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The girly`s ......giggle box

People Magazine Sexiest Vampires:

for the Ladies


Reply 3226#3226 studiojek's post

I'm sorry, but there are a couple of misconceptions in your posting.  Firstly 5 months is definitely too young to have the vaccine so it isn't relevant to you specifically.  Just to clarify, babies get their mother's antibodies from the mother's blood in the womb not from breast milk and you can only provide antibodies for your child that you yourself have.  Since you never had H1N1 then you don't have antibodies to protect your baby.  Also contrary to popular belief, getting a flu shot (H1N1 or otherwise) cannot give you the flu or make you a carrier.  There is no live virus or even dead virus in the shot.  There are just fragments of the virus' DNA that produce an immune response that will cause your body to produce the right antibodies.


Reply  3240#3240 themegababe's post:
Yeah, I was supposed to go see it this past weekend, but I have to wait for my cousin (so we can go together) and she lives an hour away. But soon, I hope. I like to think of myself as Team Seth (because I LOVE him and I think he's such a cute little character). But on Facebook, I found a flair that says that Team Seth is Team Edward and Team Jacob. Its hard for me because, I'm Team Edward but he seriously got on my nerves in certain parts of Eclipse and because I really dislike Rob Pattinson. But yes, Jacob was awesome in New Moon (except when he was mean - but he quickly made up for it), and I thought that Taylor Lautner was adorable in Cheaper By the Dozen 2. He seems like a pretty good actor and I feel like he was more believable in the Twilight movie than RP was.

Reply  3241#3241 shinny's post:
I think that Mick St. John will probably always be my favorite TV vampire.


Reply 3243#3243 nye87's post

Awh, I know. I really miss Moonlight and Mick. He was my first vampire crush   - I have to say though Eric (True Blood) is a close second or maybe even on a par!! But he's more of a "bad boy" vampire. Mick would treat you well


haha yeah I rewatched Cheaper By the Dozen 2 after remembering that.  He is a good actor, I think.  I'm excited to see what he brings to New Moon.  I just don't get all the Edward craziness. hahah


Just posting to check if my time stamp is correct.  Last time I edited my timezone I goofed, so I'm hoping I got it right this time - unless I just forgot to reset it when we changed the clocks back.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3246#3246 waterlilybarb's post

Any Christmas plans girls ?


Going to visit my parents in the San Francisco area.  It's Christmas #2 for my hubby and I as husband and wife.  my how time is flying by!  We are also going camping for New Years.  I am going to FREEZE!!! hahahaha

We are making most of our gifts though, so my hands are tired from crocheting beanies & scarves and sewing lots of stuff!

What about you, Bala?  and other ladies?


Reply 3246#3246 waterlilybarb's post

what do you know?  my time stamp is an hour off too! hahaha


Reply 3242#3242 cshapiro's post

I think I didn't express myself well.
Yes, 5 months is too young, but the vaccine is as far as I know given at 6 months, and that's what I meant - too little.
As for breast milk and antibodies, as far as I know here too, breast milk does in fact pass on my antibodies. I didn't mean to imply I could protect her from the H1N1, but meant that as long as I can help keep her immune system up via breast millk, she will hopefully be healthy enough not to get it.


Ok off the flu topic!
Hiiiii all! Everyone in the holiday spirit yet? I can't quite get there yet, too much other stuff going on!
Sofia's growing and changing daily, she's great! I'm looking into day care since I have to go back to work (part-time at least) mid-January. I'm going to miss her!!! But the places we've looked at seem nice, for the most part!

Meg, I would *LOVE* to go camping for New Year's, that sounds like so much fun!
Barb, how you feeling? Get the painting done?


Reply 3251#3251 studiojek's post

Hiya studio!  Bummer that you have to back to work already, but time flies by, doesn't it?  When they're that little, they change so much so quickly, don't they?  I bet you're having fun enjoying the adventure of new parenthood.   

My painting still isn't done, but my brother rang last week & offered to finish it for me (along with his buddy), so I'm letting them.   Every time I paint, I wind up with a week long if he does it, it will be finished in 1 day and I can go stay elsewhere for a couple days while it airs out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, I'm excited.  My brother just rang and he & his friend are coming on Saturday to paint.  You have NO idea how delighted I am.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Meg, that sounds like it will be a lot of fun. You'll have to tell us all how it went !!

Studio, time is flying by. I've seen it with the girls I work with that have had babies. It's so hard for them to go back to work and leave their little ones. Not sure what it's like there but they get 26 weeks paid leave here in Ireland. Then you get the option (by law) to take a further 16 weeks unpaid leave + Holidays and any public holidays you missed whilst on Maternity leave. So generally the girls I work with, that have been on Maternity leave, have been off for the best part of a year (where they can afford the extra 16 weeks unpaid) I think that is great for them.

Barb, that  is great that you will finally have that sorted. I know it will be a relief to you!

I'm spending New Years even in New York, which I'm really looking forward to. We're going for dinner and then to watch the fire works in Central Park. I wouldn't go near Times Sq. I've read up too much about it and know it will be a nightmare!!

Bala, you never told us your plans.

Christmas is also coming in way too fast!

[ Last edited by shinny at 12-11-2009 15:56 ]


Reply 3254#3254 shinny's post

Well i think quite obvious what my plan it's same as it was last year watch few movies on tv and catch up show in my backlog  list such cold case and other shows i forgot to watch over last few months.  


Reply 3255#3255 bala's post

I'll be doing a bit of catch up myself. In between all the family get togethers. It will be a nice bit of down time.


Reply 3256#3256 shinny's post

yes it always nice but it only couple of days than after new year back to normal


Well, it's 2 weeks for me. I finish up Christmas eve and then I'm not back to work until Jan 7th


Wow 26 weeks of maternity. I think between 6 and 8 is standard here.  I plan to resign once i have a kid, but that hasn't happened yet!

New York sounds like lots of fun.  cold though!

Barb, I am sooo excited that they are finishing the painting for you.  That's awesome!

Bala - have fun watching shows! I wish I had time for that  


Reply 3259#3259 themegababe's post

it's funny when your working you don't time and when your not you have too much time-it's hard find balance .

