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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi everyone, have had a bit more of a chance to look around the forum today as I didn't have to go to work - our school was shut (as were most others in the area.) We did manage to go in for 2 days in the snow, which was better than most, but it got deeper overnight and I guess the powers that be thought that it was best to stick with the majority and close!
Had to post in here as I was looking at Barb's pics of the Candy Orbit shop - it looks amazing, I love it! Looks like they had some pretty talented people working on it.


Reply 3541#3541 mrs_h's post

We've only just started getting snow where I live, so no snow days yet.

They certainly are talented.  The guys that did the ceiling murals used to be graffiti artists, but now have their own business.  They also did the mural on the garage door in the back (which is the one with all the pink) - which certainly brightens up the alleyway.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


HI Lexi

We need move our lips conversation to this topic


reply 3543#3543 bala's post

but i was talking about braiding your 2mm hair and painting our nails bright yellow so we could match friendzys for lifezys


Reply 3544#3544 babysexylexy's post

Well like i said wait till you get know me better -these girl on here can tell you i am handful


reply 3545 bala's post

rotflovl look who's trying to big himself up sorry i was rolling on the floor because i fell off my chair from laugh out very loadly i think ive cracked a rib


Reply 3546#3546 babysexylexy's post

see i cause personal injuries do still want be best friends


reply 3547#3547 bala's post

the universe has spoken dont be afraid just think who better to dress your cat then me


Reply 3548#3548 babysexylexy's post

you touch my cap you going get scratched


reply 3549#3549 bala's post

i said cat not cap, what happens when the carrots swim to the elephant what are we going to do then


Reply 3550#3550 babysexylexy's post

you said you going dress my cat as you can see my cat has a cap if you touch it he will scratch you .


reply 3551#3551 bala's post

your cat can keep the cap i was thinking of this little pink number with purple dots very cute


Reply 3552#3552 babysexylexy's post

This is what will happen to you if you do


reply 3553#3553 bala's post

your going to make me dinner omg what a gentleman see friendzys for lifezys pmsl


Reply 3554#3554 babysexylexy's post

Nice and simple


reply 3555#3555 bala's post

actually in all honesty that looks quite nice


Reply 3556#3556 babysexylexy's post

Did you know

Yesterday you reached  your100th comment and become top daily poster on the forum


reply 3557#3557 bala's post

really what exactely does that mean


Reply 3558#3558 babysexylexy's post

It's just some recognition for effort you put on here

posting more 100 comment in 2 day is rather impressive for a newbie.

Being top daily poster is rare since 350 times out of 365 i am usually top daily poster so it's nice that you beat me .


ok the challenge is on

