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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3440#3440 sddvasquez's post

just doing a fly by - but had to say HELLO sddv!

Catch up with ya' when things settle down a bit.  (Yeah, still have NO idea what's happening re: whether I'll have to move again, which is just annoying.)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow this thread has sure been quiet!  I have been MIA too.  no good reason tho. Just busy.

Barb, hope the apt thing is working out, tho moving into your bros 2nd place (if he got it) would be much better!  Good luck with the raw thing too (raw = raw veggies, no extra stuff). Hope the diet modification helps!


Anyone feel like coming over & cleaning my apartment before the realtor comes again in the morning?  If I could, I'd do it tonight, but I can still barely lift my head.  I've been sick with an evil migraine for days, and barely was able to get out of bed today.  I've set my clock for the morning, and hopefully this will be the last time.  Apparently, it's a re-showing, and I'm hopeful this person buys because if they do, they want to keep the tenants.

Send good thoughts this way in the morning - and let's hope this is it.  I'll feel much more motivated to finish unpacking, if I know I won't have to pack it all up again soon.

Thanks for the good luck on the diet Meg.  It's gluten free, not so much raw - though I do enjoy my raw veg.   Learning new recipes is kind of fun (as fun as can be when you don;t feel well), but it will be even better when my pantry has been completely detoxed from the stuff I can't have,
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


well, did the good thoughts work?

and if you get someone to clean could you send them over here to pack when you're done with them?  we've told the landlady we'll be out be the end of july and i've been carting a couple of boxes of books a day on the metro (yuck and double yuck) but have still barely made a dent in our gynormous library. it's really out of control how many books we've got
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3444#3444 sddvasquez's post

I hope so.  I got the place tidied (all by my lonesome - with the help of copious amounts of caffeine), and so far so good.  The woman seems interested.  She's quite pleasant, and I wouldn't mind having her as a landlady.  It's just a matter of wait & see now.

I don't envy you having to cart boxes on the metro.  I had downsized my library quite a bit before I moved the last 2 times, but I keep buying more books.  It's a sickness, I tell you. lol  If I was near, I could at least offer to drive some loads for you.  My car might be small, but I can cram a WHOLE lot of stuff in it when I need to.  It's quite a sight.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow.  Some how it got damaged - only on one side, and I've had to wait for it to grow out so I could get it cut properly.  I HAVE been trying to grow it out a bit, since I normally wear it really short.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.  I might have to chop it all off and start again.  Neither my hairdresser nor I can figure out what caused the damage, since I woke up with it one day.  Parts of my hair feel like a brillo pad, and I've been wearing a LOT of bandannas.  Very odd for a gal with straight hair.  Curiouser and curiouser.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


The hairdresser was able to cut out most of the damage, but parts of it were so far up the hair shaft she would have had to shave my head to get rid of it completely.  It's better than it was, and I did lose all the length in the back.  I don't mind, as summer is here, and if it's not long enough to put up, then shorter is better for keeping cool.

Been completely laid out with a bad migraine the past 4 days.    I'm actually still in bed and trying not to move my head.  Ever hopeful that if I rest today it will lift.  Just wanted to check in and let y'all know I'm still alive & kicking.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3446#3446 waterlilybarb's post

I've been MIA for a change, busy with the little one, who actually turned 1 on the 25th! Already! Time sure is flying!

Barb, hope all's coming along well, I jsut read that you do have to move again. Blech!!!


Reply 3447#3447 studiojek's post

Nice to see you!    A year old already!  Time really flies when you've got a little one around and see how fast they grow.

Still waiting to see whether I'll have to move or not.  There's been no news yet on a buyer, so things are still up in the air.  Blech is right!  I'd like to know one way or another, and I'd prefer NOT to have to move.  No sense worrying about it until I know what's happening.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



So much for the showings being finished.  I guess that woman isn't going to buy the building.  I got notice today that the realtor is showing the place tomorrow afternoon.  I'm annoyed!   I've been sick for about a week, and my apartment is a mess.  I fell down just trying to answer the stupid door, so how am I supposed to clean the place?  I wish it would sell already!  It's to the point where I don't even care if that means I'll have to move - as much as I dread the thought of it.

Just had to get that off my chest.  Thought I'd feel better, but knowing how ill I am, it didn't help.  They keep saying it doesn't matter if the place is clean or not, but of course it does!  If the people who look actually buy the place, they will want to see that I'm a good tenant who takes care of the place.  Plus, it matters to ME!  I've been so stinkin' sick that nothing is organized like it normally is, and I'm fed up with it all.  CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3449#3449 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry to hear that but what can you do .


Reply 3450#3450 bala's post

Nothing.  Just have a whinge - which I did. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #3449 waterlilybarb's post

poor kid, our landlady (who happens to live next door) has been showing this place too as everything is going to shut down in august and i feel exactly the same way about all the boxes and yick everywhere ("oh, it doesn't matter", on what planet? of course it does! argh)

anyway, just running. there's paint everywhere (poor little tarsier and sancho the wicked. i've gotta do a google search for how to get paint out of fur!) i just saw an ad for the pillars of the earth miniseries and had to make a request. it's frightening how well my computer knows me, i was only online for two seconds

ok, behave yourselves and try not to melt if it's as hot there as it is here!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3452#3452 sddvasquez's post

LOL!  Nice to know someone can commiserate.  I think I wound up cutting the fur off that had paint on it, when my cats got too near the paint.  Mineral spirits might work, though I'm not sure if they're toxic.

It IS wicked here, though slightly less so than last week.  I've been running my A/C nearly non-stop.  Thankfully it's an energy star rated one, and the 1st summer hydro bill wasn't crazy.  Hoping the next will be the same.  I've been sick, so haven't been out much, but if I didn't have the A/C I'd be sweltering in here.

I'm off.  Actually cooked today, though it took every bit of energy I had.  I had defrosted some meat, so couldn't wait.  The smell of the food is making me rather nauseous, but hopefully, I'll have a bit of an appetite later.  I cannot afford to lose any more weight..
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


bwahahahahaaa - i can just imagine the little furballs walking around with bald patches all over

thank goodness you've got a/c - i'm already in love with our new monster heat pump.

hope your appetite comes back soon

the computer goes in a big box today so take care everyone - catch you on the flip side!
smell you later!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3454#3454 sddvasquez's post

LOL! Yes, the fluffy one looked particularly goofy with chunks cut out of his lovely coat.

Have been able to eat a bit the past few days, and am grateful I made a big batch of stuffed peppers.  I'll finish them today.

Hope the rest of the move goes well, and look forward to seeing you back here, once you get settled.  As you said, we'll catch on the flip side!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I want to scream & cry at the same time, but my head hurts too much to do either.   My car is in the shop.  It wouldn't start, and I was SO hoping it was just the battery, but that would have been too easy.  It better be a fairly minor problem that won't cost too much, because I really do need it.  With being so ill lately, trying to walk or take the bus would just about do me in.  I'll have to find a ride for the errands I have to do tomorrow, as it's a long weekend here, and the banks will be closed on Monday.

I start some new meds at bedtime, to try & help with the migraines.  I hope they help and don't have the awful debilitating side effects the last ones had.  I'm sick of my head pounding to some degree or other EVERY FREAKING DAY!  You would think they would have come up with better treatments by now, but since migraines mostly affect women, it hasn't been until fairly recently they've started putting money into the research - because now it's costing businesses money when the women who work for them have to take time off.

Rant over.  Think good thoughts for my car.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3456#3456 waterlilybarb's post

Ahhh, I'm sure you are fit to be tied. I can't imagine how you manage to cope with having a pounding head day in day out!!

I think you are right on the money there Barb about research !!

Hope you feel better soon

I've been meeting myself coming backwards (as they say) this past few weeks- Just been so busy with work and other things going on but the one nice thing to happen this week is that I found out I'm going to be an Auntie again!!! My sister is 3 months pregnant with her second child. They're going to have a scan around 20 weeks and find out the babies sex. They found out about my nephew too and I know if I were to have a child, I'd also find out. My sister told my nephew 5 weeks ago when she first found out and told him it was a secret, so he never uttered a word to any of us. I'm so impressed with him, he's only 6, to be able to keep that secret. The funniest thing was my sister was saying that after she told him, that night his Dad was saying to him "Mammy told me the big secret, isn't that great news?" and he denied all knowledge of any "secret" until my sister told him that Daddy did know the secret too. I found it hilarious that he thought she wouldn't have told her husband and that he wasn't spilling any of it until his Mammy confirmed he knew, lol!!!


Reply 3457#3457 shinny's post

Congratulations Auntie Sinéad!  That is impressive of your nephew.  Maybe he has a future in the Secret Service. lol

Fit to be tied is a good description of how I am at the moment.  I won't even hear the estimate on the car until tomorrow, and with it being the long weekend, I'm not sure how quick I'll get it back.  When they ring with the estimate (and if it's reasonable) I'll ask if they do loaners.  I have a ton of things to do because I've had to put them off from being laid up with these migraines.  Even if my head is pounding, I can't put off going to the bank.  Stupid landlord!  I had given him cheques for the rent, and he went & lost them!  They were my last ones, so now I have to go get the money out of MY bank, then go to HIS, which is a different bank altogether, to deposit it, as he'll be out of town.  Otherwise, I'd just hand him the cash.  I refuse to buy new cheques until I know if I'm staying here or not, as the minimum is 50 cheques.  I just got rid of the ones with my address from 2 moves ago!

On a happy note, my brother gets the keys to his new house on August 20th.  He also got a puppy (which is still at the breeder's).  He's actually getting excited, which is nice.  I haven't heard him so chuffed about anything in a while.  He'll be living a lot nearer to me, so I will most likely get to see my nephew a lot more (as he will now be living with my brother too - which is what's making my brother the happiest).  I wish I were feeling a bit better so I could help him settle in, but he doesn't have a ton of stuff (unlike me), so it shouldn't take him long at all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3458#3458 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, that just sounds like a comedy of errors Barb. Imagine losing cheques like that, tisk tisk!  

That will be great that you'll have them closer by Barb. When you say nearer though, how near is that!!?


Barb, I think it's about time things start going your way again! Here, let me use my magic wand... (closest emoticon I could find with a wand LOL!!) Good luck with your car. And keep up that appetite, little lady!

Shinny, CONTRATS on becoming an Auntie again! Haha at your nephew, so cute.

Sofia had a great first birthday, just a quiet lunch with close family. We will be leaving on Monday to go visit back home in the U.S. for a month -- sooooo much packing etc. to do before we leave, none of it easy with the little one in toe! But I'm excited to go. I miss home!

Hope everyone's having a nice and not-too-hot summer. It's been broiling here, but then yesterday and today major thunderstorms. A nice break, actually.

