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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3480#3480 codebreaker's post

Well we do other topic Created for guys but for some reason it didn't take off. i think it's because men are not as chatty as women. . i have given up try make that topic popular. Sometimes you just accept things.

i heard pope was coming over here but i didn't know it near where you live . it really sounds like a nightmare trying prove where you live.


Reply 3481#3481 bala's post

Even the main A38 will be closed from 4 AM Sunday till 8 PM which is one of the main routes to the motorway


Reply 3480#3480 codebreaker's post

All are welcome.  There's always a cuppa waiting and whichever biscuits your prefer are around here somewhere.  Feel free to check the cupboards if you don't see them straight off.  It's self-serve.

I heard about the Pope's visit on the news last night.  You're a wise man staying in & waiting it out.  Make sure you have supplies of snacks (besides necessities) on hand.  I always seem to get a craving for something when I have no way of going to get it.


Women tend to share more of what's going on in day to day life.  As you see, sometimes it's a while between posts, but we're always interested in hearing about what anyone feels like discussing.  Reminds me of friends I have that I don't get to see often.  We jus pick up from where we left off, like no time has elapsed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3483#3483 waterlilybarb's post

i know but i always uncomfortable with that while you are all very nice people it still feel kind of strange chatting about your life to complete strangers. i been here 3 years still try keep my real life and my on-line life separate


Reply 3484#3484 bala's post

There's nothing wrong with that.  There are personal things I definitely don't share in open forum either.  I have made some actual friends here though, and am comfortable sharing such things with them privately.  

My day to day life is quite uneventful these days, so if I were to post what was going on daily, it would be about as interesting as watching paint dry.

One kind of interesting thing going on around here - my landlord rented out the store downstairs and it's going to be (drumroll please) a CANDY STORE.   I just met the guy today...and no, his name isn't Willy Wonka (it's Gus), more's the pity. lol  It looks very colourful already, so I'll be excited to see it when they have it up & running.  I'm not a big candy eater, but the stores are fun, and maybe it will make my nephew want to visit me, since there's candy so nearby.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3485#3485 waterlilybarb's post

just watch your weight


Reply 3486#3486 bala's post

I'm actually a bit too thin from being so sick this past year, so there's no worries there.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3483#3483 waterlilybarb's post

The commotion has already started with regular helicopters flying overhead and now the choir are practising


Reply 3488#3488 codebreaker's post

Any more commotion ?


Reply 3489#3489 bala's post

No more at the moment other than the occasional helicopters flying overhead


Reply 3488#3488 codebreaker's post

I sure don't envy you.  I hate feeling inundated by noise when I'm in my own home.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3491#3491 waterlilybarb's post

The helicopters started flying overhead again this morning at 6am but i do hope the rain stops before his service


I can imagine that is really really annoying codebreaker!! I remember quite a few years ago our Government at the time were in the midst of falling apart and decided to have a meeting to try and save it. They decided to have it in the Hotel up the road from my parents house. There is an entrance of about 700 metres from the main road to the hotel and you have to go through gates at the start. My parents live about another 300 metres from the Hotel. I was living at home at the time (wow, so it is a good few years ago!!) and we turned into take the avenue up to my parents house. We were stopped and questioned, "Who are you" "what is your business here" blah blah blah. So my Dad tired and hungry after a long days work and travel (the journey from Dublin is about 1.5 hrs) just says "Listen, I'm going home to get my dinner, any problem with that?" and the guy says "No sir, none whatsoever" - We knew he was just doing his job but you can imagine you'd get annoyed if someone was standing outside your house and questioning why you were going in after a long day at work!!!


Reply 3493#3493 shinny's post

That is terrible, i just popped down the local shop and a customer was complaining he cant get back home because he dropped his daughter at the train station and forgot to bring ID. the closes thing i remember to this was the Queens silver jubilee parade


Thought I'd share what's happening around here.  The store downstairs has been leased out and is going to be a candy store.  It looks VERY cool.  Unfortunately, the stench of the paint is about to kill me, but they will be mostly done today.  The proprietor hired some local graffiti artists to do the art work, and it's amazing - though they have to use spray paint for much of their work, which is what's killing me.

Wish I had some pics to share, as the art is beyond description.  I might take a few pics when they painting is done - they even did a cool mural on the garage door in the alley.  If I do take any, I'll share them with you, as it's nothing at all like I was expecting.  I did ask where I could find my "golden ticket", and was assured I would get one.   My nephew will LOVE it when he finally comes to visit - even the ceiling is a mural.  Hopefully the exuberance of the proprietor will breathe some life into this block, as so much has been done in my area just a block or 2 east of here.  He seems to be a good neighbour, and I hope it stays that way.  Good neighbours make for a much easier life.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3495#3495 waterlilybarb's post

Wow that sounds interesting at least something nice to look at.  it worse something you didn't like to see


Reply 3496#3496 bala's post

It was an antique store before, but not a very welcoming one.  The mural on the ceiling is planets, stars & galaxies against midnight blue.  The walls aren't done yet, but apparently wiil have all the bright colours of candy - and look like the cover of the box of a box of Wonka Gobstoppers.  You can google image search it to get an idea if you want.  Since the door to the apartments is right beside the store, he's offered to have the exterior door & wall painted to look like a gingerbread house entrance...the exterior of the store is bright purple with bright pink trim, so it would blend in nicely.

Also, the neighbour next door has already commissioned his store to be painted in historical colours (the buildings around here vary between beautiful Victorian & Edwardian architecture to extremely modern, which makes for an interesting blend).  On the other side, the building has been vacant since I moved in, and it looks like we might get some neighbours - possibly an art school or some other artsy type business.  All in all, it will be great for the neighbourhood.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi, everyone! I've missed being on here...its seriously been a while since the last time I was on here. I hope everyone is well. I'm on, I'm happy about that. Supernatural is, I'm SUPER happy about that. I've basically been working and spending time with my grandmother, who has recently been diagnosed with Cancer. But, I'm optimistic. I basically spend free time following my fav band (Twiiter) and voting and stuff (as Shinny know ^!).

I saw that Sofia turned 1 while I was gone...congrats, Studiojek; I know she must be getting big. The baby I watch will be 1 in November (I can't believe it). She's all over the place. lol!

Shinny, have you watched Hawaii Five-O? I trying to get around to see; it won't make up for the lack on Moonlight, but I hope its still good. lol! The Back Up Plan is on DVD now, so I'll be sure to grab that and let you know after I watch it. ^_~ Congrats to your sister being pregnant again!

Barb, I hope your health and apartment are well. Sddv, Tina, Bala, Granny Penny...I hope that everyone's families are doing well. You all have a great day and I'll try to be on more often before I go back to work. Take care!


Reply 3498#3498 nye87's post

Hello Jannah!  Nice to hear from you!

Sounds like life is keeping you busy.  Sorry to hear your Grandmother is ill, but am glad you're taking the opportunity to spend time with her.

I'm alright, all things considered, but am on my way to crawl back into bed.  Hope to see you again soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3498#3498 nye87's post

Thanks so much for your birthday wishes, Jannah! I will pass them on to Sofia =) Yes, it's hard to believe she's getting so big (15 months now), she is more and more alert and "adult" every day, it's great fun to watch, albeit exhausting!

Barb:yay for the candy store! Now i want one as a neighbor LOL! Sounds great, and very pretty. I hope you're feeling well.

All's well over here - like I said above, exhausted but happy. Poor Sofia has been sick with bronchitis this past week but on the mend now, will be back at daycare on Monday, which is when I can go back to work and maybe get some stuff done again! Being a parent is seriously crazy, how little time is left at the end fo the day!

Speaking of which, must get back to her and go make some dinner too. HOpe all's well - now that the shows  are back, I will definitely be around here more often!

