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The girly`s ......giggle box

Thank you everyone. We are just sleeping a lot and I am on a lot of pain meds. Thanks Barb for keeping everyone updated. Malec is already 2oz over birth weight and is doing great. Breast is best

So how would everyone pronounce Malec?


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

i think sound like mel-ic ?


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

Congratulations, Tina!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

I have been pronouncing it MAL-ec, but am wondering now if it's Mal-eek.  Sneaky is it pronounced?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

hahahahah Breast is best. you are awesome!  and my answer would be the same as barbs  


yep Think Alec Baldwin and add an M, just checking. Some idiots are already trying to pronounce it Maleek which I hate and was trying to avoid by spelling it Malec.


So we were right!  Yes! haha  I love his meez nursery!


Reply 3306#3306 gabsimom's post

It's spelled in a way that seems fairly obvious as to how it should be pronounced.  Now if it was Malic, I could see the confusion.  On the topic of breast feeding, it's not only best for baby, but it also has benefits to the Mama's - one being that it lowers the risk of breast cancer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! My little Sofia also came by way of emergency c-section, so I feel your pain (literally!). My advice: drink lots of water, get lots of help so you can sleep, avoid any sources of stress (meaning, if you have to kick people out of your house, do it!). And, the old and never too cliche': ENJOY IT, it really goes by so fast!!!

Oh, and I also would have pronounced the name like you intended it!

Hi girls!

Barb, so if you have a migraine again does that mean your diet cutting stuff out didn't work, or did you discover then what it might be triggered by?


Reply 3309#3309 studiojek's post

I'm still adding new foods, and have a couple suspions...REALLY hoping peanut butter isn't a culprit, but the migraines just won't quit.    I reintroduce wheat & gluten next week, which I'm a bit nervous about.  I haven't had an attack of IBS since I've been off it, so I'm fearing that may be a cause, though if it is, I'll be glad to know it.  As challenging as it is to be on such a strict diet, it would be worth it if it eliminated the IBS.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Congratulations again Tina, what a cool and unusual name I love it. Hope you and the baby are doing well, and that you are getting the rest you need to take care of the little guy.

Barb, sorry to hear that you are having more health problems, it's so hard to battle something when you don't know the cause. I hope the diet helps them figure out what is causing the migraines and the IBS, both are such miserable ailments to have to deal with. Feel better soon, you're in my prayers girlie!


I know a Malec Tina so I knew I was saying it correctly. Nice name by the way!!

Have the migraines been any less Barb or are they exactly the same? It will be harsh to think you went through that restriction diet for nothing. It's good your IBS has improved though, so maybe that's one good thing that may come out of the identified foods you have issues with.

I'm smothering with a cold, well actually the Dr says it's a Respiratory Tract Infection, but I'm already out the other side of it. I haven't had a cold this bad in about 2 years so I guess it was due. I cursed myself though because I was only saying how I'd managed to avoid it over the Christmas when everyone around me had it!! It's not too bad but my sinus' are killing me at the moment. I refuse to take antibiotics as when I was in the hospital with the suspected appendicitis they gave me so many antibiotics

[ Last edited by shinny at 1-15-2010 19:53 ]


Reply 3312#3312 shinny's post

Ugggh, that sucks Shinny. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I don't blame you for not wanting to take antibiotics, they kill all the good bacteria as well as the bad. Get lot's of rest and drink plenty of fluids.


Reply 3311#3311 gypsiegirl66's post

Thank you sweetie.

Shinny - sorry to hear about your infection.  No fun.
The migraines have not improved - I'm battling another right now (I'm going offline VERY shortly), but no IBS attacks has been wonderful.  I'll know for sure if it's food related when I bring back gluten next week.  I have an appt. for some tests Tuesday morning, so I think I'll wait until they're done before I do add it back.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks Gypsy, yep that's exactly why I don't want to take them. I feel that, in general here, Dr's prescribe antibiotics too freely. So it's up to us, as the patient, to say no when we feel we can fight it ourselves. My Dr is lovely and a very good Dr, but I don't agree with how freely he hands out antibiotics!!

Thanks Barb, almost back to normal. Lungs are still a bit sore but I can breath much more freely now so it's almost clear. My sinus' have calmed down and my voice is practically back to normal. That's a shame Barb, so what will be the next step then as this did not seem to find a migraine trigger?

[ Last edited by shinny at 1-16-2010 11:08 ]


Reply 3315#3315 shinny's post

Great to hear that you are feeling better Shinny! I hope you recovery continues to progress and that you are back to being 100% of yourself soon.


Reply 3316#3316 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks Gypsy, getting there for sure


Reply 3315#3315 shinny's post

I have no idea.  I do know that weather & hormones play a big part in my migraines, and there isn't much i can do about either of those.  It might be something I just have to keep living with.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3318#3318 waterlilybarb's post

Exactly, not like you can just switch either of those off


Reply 3319#3319 shinny's post

Well, menopause is still a good ways away for me, but I hear many women get relief once they're through it.  Other than that, and my inventing a weather machine - I don't see how I can change much else.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

