Reply 3411#3411 bala's post
Thanks Bala, it IS a hassle. I have dishes to do, and can't do them without creating an even bigger mess. Most landlords aren't as idiotic - though some are...many are just cheap, not stupid. My brother is a carpenter by trade, and also has done all sorts of building work, so I know if there were any problems he would fix them right away.
Living at home can be helpful (I know you help your parents out), especially if one acts like an adult and doesn't expect their parents to do everything for them like when they were a kid. I see young people move back home after uni, and get SO irritated at how lazy they can be, and that their parents allow it. How is anyone going to learn if everything is done for them? My Mum taught my brother & I how to cook, clean, pay bills, and all the essentials for being productive, self-sufficient citizens. Too many parents these days don't bother, and then complain about their kids. It works both ways. OK, 2nd rant over. LOL