after it so that deters me. It's been nearly 2 years since I've eaten any chocolate


