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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3280#3280 sddvasquez's post

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I finally have the doors up on my kitchen cupboards!!!  Now, the cupboards are done - they've been scraped and painted, and to have doors is the icing on the cake (mmm, cake...which I'm not allowed ).  My friend repaired them beyond what I imagined and hung them for me.  Not feeling too great physically, but I'm ecstatic over this hurdle.  Now I`ll be able to put things away in the lower cupboards and know the cats won`t be able to crawl on them.  Bliss.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


yes cabinets! woo hoo!
(mmmm, cake)
still not caught up on the back issues of the box, maybe tomorrow. but where is gabsimom? don't tell me early labor !!!!
hope she's doing well.
more later...
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3280#3280 sddvasquez's post

Hi there!! Well, "back" is a bit of an overstatement, I get on rarely with the Little Miss around to keep me busy =) All's well though...and you??


Reply 3283#3283 sddvasquez's post

No baby yet for Tina...(I just checked my facebook account for updates and she was on a couple hours ago).  

More excitement for me.  I bought as sofa today!!  I was going to wait, but the sales are amazing right now, and I'm in desperate need of one, since I haven't had one since I moved (almost 8 months ago now).  It gets delivered Thursday, which was a treat, as I didn't expect they would be able to deliver before next week.  Just means that tomorrow I'll be rearranging things to make room for the movers.  Maybe I really will be mostly settled by the end of the month.  I've been saying it every month now for ages, but this month it's a real possibility.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3285#3285 waterlilybarb's post

Yay! What color and fabric is it? Congrats! A couch makes a home =) What were you using before, a chair??


Reply 3286#3286 studiojek's post

IT"S HERE!!! I'm embracing my inner geek as I do the dance of joy around my living room.

Studio - it's a dark cream (almost taupe) microsuede sofa - great for cats, as the fur comes up easily and the colour won't show it as much.  I have been using a chair (my next project is reupholstering the chair & ottoman).  I had a daybed in the living room, but never used it as it was too high to sit on, and just took up too much space.  I found an area rug on sale which I'll be getting within a couple weeks, which will really warm things up (literally and decoratively).  It's starting to feel like home, which is AWESOME!  I haven't felt that way since I moved...which was 8 months ago.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3287#3287 waterlilybarb's post

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I totally understand the dance of joy over what might SEEM like just an inanimate object...nothing like feeling like HOME!!!! Enjoy it Barb!


Reply 3288#3288 studiojek's post

Thank you.   I'm totally enjoying it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I must have the worst luck with heaters.  The electric baseboard heater in my living room is barely working.  It is COLD!  I'm so happy I remembered I had an electric blanket which I dug out last night.  It's not as bad as 2 winters ago when I was in the other apartment & you could see your breath in the air, but I'm tired of having to almost dress for the outdoors just to do bum around the house.   To top it off I have a migraineand the meds are making feel vomitous.  Not a happy camper today (though I will say, I had a fairly decent week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


whew, caught up, finally!

waterlily - sorry about the troubles but at least you have a sofa and electric blanket! i hate always being cold too. i am so on the architect and contractor to fix our new place right so i never have to shiver under 5 sweaters and a feather comforter again! our sofa is going to have to wait until we have walls though, one thing at a time.

so where's the newest little addition to the friendvista family? i hope gabsimom isn't going to be pregnant for another month! i've been so hoping that everything goes smoothly.

everyone's finally out of the house. unfortunately, the husband's grandmother died on sunday so he changed his mom's ticket (her mother-in-law but, as her husband died when my husband was young and her mother had already passed away, they were very close) and they both went back together to be with the family. she had been doing poorly just before but i really thought we were going to have more time with her.

i hope everyone else's holidays have been going well.

nye, is it just the one little ankle biter or do you have more charges? (as if one isn't enough to keep anyone more than busy)

studio - was it a big party with the new little one? it just gets better too, when they're old enough to understand/remember the traditions!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3291#3291 sddvasquez's post

According to her facebook status, Tina was having contractions yesterday, so hopefully she's had the baby and all is well.  I'm sure we'll know soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


fingers crossed - you can do it, mom!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me



Tina had her baby... 6lbs 10oz and 19inches long.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3290#3290 waterlilybarb's post

Barb - Bummer about the heater.  Did you see Ugly Betty recently?  Episode 8 had a funny part with a heater. Although I think I would prefer to be in Hilda's situation rather than freezing!  but exciting about the cabinets and couch!

Congrats to Tina!  So exciting

I used to nanny 3 little ones. Okay they were 5, 7, and 11.  but it was rough! haha I was so glad to go home and rest!

sddv you totally lost me on the explanation of your hubby and mother in law, but I hope they are doing alright and coping and such.


PS. Sorry I've been gone. The holidays took a lot out of me. Plus I was outta town.  Now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things!


Reply #3294 waterlilybarb's post

woo hooo! finally. i was checking in just for this bit of good news! hope the two are getting some rest (and dear husband and little guy #1 too!)

Reply  #3295 themegababes's post
hahahhaa - no worries, you can see i'm going on almost no sleep! thanks for the well wishes, all are doing better than might be expected because the grandmother (maw maw as the cajuns call her) had planned out all the details so it was very helpful in dealing with the stress and her service was very beautiful.
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 3296#3296 sddvasquez's post

Update from Tina's FB:

"I just got Home today. Malec was born 5:15 am by emergency c-section....Thanks to God it was the best decision and Malec is here and healthy."
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3297#3297 waterlilybarb's post

Well that good news what an interesting name


yay for malec being home!  thanks barb!


Reply #3297 waterlilybarb's post

i'm so glad they're both home safe and sound! i love the name too. thanks so much for the update, waterlilybarb!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

