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The girly`s ......giggle box


I think I have flu.   This respiratory bug is kicking my butt, and rather than feeling any better, I'm more achy and feverish today plus the cough is worse.  The pharmacy delivers (thank heaven) so I called and ordered some more supplies for the weekend.  I'll only go to my doc if it turns into an infection or takes a major turn for the worse (I've had pneumonia in the past from flu), so if you don't see me, I'm in bed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sorry to hear it Barb =( I just got over the flu too - just 2 days with a fever and achiness,  now I'm feeling stronger but have laryngitis )much to my husband's joy of course!)

Feel well! Take care of poor dear =(


hahaha studio.  i think my hubby would like a day or 2 of me not talking as well.  jk

hope you feel better soon, barb!


Reply 3383#3383 themegababe's post

My poor little girl got the flu from me, it's been a really rough week dealing with her first illness. =( But, she's been a trooper and looks like she's at the tail end of it now.

Hope you're doing better Barb!


Reply 3384#3384 studiojek's post

Poor little one...and poor Mama.  Glad she's on the mend (and you're feeling better), but it's never fun when your baby's sick.

I'm still sick, but am slowly improving.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3385#3385 waterlilybarb's post

I thought I'd managed to get through a winter season without illness - oh well!


Reply 3386#3386 studiojek's post

Just noticed my smiley was sticking out his tongue instead of frowning...I fixed it.  I'd never make light of anyone being sick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3387#3387 waterlilybarb's post

Didn't even notice, but thanks Barb, kind of you!


Hope everyone is on the mend over here!  Anything new and exciting in anyone's life right now??


Hey Meg, I'm good thanks. How are you? Exciting, well I'm off to New York next week for a few days which I'm very pleased about since my NYE plans fell through. It was St Patrick's day yesterday so we did a little celebrating here (dinner and the parade). That's about it for me. Anything happening with you?


Reply 3390#3390 shinny's post

Looks like the weather should be nice for your trip to NYC Shinny.  Spring seems to be settling in (she says, oh so hopefully).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thought I'd share

I know I've mentioned about the allergy testing.  Well, it's all done.  I'm wheat, dairy & egg sensitive...super fun (especially if you like to bake, which I do).  Anyway, last week I went to the bulk store, and while I was getting the regular goodies (organic rice cakes and the like), I found gluten free brownie mix.  I had heard the one at the grocery store wasn't very good, so I was skeptical about trying the bulk store one, but I did.  I made some tonight & they were YUMMY!  Not quite as dense as regular brownies, but every bit as delicious, and I have no ill gastrointestinal effects from eating them.  That makes me happy...which really isn't that hard to do (but I think being delighted by small things is a great quality).

I do have a scratch recipe for gluten free brownies, and when I get around to making those, I'll let y'all know which I prefer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey Barb, yeh I've been checking the 10 day weather forecast the past few days!! I see it was beautiful there for Paddy's Day. It looks like we might have a shower here and there but that's ok as long as the bulk of it is dry!!!

Wow, that's a lot to be intolerant too. I wonder, over a period of time, if you are excluding them will that eventually have an impact on your migraines?


Reply 3393#3393 shinny's post

I don't know.  They don't seem to affect the migraines (except for eggs - which I've known for a long time), but they make a huge difference on my guts.  I can eat eggs in things because it dilutes the amount, but if I just eat eggs, especially if I'm already feeling a migraine coming on, it makes it worse, so I avoid them for the most part.  The allergist wants me to see a nutritionist, and I will, if it's covered (or not too expensive).  Otherwise, I'll ask friends who have been dealing with similar issues for longer for some recipe suggestions as well as looking online for good substitutes.  

I already found a bakery that makes gluten free products, which means I can have some bread, but it's fairly pricey, so making things myself will be necessary for a lot of things.  I don't eat a whole lot of bread, so it's worth getting it from the bakery, as I'm not about to start baking bread just for myself.  It's too much work to do it just for myself.  The bakery also makes gluten free pizza dough, and I'm allowed feta cheese, so I can make Greek pizza (which I like).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Bum me out!

I've been home all evening wondering why there's not 1 thing to watch on TV, and I COMPLETELY forgot that I recorded Lost last night.  DUH!  It's a little late to watch it now, but I had something to watch the whole time.  I hate when that happens. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Something Nice

Since most of posts lately seem to be a little on the downer side, thought I'd share something nice that happened to me today.  

I've not been feeling too spiffy (as you've no doubt noticed), and the groceries are low, so I decided to treat myself - which is a bit more challenging these days with the food restrictions.  I went to my local Lebanese restaurant, and ordered a couple things I knew for sure were wheat-free, but asked for some suggestions.  I put in my order, and brought it home.  When I opened it, they had put in extra food (a yummy salad).   They occasionally throw in something extra at that restaurant (I must look too scrawny, or very poor - lol), but I NEVER expect anything.  It was a nice treat, and I ate it already.    The other items can be reheated, so I'll eat a bit more later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, that's really nice. I love unexpected surprises like that

Hey all, just a quick message to say hello. I've been missing and not just on my visit to New York. As most of the moderators know I ended up having an emergency appendectomy while in New York. I was extremely lucky as it was perforated and leaking. This has been an ongoing issue for me since last year so I'm happy it's finally over. I was so well looked after by the staff of NYU Medical Centre. I couldn't really have asked for better, but I still wish I'd been at home when it happened. I had to fly 3 days after my surgery. But just going on nice things like Barb mentioned above. I was upgraded to Business Class by Aer Lingus which meant I was able to lie back and sleep my way home. I had to get up a few times to walk around as my risk of blood clots was higher having just had surgery. I hardly remember the flight, but it was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I just wanted to be in my own bed!

It's been a week since the surgery and I'm feeling so much better. It's hard to believe I ever felt that bad, but the appendix was leaking poison into my system and it's why I felt so bad. My temperature was 103.2 on two occasions before I had the appendix out and I surely felt that!


Reply 3397#3397 shinny's post

i am glad you are better i just assume you were busy at work like you normally are


Reply 3397#3397 shinny's post

So glad to hear you're starting to feel better, and very nice of Aer Lingus for upgrading your seat.  I know in the past when my Mum had to travel by air after surgery the airline was very good & took good care of her, not only on the plane, but boarding & exiting too.  It's nice to see the caring behind the names of big companies.

We're holding down the fort while you recuperate.  Keep resting & get well soon.  I sure hope this is the last of the health worries for you for a good while.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone!

I just stopped by to say hi!   I hope that everyone is doing ok.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

