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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3315#3315 shinny's post

Over perscribing of antibiotics is a huge problem everywhere.  Usually the problem is patients insisting on them.  It still is the Dr's fault since it is our job to educate our patients not just give them what they want to get them off our back.  Most resperatory infections are viral but almost every Dr prescribes antibiotics for them.  As a surgeon I don't eally have the issue but I see how kids are handled by their family docs and they almost always come to me with various issues from over use of antibiotics.

It's frustrating being sick and not being able to do anything about it but sometimes we just have to plod through a bit of a cold for a few days and take it easy.  Don't give up hope, there still is chicken soup!  Feel better everyone!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

Hi Tiny!  I want to congratulate you on having your baby. It seems like just yesterday that you told us that you were pregnant. That was a fast 9 months.   I hope that mother and baby are doing well.  Having a baby is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us.  I am so happy for you.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 3321#3321 cshapiro's post

Thanks!! I'm trying to take it easy and not over do it. I haven't much choice as my left lung is still quite sore so any over excertion makes it worse. I was feeling better today, but this evening it seems to have come back with a vengence. It always seems to get worse at night! I think a couple of more days and I should be ok.


Reply 3318#3318 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Barb!  I started menopause at a very early age.  I was in my late 30's, early 40's when I started.  It was the worst time in my life. I started getting severe migraines and anxiety and panic attacks. I was getting my period every 2 weeks. Some months I wouldn't get it at all.  I was miserable.  The doctor said that my hormones were severely imbalanced. I couldn't live like that, and I didn't want to take the drugs that he wanted to put me on.  So, I went to my herbalist to see if he could help me.  He put me on a herb called Chasteberry.  Another name for it is Vitex.   He said that the herb works with my body  to regulate my hormones naturally..  Barb, it took awhile, maybe 2 to 4 weeks to start working, but once it started working, my migraines and anxiety disappeared.  It also regulated my monthly periods.  I couldn't believe how good I felt.  My herbalist said that all women should take the herb even if you are not in the early stages of menopause.  It helps by relieving menstrual cramps, mood swings and helps regulate your periods.  Before my daughter started taking it , she use to get a lot of cysts on her ovaries.  All  the cyst have disappeared since she been taking it.  A lot of doctors don't believe in herbal remedies but I figured what harm would it do to try it. My daughter and I are glad that we took the chance and took the herb.  The only thing is that I am not sure if you can take the herb if you are on birth control pills. You need to ask a herbalist.  Barb, please try the herb.  It might help you get relief from all those migraines you have. Good Luck!  Love, Granny Penny  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 3324#3324 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny.  I'll definitely look into that.  Today I have another pounding migraine (if I don't move my head it's just bearable).  I've also been doing some research on bio-identical hormones, as it seems many women get some relief from those.  It's getting to the point that if someone told me that if I spun counter-clockwise while reciting the alphabet backwards it would get rid of them, I'd try it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3324#3324 penny3760's post

Penny, that sounds awful =(

Hi all! Just jumping on again for a quick hello! Don't have much time for show watching, though my husband and I just established "Mommy Wednesdays" so I can get a break in the evening. last week I went out for pizza with a friend, tomorrow I may just hole myself up in my room with my shows!

Question: how come all of Bala's posts have been blocked/deleted? Is everything ok? Did I miss something?


Reply 3324#3324 penny3760's post

Hi Penny.  I hope you are doing well.  It's always nice to hear from you.

There are two thing that were in the post that I would like to respond to: "A lot of doctors don't believe in herbal remedies but I figured what harm would it do to try it."

Firstly, all doctors believe in herbal remedies.  Many of the drugs we prescribe are derived from herbs and certanly there are many herbs which have been proven to provide theraputic value.  What many physicians object to is, the touting of untested herbal remedies as cures.  The vast majority of herbs have no scientific evidence behind them and in fact some have ben tested extensively and been found to have no value medicinally whatsoever and they are still advertised and sold as miracle cures.  I just think that herbal products should be tested and regulated for safety and efficacy.  I have never heard of chasteberry so, I have no opinion on it whatsoever.  There are some proven herbs that help with women's hormonal issues such as shepherds purse that I know have been studied and found to be safe and effective.

Secondly, the commonly stated "what harm can it be" is something that is based on falsehood.  People think that if something is natural it is therefore harmless and this is a lie.  Any herb, vitamin or supplement of any kind can potentially be harmful.  If an herb affects the body then it can have side effects and dangers the same as any drug.  Without proper study there is no way to know the potential for harmful interactions, overdose or toxicity.  There are many toxic plants and herbs in the world and just because something is natural does not mean it is safe.


Reply 3326#3326 studiojek's post

Hi Studio - that sounds like a great idea...having time for yourself.   As for Bala's posts, they are blocked because he has been temporarily banned from posting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


c - thanks for the info on herbs!  
gypsy - it's good to see you around
barb - hope the migrane is gone today.  wish you could find some relief!
and sorry i've been mia for awhile.  how is everyone doing?


Reply 3327#3327 cshapiro's post

Hi There!  It is always nice to talk to you.    You are right about some of these companies trying to make money on the herbal miracle cures made from herbs.  Some herbs can be very dangerous.  Then there is the herb ,Cannabis ( pot ) that can make you feel real good and make you feel like your in la la land.   Only joking.  I believe in herbal remedies,but only under the supervision of a educated and trained herbalist. Anyone that is thinking about taking herbs should always talk to a herbalist first.  I can remember him telling me once that you can take all the herbs in the world but nothing is going to work unless you take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising.   
     Some of the medicines that are prescribed for an illness, scare the hell out of me after reading the warnings and precautions before taking them.  My husband said that I shouldn't read the warnings, just pop the pill in my mouth.      Any herb or medicine that is prescribed to me, I do research on them. I just want to know what I am putting in my body.  I guess we all have to take a risk by taking these meds, if we want to start feeling better again.
     Have a great day!  Granny Penny  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Hi Penny, It's great to see you again! You are right, and that is excellent advise. People need to use the brains they were given, before putting anything into their body. Research and getting advise from trained professionals, is the only way to know if what you are taking is going to help or hurt you.

Meg, how are you? Is married life treating you good? Well, it's good to hear from you, and I hope all is going well in your life!

Barb, please just take care of yourself, so that you are up and feeling better soon.


Hi Gypsy!  good to see you around!  And I'm good.  Married life is wonderful, but it seems really busy.  We started going to a new home church. It's pretty small.  So we get together with the other families a lot.  And that keeps us the most busy!  

Barb, how are you doing?


Reply 3332#3332 themegababe's post

Hey Meg, and all you gals.  I've been offline all weekend, and not on much last week.  Turns out I mixed up my medications, which just exacerbated my migraine.  I learned to pay EXTRA close attention to my meds.  Thankfully it's never happened before, but I NEVER want it to happen again.  I'm off to check the boards.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3333#3333 waterlilybarb's post

Oh dear, good thing it "only" caused a migraine, eeks!

Hi all, I'm on my way out to work, I started back a week ago and it's's hard leaving the family in the morning, but I'm only working part-time in the mornings so I can't really complain!

Have a good day everyone!!


Reply 3334#3334 studiojek's post

We're spoiled here.  Maternity leave can last up to a year.  I'm glad for you that you've only had to return part-time.

I was already not well with a bug - which likely caused the mix-up in the 1st place, but I still feel pretty rough.  I saw the allergist again today and have to go back on a modified version of the elimination diet, though not for as long.  At least I can use chicken for soup instead of turkey, and I can also use more vegetables & spices, which makes it much easier.  We (the doctor & I) think wheat is the major culprit, but only for my stomach, not the migraines.  Though inconvenient, it's nice to know what to avoid to feel even slightly better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all,

Studio, are you working every morning or just some? My sister in law went back to work after being away for about 6 years. Their eldest started "big" school last September and then the twins (4 years old) started play school. They'll start big school when they are 5 this year. She works 9 to 1 most days and I think one full day. I think she needed to for her sanity! She's a legal PA and got a job about 5 minutes from where the boys go to School so it's so handy!

Barb, at least the elimination diet found something albeit not related to what is triggering your migraine.  Good to hear Chicken is back on the menu. Like I said before, I really am not a big fan of Turkey!!

I'm very tired this morning. I went to bed too late last night (bold me!!) and then was up way to early to be in the office for 7am. I only had about 5 hrs sleep and I definitely need my full 8 hrs!! An early night for me tonight as i'm going to a friend's Wedding tomorrow. Irish wedding's are long The church part is the fastest part though!


mmm chicken! haha I have heard of people who have wheat issues, but like you said, usually it's in the stomach.  Maybe the other doc can help... does he looks anything like McDreamy? ahahha

So why are Irish weddings so long, Shinny?  What all is involved?


Reply 3337#3337 themegababe's post

LOL!  My doctor looks nothing like McDreamy.  He's an older Vietnemese man.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Haha @ McDreamy!

Hi ladies!

Barb, here in Italy I could have taken up to a year too, but 6 months of those are only at 30% pay, so i opted not to. I'm not sure being alone just the 2 of us all day is really good for either of us anyway, though. Sofia is a very social creature and I have a feeling she's going to enjoy the stimulation of other kids and stuff. At least I hope so! She starts on Monday, they include the parents in what they call the "insertion" process (loose translation!), which basically means I'll be there with her, slowly leaving her more and more time, and then finally leaving for a bit, until she's ready to go. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Barb, well, I guess you get chicken again! I think I told you I have a friend in the exact same migraine place as you. She also has yet to find the real culprit. But she's a graphic designer and often in front of the computer. I'd miss you, but have you ever tried takng an extended vacation from your computer, see if that might be affecting it? (I wouldn't have the strength myself!)

Shinny, yeah, what's this about long Irish weddings? Why's that?


Reply 3339#3339 studiojek's post

I've had the migraines since long before I had a computer and I don't go on it (or if I do, it's to say I'll be offline) when they get too bad.  I'm not usually on for a long time in any one go - unless I'm doing something specific.  Today, I was on for less than an hour earlier, and have come to check back in here and to check my email & FB (I have friends who send me messages there rather than email).  I have paid attention to how it affects me, and I know I overdo it sometimes.  I was offline from Friday night - Monday as I was so ill...and I've gone weeks without it, so I know it's doable if necessary.  For me, I think the computer exacerbates the migraine more than causes them.   It would be nice to find a cure, but my Mum and my uncle (on my Dad's side) both suffered from them most of there lives, so it's likely something I'll have to continue living with.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

