Ok, my computer has finally been fixed thanks to the Geek Squad at Best Buy.
Missed talking to you all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I actually don't nanny the same baby anymore because her mom lost her job.
But she turned one this month! I temporarily watch a 2 1/2 year old (for about 4 months because he's visiting the US with his dad) and I can see why children that age are said to be in the "terrible twos". lol!
Besides that, everything is the same with me. I tried to do a quick read again, but I have to get bakc to the kid; so hopefully I'll catch up later. Bala, to answer your question (Reply 3356#3356 bala's post), I think that it is state to state because I remember our TV televising Victoria Beckham having to retake the Road and Written test in California when they moved there.
Nice talking to everyone!