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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3400#3400 penny3760's post

HELLO Penny!   So nice to see you here.  You're always a welcome sight - no matter where I see you (game site, movie site, here).

I'm alright...all things considered,  I hope today finds you well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3398#3398 bala's post

Thanks Bala, I don't know how I missed the last couple of posts here.


Reply 3399#3399 waterlilybarb's post

I know Barb, it really was great. I don't really remember too much of the flight but I remember being able to sleep which helped a lot!!


Reply 3400#3400 penny3760's post

Hey Penny


good to know that you are ok  now shinny...


Reply 3405#3405 rickman's post

Thanks Rickman, I was very lucky they removed it when they did. It was a ticking time bomb! Just happy to have it all over with now.


Shinny!  Sorry I never responded last month.  I've been MIa.  Just busy.  no good reason.  Bummer about the surgery, but glad to hear all is well now!

Barb - have you seen any of the gluten free or vegan baking sites?  You should check out  She makes a bunch of yummy GF & vegan stuff!


Reply 3407#3407 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg, am all good now


Reply 3407#3407 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg - I did check them out.  Haven't tried any yet, but am sure I will when I feel a bit better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Insert scream here

My landlord is an idiot!  Finally got him to come & check on the leaking kitchen faucet (it's leaking from the pipe underneath) and he did NOTHING.  Told me to ask the neighbour to have a look at it.  I can probably fix it, but that isn't the point.  I can't use my kitchen sink.

My brother is looking to buy a duplex, which would be awesome (because the 2nd unit would be for me).  I don't know how long it will take, but I'm wondering if it's worth trying to do more unpacking.  It probably is, since I need to get rid of more stuff, and it won't happen for months.  He has to find a place 1st, then wait until the legalities are done, and I have to give 60 days notice before moving.  Just frustrated and tired of the ineptitude of my landlord, and also how much money I've spent fixing this place up.  Thankfully, my brother would supply any paint needed for any place he buys.

OK - I'm done now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3410#3410 waterlilybarb's post

It's stories like these that really make me appreciate living with my parents. i feel bad for you because it seems to be a hassle.  I hope your brother does find a good place soon at least this temporary place so you just manage until than. .


Reply 3411#3411 bala's post

Thanks Bala, it IS a hassle.  I have dishes to do, and can't do them without creating an even bigger mess.  Most landlords aren't as idiotic - though some are...many are just cheap, not stupid.  My brother is a carpenter by trade, and also has done all sorts of building work, so I know if there were any problems he would fix them right away.  

Living at home can be helpful (I know you help your parents out), especially if one acts like an adult and doesn't expect their parents to do everything for them like when they were a kid.  I see young people move back home after uni, and get SO irritated at how lazy they can be, and that their parents allow it.  How is anyone going to learn if everything is done for them?  My Mum taught my brother & I how to cook, clean, pay bills, and all the essentials for being productive, self-sufficient citizens.  Too many parents these days don't bother, and then complain about their kids.  It works both ways.  OK, 2nd rant over. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3412#3412 waterlilybarb's post

Well it's least i can do but it ain't all good because you are not independent i want to be but the problem is you do become lazy.

How is anyone going to learn if everything is done for them?

It's routine parents get used-it make them feel like parent. When you got grown kids the problem they can everything themselves and sometime parents feel like nothing to do as parent and when they see an opportunity to make their kids life easier they do it . There are times where i tell my mum i do that later and than i come back to do it and she already done it for me. it makes parents feel like they still parents and your right grown kids take advantage for that situation.


Reply 3413#3413 bala's post

When I moved to help my Mum last year, we discussed ahead of time which chores we'd do.  Of course, as she became more ill, that didn't matter.  Until then though, we shared the cooking and housework, with me doing anything heavier.  If you know your parents are the type that want things done right away, and you don't have a legitimate reason for putting it off, then it is taking advantage, because you know they will do it...(not just you personally - but anyone in a similar situation).

Certain things my Mum & Gran enjoyed doing when family visited - like cooking.  That's normal - and made them feel good to do something for their family.  But when an adult child LIVES with the parent/s it shouldn't be a given that the parents will do all the household chores.  I've heard some say that it's the parent's responsiblity because they own the house, but if that were so, they (the kids) should pay rent to help defray the cost of their living there.  As I said, it's a two way street.  Parents need to set out what they expect from anyone living in their house, and the "kids" need to realize they aren't children anymore, that it costs money to live and pull their weight in whatever way is most practical for that family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3414#3414 waterlilybarb's post

That's the thing unless it's really urgent things can be put off. .


Appendicitis has hit my family again. My sis in law's appendix burst last night and she had to have an emergency operation. She's ok, looks like they got it in time. My younger brother wanted to know if we would be starting a club! It was 5 weeks ago I had mine. Unfortunately for her they had to open her the old way so it will take longer to recover from that.


Reply 3416#3416 shinny's post

That's awful!  Poor girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3417#3417 waterlilybarb's post

She's in good spirits Barb. We went to visit her this afternoon. She's very sore as they had to cut her differently to the old way; straight down from the naval, because of how the poison had gathered. With me they contained it and put the tube in to take it out, but I think her's had started to spread and they had to flush it out there and then. I was really lucky they still did me laparoscopically really. What are the chances of both of us having a perforated appendix so close together!


Reply 3418#3418 shinny's post

That is an odd coincidence, though the summer I got mine out while on vacation, several other freinds of mine had the same thing happen.  One was on holiday in Germany.  As you know, that certainly ruins a vacation.

Your poor sister-in-law though.  Glad to hear she's in good spirits - I bet the pain meds help with that. lol  The recovery time will be a fair bit longer with it having to be so invasive.  Good thing they were so thorough in getting the poison out though.  Mine wasn't too bad - an incision about 10cm on my lower right abdomen.  They glued me shut, so over the years, the scar is barely even visible now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3419#3419 waterlilybarb's post

Yeh, I surely know about that!!

You're right, her recovery time will be a lot longer. She and my brother were planning on starting a family soon (they just got married last August) and they think she may not be able to have a C section now because of how she was cut, but it all depends on how she heals. She's a super fit girl to be honest, so I think she'll be fine. In fact, she was playing a Camogie match (Irish game) on Friday and she had started to get a niggling pain in her tummy which she ignored as there was a tummy bug doing the rounds so she put it down to that

