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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3520#3520 sddvasquez's post

Nice to see you.
I don't mind the changing the words - I do it all the time too when playing with little ones, it makes it more fun.  I just thought it was funny that I had to show my Mum in a book what the original words were.

So folks, is it roast beef for y'all too?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks, Sddv and Barb. It was quite scary but I am ever so thankful. Nice to see you Sddv and Casper...its been a while. I wish I had more computer access but I'm also trying to pop up more often. Hope everyone has a nice day/night (depending on what part of the world your in).


Hey all, here are some pics from my recent trip to New York:


Reply 3523#3523 shinny's post

There were some nice picture look like you been many places.


Reply 3523#3523 shinny's post

Those are some great pics Sinéad!   Glad you had a better trip this time - though it wasn't hard to beat the last one. Looks like you had fun doing some real "touristy" things this time too.  It's funny, but I often forget about the "touristy" things around here - some in the Detroit area, and others here on the Canadian side.  When you live with it so close you often forget how many cool places there are right on your doorstep.

p.s.  Please see this post.  I'm still curious if anyone else is as peculiar as my fsmily. lol (I know - EVERY family is peculiar in it's own way.)

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3524#3524 bala's post

Thanks Bala, yeh I literally walked the place (well, between subs!!)


Reply 3525#3525 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Barb, I met up with a friend from work on the Friday and myself and the girl I was staying with hung out with her. She wanted to do the ESB as it had been years since she had. Besides that I literally wandered the city taking pics, and mixing in with the locals, before going up to my friend in Yonkers. Had a great time there as it was a very Irish/Irish American community. Really nice area.

Ok, this little piggy. I had to really think here, then I had to consult my two sisters but we used to say "This little Piggy had Bread and Butter" my sister's boyfriend said they used to say Corned Beef!! So I think it was different for different house holds.


Reply 3527#3527 shinny's post

LOL!  OK, so my Mum wasn't mad or making it up.   I REALLY thought she just made it up, because in the US most everyone I've heard says roast beef.  Glad to know we've more imagination than that, plus, roast beef was VERY rarely seen in our house.  A bit too costly, I think.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I'm getting so frustrated!  The shop downstairs isn't open yet, and the music is blaring pretty much every day.  It's sometimes so loud it sounds like there's a live band down there.  The bass is thumping today, which is making my head pound even more.  I want to cry.  It seems pointless to complain anymore, as it just keeps happening, so I'm trying to be patient and hope the work gets done soon.  When I feel this bad it's not like I can go somewhere else to get away from the noise.  I can't even drive when I have a migraine like this.  Guess I'll take my drugs & try and dull the thump enough to tolerate the incessant noise.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3529#3529 waterlilybarb's post

That's so awful Barb. As you said, it's not like you can even get away from it! Have you any idea when they might be finished?


Reply 3530#3530 shinny's post

No idea, though I can't imagine it will be TOO much longer.  I know some of the business is online, so the proprietor isn't really losing money by not having the store open yet, but he must be getting anxious to have a grand opening.  It doesn't help that there is STILL no sidewalk from my front door to the corner (which makes a very high step), so he might want all the city work done too, so as not to deter customers.  I want it done because it's a pain in the arse.  The days I have to use a cane are made much more challenging with that high step & all the gravel, which I have to go through to go around back to where my car is parked.  The rest of the block has been completed for weeks, so I really don't know why that small stretch is still torn up - and I've not seen or heard any city workers for a good while.  If I fall & injure myself because of their tardiness, I will sue.  Some of the gravel is very soft (more like dirt, but grey), and I almost fell over the other day.  I'm not a particularly litigious person, but I'm fed up!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3526#3526 shinny's post

you must been exhausted with all that walking .


For those that put up with my whinging about the stench of the paint and the noise of the workers from the store below, it's open now. They have a FB page and their photo album has some great shots of the interior.  The store is now open, but the decorating continues (along with some painting, but with acrylic this time).  It's called Candy Orbit.  If you're interested, let me know, and I'll either post the link or send it via PM.  For those that really hate FB and would still like to see the pics, let me know & I'll upload them to photobucket and post a link.   It's quite impressive.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yeh, post it here Barb so everyone can have a gander!!

Well, I am so flipping fed up with the snow already. I never thought I would be saying this but I wish it would rain and hard!!

I can't take my car out of where I live because it's literally an ice rink (I live at the top of a very steep long hill). So I walked into the town today and met up with some of my family. We went out for dinner and then my brother and his wife said they would leave me home. He has a Volkswagen Touareg which is literally made for this kind of weather so it wouldn't have been too much bother to him. But, I had a bad feeling and I kept telling him to leave me out at the bottom of the hill and I would walk up. He was having none of it and drove up. A car (that clearly should not have been coming down because it didn't have 4 wheel drive) lost control and went into a skid. My brother reacted quickly and managed to pull the car up on the footpath but he slammed into the side of his car. Had my brother not reacted as quickly as he did however, he would have slammed into us and pushed us down the hill too.

Nobody was hurt but the other guy was very shaken as his car went into a spin and slid all the way down the road. He was lucky it didn't crash into the cars parked at the bottom.

[ Last edited by shinny at 11-28-2010 20:34 ]


Reply 3534#3534 shinny's post

Wow glad everyone was ok Sinéad thats the important thing. People like that other driver infruriate me. Why take the chance in such extreme conditions. Too lazy to walk I bet.
Again glad everyone including the other driver was ok.
The snow isn't so bad down here just bloody freezing, My heating bill is going to be enormas but I dont really like the cold.


Reply 3534#3534 shinny's post

I'm glad to hear you're all OK.  Like Craig, people who drive unprepared in bad weather really infuriate me too, as they put their lives and the lives of others at risk.

We don't have any snow yet.  I think it's raining today.  It's not as cold as it has been, but it's a very damp cold, which I don't like, as it makes it feel colder.

I'll definitely put a link to those pics up.  There are some new ones, and the store just gets cooler looking with each addition.

BTW, I won't be adding it today.  My head is starting to pound again, and I need to get offline.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks guys, yeh I agree. We were just happy nothing serious happened. The weather has gotten even worse here so I'm even more fed up. We were supposed to be going away this weekend but looks like we'll probably have to cancel now!

We've had the coldest November on record! Good old Global Warming, eh?

Hope the headache clears soon Barb.


Thanks Shinny. Got the pain under control, though all the other symptoms are still very much here.
Anyway, I was able to copy the pics I thought people might like. As they add more, I'll update the album.

[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 11-29-2010 18:43 ]
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Got the first snow here where i live


Reply 3538#3538 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, the outside is very purple. I like it though as it's my favourite colour!

