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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Interesting episode. Anyone know how long the new people are expected to stay on the show? I would not mind seeing some new faces. But I was also sad to see Nurse Olivia be fired- she was one of the regulars like Jo the barman that I liked seeing from time to time.


Reply 41#41 Teachergirl's post

They will be permanent since it's a merger they will not be going anywhere


Good! I like the new faces. It was about time. And I don't know about all of you- but I am glad there is an end to the izzie drama. (Is she gone for good? or is it a back door to return again???)


Reply 43#43 Teachergirl's post

I honestly share your opinion about Izzie - I am so fed up with her and I would have prefered George to survive... I read that she got time off to work on other projects like moives and so on but she will return.


Reply 40#40 bala's post

Wow good episode i liked the orange scrubs but what a time for Izzie to make a mistake with all their jobs on the line


Reply 45#45 codebreaker's post

It proves she's emotionally unstable


No doubt about that one....... but really, I had too much izzie drama. I was never all that fond of George but I thought that he changed for the better under Hunt and I personally think it might have been easier for all the fans if he had just gone off to war. I mean- the accident and all just served to keep up the speculations and the cliffhanger things for the IZzie drama. Sigh.


I agree about Izzie, I was kinda sick of all that. And you know what struck me during this episode with the new people. There was no chance of new hook ups. Everyone is already loved up!!

So now that Alex is "free" maybe we might see him hooking up with one of the Mercy girls. Plus, did anyone pick up a vibe between Christina and the Dr who rugby tackled the guy to the ground??? She's not happy with Hunt either....


Reply 48#48 shinny's post

I think there some possibility some new hooks up from mercy gang


Poor Alex. He has just rotten luck and I've grown quite fond of him- maybe he can meet a sane woman for a change? First Ava, then Izzie..... dear me.
But I think it was about time they introduced some new faces. Welcome change.


give peace a chance

Wow what a great episode it ain't often focus one patient the fact that we knew what happening in pieces was crazy. this episode proved that both sides need work together as just show what happen


This episode is actually called "I saw what I saw"

It was a good episode but she didn't die because they didn't work together as a team. She died because April got distracted by the guy with the axe in his chest and forgot to check her airway. So, that kind of annoyed me. Granted it all went crazy after she missed that step but she didn't miss it because they weren't working together as a team, so for me they didn't really make that point well.

I think it's shame she's gone because I actually liked her character. More than the other girl (I forget her name).

But, I guess the aim of this episode was to bring them all together.


Reply 52#52 shinny's post

Well yes your right she missed a step but the fact no-one took responsibility for patient is bad thing. i did find odd that intern figured out what happened rather than the doctors. Well i too am sad to see her go but I'm sure she will find a job elsewhere.


Reply 52#52 shinny's post

Great episode we all seen what happened but i liked the way they re-caped to fined out who was responsible for making one simple mistake because see was distracted and as Yang said they were all distracted by one thing or another


I liked the camera angles, the change in perspective- it was well done and interesting to see it all unfold. And I think it was a problem that they did not work as a team- noone was really in charge and could have maybe checked if April did all the tests.  
Poor Alex really seems to be fallng apart.


  Yeah April was Hannah in Everwood. I liked seeing her on tv again!  I am going to miss her, for sure!  I wish the Chief would let her back on, but no.

And Izzie is off filming.  That's why she "left."  I'm pretty sure she's on contract at least for this season and will be coming back after 5 or 6 episodes.  And Meredith was on maternity, that's why she's kinda gone for awhile too.  Or all  the shots are of her in bed after the surgery.

about this particular episode.  I really liked it too.  I agree with you teachergirl, great camera angles & switching perspectives!  Poor Alex is correct. i do feel bad for the guy.  And I liked how Christina stuck up for April at the end.  They do need to start getting along at some point!


Reply 56#56 themegababe's post

I agree, I really liked the filming of this one, and it was an original story. I will also miss April, she was the more likable of the "newbies" - much more than the other girl.

I am in the minority here that I miss Izzie. I hope she comes back at some point - I suppose she's off taking care of her new baby! (the actress, not Izzie!)


Well, I loved the old Izzie. But the I see dead people Izzie........ not that much.   I think the whole Denny thing..... it was nice to see him back a few times but then... overkill.
I *knew* the girl who played April- I just forgot which show- thanks for reminding me! You guys always get those details right- like the set they use to film Eastwick.


Reply 58#58 Teachergirl's post

That's true, "old" Izzie is really who I miss, more than "new" Izzie and her never-ending drama.
Speaking of drama, isn't it really refreshing that Mer and Derek are happy and drama-less....for now? I'm finding it really sweet!


Reply 41#41 Teachergirl's post

I also was sad about losing nurse Olivia!

