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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't been on for a job is keeping me super busy. I miss chatting with everyone. I quickly read through what I miss. GRANNY PENNY!!! Glad to hear from you...I was thinking about you recently and I'm glad that you seem to be well. Barb, how are you feeling and how's everything going with your place?? Shinny, how was NY?? I think I read something about your friend stepping on a rat or something. How dreadful!!! I hope you had a good time over in my neck of the woods. I always see stuff that you post on facebook but I never have the chance to comment. Meg, Bala, are you guys doing?? I don't know if I posted it but I won concert tickets off the radio in March and I got to go see 30 Seconds to Mars at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC!!! They're like my favorite band and it was my first concert and I had an amazing time. I couldn't believe that I had gotten so lucky. Then the next day, they played in NJ like not too far from my grandparents house. So I got to see them again! It was soo awesome. Thats about the only thing that is new with me.

You know who else I thought about recently?? RSPatriot. How is he?? I was thinking about all of those great Monk/Psych quizzes he'd make for us. Hey  Shinny, have you seen how our "Mick St. John" has moved on to film...Alex O'Loughlin has that new chickflick with Jennifer Lopez. It was sad for me because I was forced to realize that he'd never go back to being that awesome Vampire PI. Lol! Ok, I hope that everyone is having a good day. Hope to be back soon.


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

Hello Jannah!   How great about the concert tickets.  I'm glad you had a good time AND had the bonus of getting to see them twice.

Not much has changed here - still living out of boxes, and have been quite unwell, but c'est la vie.

RSP is without a PC, as well as busy with school & life, at the moment, so hopefully we'll see him in the summer.

Hope to see you soon too, but really pleased you're still working and keeping busy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

i got their music video kings and queens free from itunes and its good


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

I am fine nice to hear from you nothing much as change i am still watching tv shows


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

Hey Jannah, good to hear from you.

New York, well I ended up spending my vacation time in NYU Medical Centre. My Appendix perforated when we were there, so that was a fun time (not!) lol.
Yes, that was my Dad who stood on the rat. We are still slagging him over that. I should have known things would go down hill after that!!

That's brilliant that you got to see 30 seconds to Mars. They are a pretty great band alright. I used to love Jared Leto when I was in school. I can't believe he's 38, he looks so much younger.

I know, I saw clips of The Back up plan. It's out here this Friday and I can't wait. Alex looks so cute in it. It's funny that you mentioned it because I was about to write that on your facebook wall. Funny how we both still love Alex

It was great to hear from you, hope you are keeping well.


Reply  3422#3422 waterlilybarb's post:
Thanks for the update on RSP, Barb. I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been well lately. I also forgot to ask about Tina and have they been??

Reply  3423#3423 rickman's post:
Yeah, I LOVE that song and them.


Reply 3425#3425 shinny's post

OMG Shinny, I am so so sorry to hear that. How are you feeling?? And I can't believe that happened to your dad. I'm sure he's scarred for life now...I would be.   Thats so weird that you say that because I was just telling my mom the same thing. He looks and seems younger than 38...more like 28 or something. Yeah, I love Jared Leto; his voice is so amazing! Yup, Alex will always be Mick St. John to me. I watched him on Rachel Ray just to see if he was going to mention anything about Moonlight...its so sad; I should really let it go. And yeah, I was going to write it on your facebook wall, too! lol! Nice to hear from you, too, and I hope you and your dad are ok after that terrible NY visit.


Just a random video

There is a bit of debate on this video-is this cute or is that baby trying to hurt the cat?. Personally i can't tell . Enjoy girls [ Last edited by bala at 5-7-2010 14:52 ]


Reply 3428#3428 bala's post

Hi Bala!  That is a cute video.  Don't worry, if that cat was being hurt, it would take off.  You can tell that the cat has never been mistreated.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

Hi Jannah!
I haven't been around in a while, most of my 'free' time is spent taking care of my little girl, Sofia-  who is almost a year old already, I can hardly believe it! But things are good over here!

Congrats on the concert tickets, glad to hear all's well on your end, and thanks for checking in! I do it myself every so often

Barb, sorry you're still living out of boxes!! Blech, I know how bad that can be! I hope you labeled them all clearly so you can find stuff and not have to open 3,003 boxes first!

Shinny, oh dear, so sorry to hear about your appendix! Are you all ok now?

Bala, haven't seen you in a while: hi! =)

Talk to you all again soon!!


hi studiojek! rickman here


Reply 3431#3431 rickman's post

Hello! Sorry I left ya out of my hello list - I'm getting old ;)


no worries...  i've been there and done that most of the time now too  wish i can turn back the clock


Reply 3430#3430 studiojek's post

I am an excellent labeler.  Unfortunately, the friends that helped me move were not as meticulous as I.  I have WAY too many boxes that say miscellaneous.  Now, my building is up for sale and it seems interest is picking up - so I'm debating if it's even worth finishing the unpacking.  I REALLY don't want to move again.  I'm too unwell to care right now, but I hate living in such chaos.

Can't believe your little one is nearly a year old.  Tempus fugit. eh?  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3434#3434 waterlilybarb's post

Absolutely fugit! ;)

Oh no, that's the last thing you want is another move, you poor poor dear. I really feel awful for you there any relief these days or is it just one headache after another??


Reply 3435#3435 studiojek's post

They're pretty much daily at this point, and I have a complete JERK as my new neurologist.  The new meds have me feeling like garbage (sorry I'm complaining, but I'm fed up).  My pharmacist said to go get my bloodwork done to check my levels on Friday (which is the soonest anything will show up), and he thinks these meds are either completely not for me or they have me on too high a dose.  I'm so dizzy all the time, so I can't drive.  I'm nauseous - but can't afford anymore weight loss, plus with the food allergies I can't just order something in.  I'm hoping to get a few groceries tomorrow (I'll splurge & get a few gluten free ready meals, though they ARE pricey).  Cheated today and ate a couple soda crackers and feel awful for it.  I'm also down to my last ginger ale (and no fresh ginger on hand either) - though I still have my ginger tea which helps the tummy and somewhat quells the nausea.

If I have to move, I may just burn the place down.  I know I say this every time, but I can't even begin to imagine having the energy needed to move yet again.  I think my brother bought a house - waiting to see if he's going through with it, as they accepted his offer, but it's a single dwelling house - so no "granny flat" for me in this one. lol  Maybe he'll get REALLY generous and buy another place to rent out.  I have some very good friends who he would be happy to rent to, as they don't  smoke, don't party, are clean and would be good tenants.  

Not worrying, just completely fed up with feeling so awful.  Guess this is just a bad day & I needed a whinge.  Sorry for being such a downer.  Upside of the day: Lost & Glee are on tonight - 2nd last epi of Lost though, which makes it bittersweet.  Have the machines set to record both in case the meds knock me out.

OK, I'm outta here for now.  Sorry again for being a sook today. Guess I needed to get it off my chest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3436#3436 waterlilybarb's post

Glad you can come here and get it off your chest Barb. I feel for you, I really do - if anyone has a right to complain, you're on the list!

I hope you get everything worked out with your meds. =( Keep us updated and vent when you need to - keeping it pent up doesn't help the headaches any, I'm sure.


Reply  3430#3430 studiojek's post:
Hey! I'm so sorry that it took me like a month to get back to you. I can't believe that your daughter is almost 1 yrs old already! Did the time seem to fly by? The baby I nanny is almost 7 months and  I can't believe it because she was 3 months (almost 4 month) when I first started watching her. Its amazing how big she's gotten and how many things she can do now that she couldn't before.  Its so nice hearing from you.

Reply  3436#3436 waterlilybarb's post:
So sorry to hear that, Barb. I really hope you feel better. I can't even suggest anything because I don't know if it would conflict with your meds or diet. And of course, you can vent here. Everyone has stuff they need to get off their chest sometimes and thats what we're here for.


Reply 3438#3438 nye87's post

Hey Jannah, nice to see you.    

I had to stop the meds the jerky doc prescribed, but I see him again in July.  I rang his office to see if he'd even want to see me because I went off the meds, and he was good about it.  I'm still doing research of my own into alternative treatments for migraine, and might have to go completely gluten free, even though I'm only wheat sensitive, as there seems to be quite a lot of anecdotal evidence that the two are connected.  It's a bit of a challenge when I'm so sick, because I don't have the energy to cook.  I eat so much rice, I'm beginning to look at it like the "contemptible bread".  

My friend brought me some quinoa, and I have a few other options, but I'm low on groceries, so don't even have any onions or fresh veg in the house to tart anything up.  Am having some mobility issues this week, so going shopping is out.  Today, I'm just wishing for a food replicator. lol  What I'd really like is a giant fresh salad.  Things will improve, and I'll get to do groceries.  Produce aisle - LOOK OUT!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


free at last, free at last...

omg, there is so much to catch up on! i'm going to have to spend a month just reading through this post (sancho the wicked is out in the hall talking to flies. what's up with cats and flies?) but i'm done with classes (or rather class as i only had one this semester, but a new one so the prep time was killer) for the summer so i've only (haha, ONLY) got to worry about getting the house done and moving in. can't wait.

just skimming i see that you might have to move, waterlily. that totally is not cool.
studiojek, i'm glad the little one is keeping you busy. our little monster still has a week left of school, but she's sick today so i'm keeping her in tomorrow. hopefully she'll be better for the fair on wednesday and the end of year pageant on friday.
nye, i'm so glad to see you. talk about time passing since your last post. at least you're better than me!

take care all. i'll work on catching up this week in between carting loads of books to the new place
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

