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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3360#3360 cshapiro's post

Thank you for your concern.

I am quite conservative with regards to how I care for my health, and I don't take anything I haven't thoroughly researched myself as well as talked to my doctor about.  Whether I choose to try these is personal, and not something I would advocate to others, nor would I dissuade them, if they felt it was appropriate for them, under a doctor's supervision.  Not all sick people are so gullible as to try everything that comes down the pipeline, but neither are some doctors open to new (or old) treatments).  That is why it's important for patients to be their own advocates, and take responsibility for what they put in their body.  Knowledge is important - but, as they say, a little knowledge is dangerous, which is why I try to be as thorough as possible with regard to myself.

That's all I have to say on this particular subject.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


So did anyone do anything for Valentine's day?  I don't really celebrate it, but my hubby did make me Heart Shaped Pancakes for breakfast! hahaha


Reply 3362#3362 themegababe's post

Aww that's cute =) Nope, we don't celebrate either, so we didn't do anything special. Just hung out with the little one. I wouldn't have minded a little chocolate though...!


my office gives us gifts for most of the holidays.  so we as in the 9 ladies that work in the office.  so on friday we each got a 2 pound box of sees candies... that's a lot of chocolate!  And I don't even like chocolate that much! haha


Reply 3364#3364 themegababe's post

You could send it over here, I'd be happy to take those chocolates off your hands! =)


That is a lot of chocolate!! I liked chocolate but it didn't like me. I haven't eaten a piece of chocolate in about 7 months! I just cut it out as I was having too many bad reactions to it. I don't miss it now and actually feel better for not having it. I never really ate much of it anyway, but even a little bit was enough sometimes!


Reply 3366#3366 shinny's post

Dark chocolate is my nemesis and I was stupid enough to eat a little bit today.  I'm paying for it now - my guts are not happy & a migraine is brewing.  I'm usually REALLY good about avoiding it, but something possessed me today.  It's not going to be a pleasant night...but it's my own fault. <me to myself
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate.


Reply 3367#3367 waterlilybarb's post

Oh no =( Did you end up paying for it last night Barb?

Bala: I used to prefer milk chocolate, but now I prefer dark, I guess it's an acquired taste, like espresso and wine! I also find that when I'm having a chocolate craving, a small piece of dark chocolate satisfies it, while I need larger quantities of milk chocolate. Wow, the wonders of chocolate =)


Reply 3369#3369 studiojek's post

I know what you mean i just don't like the bland taste of dark chocolate-there something  about milk chocolate that taste nicer but your right you can't have a small piece.  


I too can't eat chocolate, it makes me extremely ill nausea/vomiting/migraines, it's definitely my enemy. When i did eat chocolate, I enjoyed the dark over the milk. It's funny, I find the milk chocolate bland, and the dark chocolate rich in flavor. It's strange, how everyone tastes certain things differently.


Reply 3371#3371 gypsiegirl66's post

I think it has to do with diary product-if you like diary product you tend to prefer milk chocolate but people who don't  like the taste of dairy product tend to prefer non-diary product like dark chocolate.   

Just my theory


Reply 3369#3369 studiojek's post

Yes I did.   I'm still not too well today.  I can eat a little bit of milk chocolate without getting sick, but dark chocolate is so lovely - and I was at a friend's house where they had some really good ones yesterday.  I knew I'd pay for it, and thought it would be worth it, but alas, I was mistaken.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3373#3373 waterlilybarb's post

That's too bad. If I eat really fatty foods like fried food etc., I get really nauseous - but then I sometimes do it anyway and pay for it, so i guess I know what you mean. Sorta!


My exciting Saturday

I'm doing laundry - SO exciting.   My friends are out of town and have loaned me their keys & the use of their washing machine & dryer, so I'm getting it ALL done.  I can't wait to get home later and put the clean sheets on the bed.  Can you feel the excitement?!  Problem with that plan is - I'll probably be too wiped out by then & just wait until tomorrow, which means I'll be sleeping on top of a comforter tonight. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3375#3375 waterlilybarb's post

I know the feeling, on both accounts: the excitement of using someone's washer/dryer for laundry and the excitement of sleeping on clean sheet! Doesn't sound boring to me at all!


Reply 3376#3376 studiojek's post

I still haven't put it all away, but it's a treat to have clean laundry - especially clean sheets.

I'm sick again.   I awoke yesterday with a throat that felt like I had gargled with razor blades and today my head is so stuffed up I can't breathe.  I'd go get some cold meds but we had snow again (it's actually snowing right now) and there's approx. 6 inches of snow on my car, and I'm too wiped to go out and clean it off AND go to the store.  Maybe I'll just go back to bed.  I do have some of that awful lemon drink for cold/flu...ICK.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Ok, my computer has finally been fixed thanks to the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Missed talking to you all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I actually don't nanny the same baby anymore because her mom lost her job.   But she turned one this month! I temporarily watch a 2 1/2 year old (for about 4 months because he's visiting the US with his dad) and I can see why children that age are said to be in the "terrible twos". lol! Besides that, everything is the same with me. I tried to do a quick read again, but I have to get bakc to the kid; so hopefully I'll catch up later. Bala, to answer your question (Reply  3356#3356 bala's post), I think that it is state to state because I remember our TV televising Victoria Beckham having to retake the Road and Written test in California when they moved there.   Nice talking to everyone!


Reply 3378#3378 nye87's post

Nice to see you Jannah!   Glad to hear your computer is back in tip-top condition and that you still have a job (albeit a different one).  These days, any job is a good one.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thought this would right place to post this

