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The girly`s ......giggle box


Went to the allergist today.  He's being very thorough.  The elimination diet I'll be starting within the next few days is insanely restrictive, but if it helps, it will be worth it.  I can do it for 3 weeks (I think).  I sure hope something shows up that proves useful.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3261#3261 waterlilybarb's post

Am rooting for you Barb. I can only imagine how ready you are to find a solution!!!


Reply 3254#3254 shinny's post

You get a bit more paid leave than here I think. I got 5 months (1 before giving birth, 4 after) at 80% of my salary, then I can take a total of 6 more months at only 30% of my salary. I took the first 5 obviously, then added on another 3. I have 3 more at my disposal to use before Sofia turns 3 years old I believe.  Anyway, it's never enough time! I'm really going to miss her when I go back, but thank goodness it's only part-time, and really she's such a social animal, day care will be good for her (I hope!).

Good idea not going near Times Sq. on New Year's - I did it when I was in college and it was a NIGHTMARE! But NY during the holidays is spectacular, I really miss it! Can't wait to bring Sofia when she's a little older.

Bala, I would LOVE to catch up on all my shows, but it's just not possible! Maybe in a couple more years, while the baby's playing by herself! =)

Barb, did your brother come over, everything finished?

Meg, what will you and the hubby be doing for New Year's this year?


Reply 3263#3263 studiojek's post

Yes, my brother & his friend came on Saturday and got a lot done.  I'll just have to do the 2nd coat on the baseboards & doors.  It looks SO much better though.  Even though the fumes have me wiped out, I've done a lttle dance of joy (in my head - LOL).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3264#3264 waterlilybarb's post

Ha, yeah well I wouldn't want you to overdo it with a real dance of joy!! That'll happen after you get your allergy testing done!! =)


Reply 3265#3265 studiojek's post

You bet I'll be doing a dance of joy when I'm through this toughest part of the diet.  Only 19 more days of the super strictness.  I'm imagining how good that cup of tea will taste come January 4th.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb - I'm proud of you for doing that super restrictive diet during the holidays!  So hard.

Studio - the hubs and I are going camping. I am going to FREEZE!  It's the desert, but it gets super cold at night.  We are going with 3 other couples though, so it should be lots of fun!   And that's a nice maternity leave that you get.  We only get 4 weeks here.  6 of Cesarean.  and then up to a month before.  So 8 to 10 weeks total. and I don't even know what pay that is at.  This country is definitely not about family bonding!


Hey, guys! I've been busy with my "Nannying" job. My schedule just changed from Friday -Tuesday 5am-2pm, but now its Monday - Friday 6am - 5pm. It can be pretty tiring and the baby just turned 10 months. I don't celebrate Christmas but all of my family does. So, I look forward to my Uncle, Aunt, and cousins coming from Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. I really need to catch up on Supernatural (like 20 episodes), Private Practice (1 1/2 seasons), and One Tree Hill (about 20 episodes). I also would like to start Flashforward, The Vampire Diaries, and NCIS Los Angeles. I'm so behind. Does anyone know how Gabsimom is?? I know that its about her due date right about now. I hope she's well. We have a snowstorm coming, so I'm pretty happy about that. I've been making some pretty awesome pumpkin pies and carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting. I think I'll make fudge for Friday and I can't wait for eggnog (YUMMY)!

Shinny, you're going to be so close by in NY. I hope you have a great time. I'm actually going there tonight with my family to see a show. Yes, its so cold here. Its 27 F (-3 C) right now and the wind chill (what it feels like) is 14 F (-10 C).  

Barb, I hope your new diet has you feeling better in no time. I have seasonal allergies and I get dermatitis sometimes with the dry winter air and their both a pain in the neck.

Studio and Shinny, the maternity leaves in you guys countries are amazing. They aren't so nice here in the US. Last I heard, you barely got 2 months (one before and after the birth). I hope that will change by the time I have kids (if I do).

Bala, I also wish that I had more time to catch up. Its soo funny because I went from having too much freetime and almost becoming stir-crazy, to now wishing that I could have a little bit of it back.


Reply 3268#3268 nye87's post

That's life isn't it


Reply 3268#3268 nye87's post

Hey Jannah!  Those are some long hours - sounds quite tiring.  I've done it in the past, so remember what it's like.  At least you get to go home & catch some zz's, unlike a Mama.  Speaking of Mama's, Tina is due January 1st, and doing alright...ready to welcome him to the world.  

This diet is SUCKY!  I really hope it helps.  The biggest challenge I'm having is I'm not a big meat eater and meat is the only protein allowed, so I feel hungry a lot - even after I've eaten enough for the day.  I'm also developing a loathing for turkey.  Eating (some) fruits, vegetables & (some) grains is fine - but I'm finding I really miss peanut butter & milk.  Other than that, it isn't the most appetizing diet, but it is doable.  I think I'm missing those things because they were my protein supplements (along with soy milk & yogurt).  The other bummer about it is there are some things only available this time of year, but I don't know if I should buy some to freeze because they may be things I'll have to eliminate.  I think I'll pick up a couple of favourites, as I'll have to reintroduce things anyway.  

We had our first real snowfall yesterday.  It's nice, and nothing like all the snow I had to shovel last winter.  It doesn't usually get as snowy here as in the north.  Thank heaven for small mercies.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3270#3270 waterlilybarb's post

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the diet will help.


Reply 3271#3271 serena75's post

Thanks. The 1st week is almost over...only 2 more with this severe restriction.  I've never eaten so much turkey soup in my life (if you can call it that).  It's one of the easier things I can have (and have made a big pot), but one can only eat the same thing so long without going a little antsy.  I shouldn't complain - I'm fortunate enough to have enough to eat...even if it's not what I would choose.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply  3269#3269 bala's post: true, Bala.

Reply  3270#3270 waterlilybarb's post:

I know! I always think about that when the baby goes back to her mom. I'm like "What if I had to do this 24/7?" lol! It makes one reconsider having kids of their own. lol! Sorry to hear that about your diet. Hopefully, the time period will be up soon. I'm also not a huge meat-eater. I'm not a huge fan of chicken and beef is too heavy. But I absolutely love turkey and cooking with it.  We also had our first REAL snowfall yesterday. Before we only had like slush (from it raining and snowing at the same time) and it was completely gone by the next day. We were in NYC last night and it was a blizzard. We've gotten at least 6 inches, but I'm not sure of the exact amount. Its so beautiful, though.


Reply 3273#3273 nye87's post

The snow must have been beautiful.

I have 2 more weeks on this diet.  I like a roasted turkey - but since I can't eat onions or garlic, and salt is the only seasoning allowed, the turkey just isn't cutting it.  I'm also allowed duck and lamb.  Duck is way too expensive and (though I bought some) lamb is not my favourite - and with the same seasoning restrictions it's also a challenge.  At least I can use fruit and that goes good with lamb.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all, just to mention (because I know you will all have been wishing me a good time) I'm not going to NYC for New Years eve. I am disappointed, but I'm nearly over that already!! Plans fell through, but I'm managed to recoup most of the money and I'm hoping to get away early next year instead. So I'm pretty ok about it all now. Actually, it might even work out better that I go away next year because I was nervous being away having been in hospital so often with this grumbling appendix/they don't know what it is syndrome!!

Jannah, they are long hours. I'm sure you are looking forward to a bit of down time and catching up with your family and some shows!!

Barb, you are doing so well on the elimination diet. Well done for sticking to it! I know it's going to be helpful in the long run, but it's easy for me to say that! What about Chicken, are you allowed to eat that? Is Fish out? I have to say I really do not like Turkey. I find it very dry! My favourite would be fish, then probably chicken and I do like corned beef and lamb on occasion.

Christmas is a big Family occasion here so I'll be busy over the next few days trying to get last minute plans sorted. We'll all go to my parents house and this year there will be 14 of us for dinner at my parents! My Mam always cooks like 20 people are coming anyway, so she's well used to it !!


Reply 3275#3275 shinny's post

Chicken is not on the approved list - which is a bummer.  I prefer it, it's cheaper and I could probably figure out some tastier ways to make it.  I tried that with turkey (doing what I might with chicken) and it was too dry and just not as tasty.  I WISH fish were allowed.  I could get along fine with that.  Maybe I'll plan to go for a seafood dinner when I'm done. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3275#3275 shinny's post

Are your brother & his family that live in Australia still there?  If so, I bet you'll all really treasure the time together.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3277#3277 waterlilybarb's post

That's a pity about the Chicken. I wonder why that's off the list? I would have thought that was as safe as Turkey.

No, they went home around Nov 9th and it was so hard saying goodbye to them. A lot of tears. Australia is just so far away. It's not like even if he was in the states. You know, 5-10 hours you are in most places in the US. East Coast being the nearest. I'd love to get out next year to them. We said if we go out again we'd probably go around October time, which is their Spring. We went March/April the last time which is their Autumn time and the day is just too short. The darkness comes in quickly, not like here where it's gradual. In the summer we have daylight up to about 10-10.30pm. In the height of Winter it's dark at around 4pm! From tomorrow it starts to gradually get brighter, thankfully!


Barb, hope you're not too turkeyed out! Are you feeling any different with the restrictions?

Shinny, sorry your NYC plans fell through.

Jannah: wanna come over here and babysit my little one so I can get a sleep break? ;)

Fingers crossed over here for Tina!!

Happy holidays everyone, if I don't get a chance to come back on before then!


aaahhh! studiojek is back! how's the little one? and nye is nannying - too cool! i'm going to have to spend days here catching up... i just wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday season and make sure everyone is hanging in there (gabsimom, i wake up in the middle of the night excited for you! i can't wait to hear that everything went smooth as silk!)

the computer room is the sister-in-law's bedroom for a while longer now so i don't have a lot of access at the moment but my next semester doesn't start until february so i'm going to have some time to finally check back in with you guys soon.

xoxo -sddv
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

