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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 191#191 writemako's post

Yep that's the guy reason why introduce him in that episode link back season finale


I'm Back =)

Hey there!  I'm back.  I apologize for my absence these past few months, you know how things get with finals and moving.  My life was just a bit crazy.  But that didn't stop me from keeping up with the gossip!  This season came to a close, but what a good ending it was!
B & C are together...finally!  Really they are such a perfect couple it was only a matter of time!
R & L are together again =) I knew them breaking up wasn't going to last long!
Looks like D has met his brother, though he has no clue.  It will be interesting now that they are going to the same school.
J is the queen bee.  It shall be interesting to see how she handles the position now.  Constance could be a whole new school with J as Queen!
G is back officially and going to be stirring up trouble at NYU.  Can't wait to see the look on B's face when she finds out who her roomie is!
V & N are going to Europe together...will their romance start up again or will they just remain friends?
and as for GG looks like she will be following them all to college so the show isn't over yet!
Am I missing anyone?
Can't wait for next season!
Gossip Mod


Reply 193#193 imarielle626's post

Well let see what college bring


ChuckandBlair. ChuckandBlair. ChuckandBlair. *squee* FINALLY. Where's Chuck going to college next season? Has that ever been mentioned?

So Blair, Georgina, Dan, Dan's half-brother and Vanessa are all going to NYU. Nate's going to Columbia, and Serena is the only one going out of state. Hmm...I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up transferring to NYU or something.

It'll be interesting finding out about Serena's dad. I don't think he has ever been mentioned or discussed..


Reply 195#195 funny-girl101's post

Considering early on Dan, Blair and Nate were all going to Yale and now none are this seems a bit strange and a bit of a stretch just to continue with the series.  I'm sorry but I'd rather go to Yale then NYU.  I agree that somehow Serena will end up back in NY soon either taking time off aleady or just transfering to NYU.  

I thought it would have made a good change to move the whole series to Yale and see how they all mix with new students - maybe a few new characters -but staying in NY is abit boring for me.


Gossip Girl Season 3 Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 3 Premiered September 14, 2009

Discuss anything about Season 3 Here

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 9-8-2010 19:25 ]


Gag reel


Reply 197#197 bala's post

Blair is so funny when she does her cartoon voices


Gossip Girl 3x01 Reversals of Fortune

Good episode were Blair and Chuck continue to adjust to being in a relationship but what strange games they play and Nate returns from vacationing and brings home a mysterious girl, Bree Buckley


Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post

yes that makes there relationship unique it's not a strange game it's an amusing game


I thought it was a good first episode. Sets the scene for what's going to happen during this season.

Serena acting out just to get the attention of her father.

I think Chuck and Blair playing games to keep their relationship fresh is pretty in character. I mean, look at all the dramatics they went through just to get together. You almost expect it of them !!

I heard the ratings weren't great for this first episode, but I hope they improve.


The freshmen

Well Blair learnt the hard way just because you were popular in high school doesn't mean you will popular in uni. The most shocking was clif-hanger  Georgia and Dan


Reply 5#5 bala's post

I liked the way Dan stood up for Georgia because Blair has been queen bee for far to long and why did Blair turn up in a limo and the maid went back in a taxi


Gossip Girl 3x03 The Lost Boy

What a tangled web Scott is weaving and Vanessa has to keep Scott's secret. When Serena recognized the handwriting on Blair's invite as Georgina's she confronted her


Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post

Yes this episode marks start georgina true mission now that she who's scott is she has the power at first i thought she was using Dan but that screensaver suggest she actually has feeling for him

Just when serena is going closer Carter he going for a runner because other girl found him .


Can I just say I don't like Georgina still!  I know she is supposed to be changed now and whatever, but she so isn't right for Dan, espeically not after all that she did to him in the past!  I know Dan is supposed to be the guy who can see the good in people, but come on really, it's Georgina!

Now that Georgina overheard the truth about Scott though I have a feeling the old Georgina will be coming back shortly!  I just hope Dan doesn't get hurt in the process!


You know, I'm glad Georgina overheard about Scott because how lame was that for him to pretend to be the brother. I want Rufus to know, he deserves to know. And what kid wouldn't want Rufus to be their Father. Many adoptive kids don't find their Biological parents to be as they hoped.


3x04 Dan de Fleurette

It's typical Dan that he didn't know who the famous girl was!! Nice ending with those two.

And Tyra Banks, well she is not much of an Actress, is she?? At least Serena got to keep her job.

Jenny is the new Queen B even though she tried to fight it!


Reply 11#11 shinny's post

Hilary duff really surprised me she can really act and she wasn't annoying i seen her past film and i almost throw up watching those flim but she actually quite a likeable character in this show i do hope she stays it would be a good move for her as getting older give stable job for time-being .


Rufus Getting Married.

Well georgina really know how expose a secret now they know he their son and it forced them get married

