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The girly`s ......giggle box

Well shinny that great news and barbs you always seems to have a lot of troubles and same goes for me i have a difficult decision to make.


Reply 3460#3460 studiojek's post

Well, I was awakened by the mechanic at about 8am with the quote.  It was very fair, and they had it done by noon.  They even came & picked me up!  Maybe your "magic wand" helped studio.   Then I spent the day running like a headless chook to get EVERYTHING possible done.  I did it! I'm completely exhausted now, but groceries are done (which is more of a hassle these days - with the mostly gluten free diet), I found 2 pairs of paints that fit me, so I don't look like a vagabond with her clothes falling off her arse , and all the other little things (including the banking - NOT so little) I've had to put off with the migraine & the car not working.

Shinny, currently my brother lives on the other side of town, which is about a 20 minute drive if the traffic isn't too bad.  He'll be about 8 blocks away once he moves, so it will be MUCH closer.

How long has it been since you've been back home, studio?  Have any of the family in the States met Sofia in person yet?  I imagine it's a lot more work to travel with an infant, but what a grand time you'll have!

It's been wicked hot & humid here - much more than what is normal.  We've had a lot of storms this summer too.  I think it's strange summer everywhere, as it seems the weather isn't what it usually is anywhere in the world, whenever I check the weather news.

Bala, I have my share of troubles, just like everyone else.  I try not to dwell on them.  Sometimes I just need a whinge to get it off my chest, but for the most part (aside from the evil migraines), I feel very blessed.  I hope things go well for you.  Take your time with your decision and weigh the pros & cons (I always try to do that, and it does help).  I'm sure you'll do what's right for you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Well, so far, the new meds seem to be helping with the migraines.  I've actually had several migraine-free days in a row!  I'm still cautiously optimistic, as I'm still getting some not so pleasant side effects, so I'll have to wait & see if I can continue on these meds.  I'm staying on the low starter dose, as it's working  for now, and I don't need the side effects to increase.  Send good thoughts.  It's not 100% effective (which is fine), but it's the most success I've had to date.

The temperature has cooled down a bit for a couple days, which is a nice relief.  Apparently it's on the rise again tomorrow, so I'm enjoying having the window open while I can.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3463#3463 waterlilybarb's post

That's great news Barb. Finally some let up. Long may it last.

I'm in a serious restless mood at the moment. I'm just done cleaning the majority of my house which feels good. Bedroom and Kitchen will get it tomorrow. I hate when I feel this restless. Makes me want to just take off somewhere completely different!


Reply 3464#3464 shinny's post

I know what you mean.  It's been a while since I've felt that way, but when I do, it's like I want to be anywhere but here.

I got a little cleaning done myself, though not nearly enough.  I'm done in from the bit I did, and at least I now have some of cat fur gone (did a little vacuuming), clean sheets on the bed and freshly showered.  Still wish the cats would learn to pull their weight. lol  They make more mess than I do with all their fur. haha
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


my computer, he is alive! (and that's saying something - i kept putting off cleaning him because we had bought the place and we were going to be moving sometime soon, sometime really soon...and so a year goes by and you don't want to imagine what a year and furballs and the dustiest place in the world can do to your computer's insides - suffice it to say, super disgusting)

we are surrounded by boxes and dirt and hanging bulbs (the lights have been a nightmare and now we have to save up a bit more before we can afford what we want so there are a lot of hanging wires everywhere...) but we are in our own honest to goodness home, hurrah!

waterlilybarb, glad to hear the meds are finally doing there job - i hope that keeps up!

everyone else, i hope you're having a good summer
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3466#3466 sddvasquez's post

Well that doesn't sound nice but at least you got a starting place to work from hopefully within next 18 months you get what you need to make the places your owns.

Where was the computer stored BTW?


no, really it's great. it's much smaller than the last place we rented but the mortgage is about half what we were paying in rent and we have a huge terrace (bigger than the apartment) with solar panels (that will work as soon as the guy gets back from vacation and installs the inverter, grrr) and, since it's up a hill and away from the street it's like being on the 8th floor somewhere out of town. and it's ours! i hated throwing money out the window each month on rent (double grrr).

the computer wasn't really "stored" - i was using it all last year on top of the desk but it was by the window and it's been in a box for the past week or so till we cleared enough space to put it back together. i generally try to clean him every 3 months or so.

how are things going for you, bala?
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3468#3468 sddvasquez's post

you really don't want to know,  my life looked very good few weeks back but as you know with life things sometimes goes wrong and i was forced to make a decision which was difficult but i made it and as a result i am still here. sometimes i think my life will never change and hope is dying slowly. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense but it really mood i am in.

i really don't want get into details of this situation but let just say there people out there that really know how to take advantage of people who are desperate for jobs. let's just leave it at that.

Apart from that i am fine i really enjoy catch up on tv show. .


Reply 3466#3466 sddvasquez's post

YAY for being in your OWN home!   That's great, and the terrace sounds wonderful, especially for the little tarsier (bet she's not so wee anymore).  Even surrounded by boxes, it's nice to have the move over - I know well.   I also know what the dust & furballs can do to a computer.  Gross, isn't it? lol

Reply  3469#3460 bala's post

Bala, sorry to hear things aren't going as you hoped.  Try & keep your chin up.  Things are bound to improve and you never know what's around the next corner.  You don't need to go into detail, but I understand feeling like one's life is standing still.  Be assured it isn't.  Life has a way of surprising us - for good & bad.  Eventually things will start improving, and until they do, try and use your time productively.  Helping others is a great way to help oneself feel better, as well as put a smile on someone else's face.   If there isn't enough to do to help your parents, is there some local charity where you could volunteer your time?  It doesn't have to be anything huge - they appreciate even a few hours a week.  It may sound silly, but volunteer work can really boost your spirits AND it looks good on a resume, which may help with the job situation.  Just a thought.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


bala, i totally second waterlilybarb. one step forward and two steps back gets old really quickly, i know. but there are a lot of people who you are important to so don't give up hope. keep fighting your way forward and keep checking in so that we can offer an ear for your rants and a cheer for your successes. i also agree that focusing your attention on others  often has a way of taking care of yourself.

sending good mojo your way
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3471#3471 sddvasquez's post

i try my best not bring that kind stuff with me on here.

This is suppose to be a happy place where we can escape from our personal lives and forget about our problems. .


Reply 3472#3472 bala's post

It is, but I know having a whinge every now & then helps get things off my chest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


i understand what you're saying, bala and no one would ask you to share what you don't feel like sharing, but you've been here long enough to know that the people in this community are very caring and ready to take the bad along with the good. and this is just a tiny corner of the forum, but a vibrant one. i truly feel honored that people are so generous with sharing their lives here.

in the good column for today, i got the old bathroom painted and shelved -  in the bad, the masking tape totally ripped up the edges (and it was painter's tape too, yeah, painter from the madhouse that is) so i've got to work on it some more.

and classes are looming ever closer...
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3474#3474 sddvasquez's post

Well done you!  I HATE when you go to all the trouble of getting the right products and they STILL create extra work.  I still have a bit of painting to finish as well, but it's been so hot & humid here I don't want to do it until the weather is better so it will dry properly.  I have the A/C on (which makes it livable), but I prefer being able to air the place out by opening the windows when I paint.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Today was a good day .

I am so glad have the situation behind me and time move on


Reply 3476#3476 bala's post

Glad to hear it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3477#3477 waterlilybarb's post

you said i could share good news on here and not bad news.


Reply 3478#3478 bala's post

I meant to try to keep a positive attitude.  Sometimes we have bad or sad things happen, and we are all welcome to share such things here, if we feel comfortable doing so.  I have found this to be a very supportive little community, when things are good, and when they're not so good.  It's nice to know people are rooting for you - even people you've never met in person.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I think this i my first time in this thread but with this weekend coming and living in restricted area of the Pope's Sunday service in the park the security has gone mad all the roads where i live will be closed from 6 PM Saturday till late Sunday night and any traveling between those times i will have to carry ID and proof of address and visitors without proof of my address can not get access so except for emergency i think i will stay at home and wait it out

