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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3219#3219 waterlilybarb's post

Forget about listening to my own advice.  I should have listened to my wife's advice.  She told me I was an idiot and wondered what I did for almost twenty years of medical training. She's not wrong.  I hope you finally get to feel better.


Reply 3221#3221 cshapiro's post

LOL!  Wives often do know best.   

As for me, one of these days I'm bound to feel better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3220#3220 shinny's post

I have had the shot and I am planning to give it to my kids.  As far as the risk of the vaccine goes, it's not really a new vaccine, it is essentially the same as the seasonal flu vaccine and carries the same risks.  I hope you find the following article helpful.  Generally older people have at least partial immunity to H1N1 because of an outbreak in the late 40s early 50s and are not a priority for vaccination.  In Canada most of the serious cases of the virus have been in people in the prime of life with no underlying medical issues and in Toronto a 12 year old, otherwise healthy boy died of H1N1 just a couple of weeks ago.  He died within 24 hours of showing symptoms.

From Medscape Medical News
Hospitalization, Death From H1N1 Influenza Can Occur at Any Age
— H1N1 influenza is emerging as an equal-opportunity threat, seriously affecting people of all ages — not just younger people, as had been thought — according to the results of a surveillance study from California published in the November 4 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"Pandemic influenza A(H1N1) emerged rapidly in California in April 2009," write Janice K. Louie, MD, MPH, from the California Department of Public Health, Richmond, and colleagues. "Preliminary comparisons with seasonal influenza suggest that pandemic 2009 influenza A(H1N1) disproportionately affects younger ages and causes generally mild disease."

However, data on the clinical features and populations at risk for complications from H1N1 influenza infection are still emerging, the authors add.

The aim of the study was to describe the clinical and epidemiologic features of H1N1 influenza cases that led to hospitalization or death.

The investigators studied all cases of California residents who were hospitalized or died with laboratory evidence of H1N1 infection that were reported to the California Department of Public Health between April 23 and August 11, 2009.

During that time, 1088 cases that led to hospitalization or death were reported in 41 of 61 local health departments, with most occurring in June and July. Of these, 344 (32%) were children younger than 18 years.

The median age of all cases was 27 years (range, <1 – 92 years). The overall rate of hospitalization or fatality per 100,000 for all age groups was 2.8 and ranged from 11.9 in infants younger than 1 year to 1.5 in those aged 70 years or older.

The highest hospitalization rates per 100,000 were in infants 1 month old (35.8) and 2 months old (21.1). These rates were lower in infants aged between 3 and 12 months, ranging from 4.2 to 12.6 per 100,000.

The median length of stay in hospital was 4 days.

Although infants were hospitalized at greater rates than adults, individuals aged 50 years or older had the highest rate of death once hospitalized, the authors report.

The overall fatality rate was 11%. In children younger than 18 years, the death rate was 7%, and in persons older than 50 years, it was 18% to 20%. The median time from onset of symptoms to death was 12 days, and the most common causes of death were viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Sixty-eight percent (741/1088) of patients had risk factors for seasonal influenza complications.

Obesity a Risk Factor for Hospitalization

The study also found that a high number of hospitalized adult patients were obese. Of the 268 adults aged 20 years or older with a known body mass index (BMI), 156 (58%) were obese, as defined by a BMI 30 kg/m2 or higher. Of these, 67 patients (43%) were morbidly obese (BMI ? 40 kg/m2).

Sixty-three percent of obese patients had comorbidities associated with influenza complications such as diabetes, asthma, and renal disease.

"We found a surprising number of obese persons in this study," Dr. Louie commented to Medscape Infectious Diseases. "Our proportion of morbidly obese persons was much higher than in the general population. Others are reporting similar findings. We need to study further to find out if obese persons were also more likely to have other risk factors not yet diagnosed, like asthma or diabetes."

The study findings emphasize the importance of vaccinating children, as well as caregivers of infants younger than 6 months of age and pregnant women, she added.

"H1N1 has a reputation as a mild illness, but we found that almost one third of our hospitalized cases became severely ill and required mechanical ventilation. Over 10% died," she said. "Also, there is a perception that the elderly have some immunity. However, we found that if elderly persons were admitted to a hospital, they tended to be more likely to die from their H1N1 infection."

She emphasized that clinicians should be thinking about H1N1 infection, as well as seasonal influenza, when a person presents with fever and respiratory symptoms.

Rapid Influenza Tests Not Reliable

She added, "Clinicians should not rely on the rapid tests for influenza done in the clinic, because these can be unreliable, especially in adults. If a patient is not looking well or has risk factors like pregnancy, antiviral treatment should be started right away while awaiting test results with [polymerase chain reaction]. Many studies have shown that early treatment can make a big difference as far as hospitalization and death for influenza."

Commenting on the study for Medscape Infectious Diseases, John Bartlett, MD, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, said the authors did everybody a big favor by doing the study.

The big surprise here, he said, was the severity of H1N1 infection in older individuals.

"We've all emphasized the fact that this is a disease of young people and elderly people are relatively spared. A lot of people, including myself, have told older people not to worry about H1N1, that it's not their problem. I think we have to think twice about that now," he said.

This does not mean that all older people need to be vaccinated, he added. Rather, it means that clinicians need to be more cautious in advising them of their risk.

Dr. Bartlett also noted the finding that obesity appears to be a risk factor for hospitalization. "Everybody has been talking about this, but the CDC has never really recognized that as a risk per se. But it just keeps coming up. It came up in Canada, it came up in Mexico, and it came up in California. I think we are going to have to try to figure out why people who are morbidly obese tend to handle this flu less well. A lot of them in this series had comorbidities, but a lot of them did not."

Dr. Louie and Dr. Bartlett have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

JAMA. 2009;302:1896–1902.


Reply 3223#3223 cshapiro's post

Interesting article. I definitely need to do some more research. It's not a dilemma for me at the moment, because it's not being offered to me yet!

A relation of a friend of mine had the Swine flu and had to be hospitalised. She ended up with MRSA. That's the story of hospitals here, it's really ridiculous. You go in for something pretty run of the mill and get MRSA. A friend of my Dad's wife died from MRSA after going in for a hip operation.

When they say that people aged 50+ had a higher risk of death once hospitalised is that because the condition was so bad at the point that they would have died anyway or because by going to hospital they picked up something else (like MRSA)? - that's very worrying!


I took the seasonal vaccine this year (first time),  because we are considering trying to have a baby -  so my doc recommended it.  but said that we could meet again once the H1N1 vaccine was out and discuss it.

But seeing as I'm not pregnant, I'm not in the risk factor group right now.   And I do not even know if / where they are offering it.  I'm usually against vaccinations, but seeing as it is a dead virus, it is probably pretty safe.  There is risk with everything though.  Whether you take it or not.  But I would definitely be more likely to take a dead virus, like my seasonal shot was, than a live.


Hi everyone!

Just popping on to see what's up - lots of vaccine talk! We've decided not to look into vaccinating the baby - she is getting my antibodies through my milk and hopefully that will be enough. Our doctor seemed to believe she's just too small for it at 5 months, and if my husband and I were to get it, we would be carriers.

Barb, feeling like your old self again?
Meg, good luck with trying to get pregnant-- it didn't happen immediately for us either, but  try not to stress about it as stress can be a problem when trying to conceive! =)


Yeah I'm just trying to go with the flow.   haha


Reply 3227#3227 themegababe's post

It'll happen! I suggest a weekend away ;)


Hey all so with all this talk of Swine Flu I managed to pick up the vomiting bug or possibly food poisoning. We're still not sure. The reason we think it might have been food poisoning is more than half my immediate family got it too around the same time (8 adults and 4 children) so it's a bit strange how coincidental it was and then to top it all off we just found out my sister in law has the Swine Flu so she has to keep away from all of us for 7 days or so!!

I was so ill on the first day off it but by the second day I was feeling better. I felt so sorry for my brother, sister in law and their 2 girls because they had to fly home to Australia and it came on them en route. Their little girl had a touch of it when they arrived at the airport but at this point the rest of us were ok so we didn't think too much of it. I tell you that flight is harsh enough without being ill on it !

Besides that sure I'm grand!! Studio/Meg, good to hear from you both.


Reply 3229#3229 shinny's post

Oh no shinny, that sounds AWFUL! =( I can't imagine going a whole flight (that long no less!) with a stomach bug. Any idea what it might have been that food poisoned you, if that's it?


Reply 3230#3230 studiojek's post

We went out for dinner on the Sunday afternoon as a farewell to my brother, sister in law and the girls so it could well have been that. The problem is not all of us got sick, but about 80% of us did. So it's really hard to know. And we did the whole "what did you eat" thingy and can't find one thing that we all had. Who knows.

I'll tell you how sick I was (which makes me smile now) I couldn't even come on here to watch shows!! I had 0% energy and the attention span of a fish, lol


Reply 3229#3229 shinny's post

What a misery!  Glad you're feeling better.   

I've figured out that every time I paint I end up with a migraine that lasts for 4 or 5 days...and that's using the low VOC stuff.  I still have more painting to do, but I'm hoping to get some friends who can help me get it done over a day or two so I can have the misery over & done with.  Unfortunately, my friends that are any good at painting have REALLY busy schedules.  I'm sick of living out of boxes, and am tired of the extra migraines.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's sicknesses. Barb, I think that the sick bug loves you so much because you're such a sweet person. ^_~ Thats what my grandmother and mother would always whenever I got a mosquito bite (which is often in the Summer - they literally follow me).   U2 and the BEPs?? How lucky are you, Meg? Glad you had a good time. Please feel better, Shinny! I think that stomach illnesses are the worse! Aww, your daughter sounds so cute, studiojek. Sleeping through the night is definitely an accomplishment. Dehydration is very scary, cshapiro. Your story reminded of one my mom told me about when I was around 6 months. My grandparents kept nagging my mom to take me to emergency (because they felt something was wrong) and that was the only reason she did. I was so dehydrated that when the doctor pushed my skin down on my hand, it stayed. They said that I would have died had she not brought me in when she did. I'm glad you're better.

I can't  believe that its been a month since I've been on here. The day after Halloween, a bunch of my friends and I went to the haunted penitentiary in Philadelphia. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Its called Eastern State Penitentiary where Al Capone was once held. After we went, my grandfather told me that his nephew died there...CREEPY. Nice talking to everyone. Stay well!


Reply 3232#3232 waterlilybarb's post

Those fumes are dangerous. Darn those migraines.   I know what you mean about living out of boxes; I've been living out of suitcases for almost 3 years now. Its SO annoying. lol!


Jannah - I have a friend who lives in PA, near the penetentiary, and she went before Halloween too!

and studio, I think I'm gonna mention that weekend away thing to my hubby!  We have a few trips planned, but they are either with other couples or family.... we need an alone weekend!  

Barb, do feel better.  sorry the fumes make you so sick.  

Shinny,  glad you are feeling better, that must have been miserable!

It's good to see everyone around!


  Have any of you girlies seen New Moon yet?  I'm trying to decide if I am even going to see it in theaters.  I know I'm going to wait at least a week - right now there are too many screaming preteens to even hear the movie.  But maybe I will just wait for video??  haha  my hubs already said I'm getting the dvd for my bday!  

Oh and if you aren't a fan. You can hate on me.  I know it's silly to love it. haha  But the books are really good, Stephenie Meyer definitely has a way with words!


I'm a fan, too!!! I'm supposed to be going with my cousin tomorrow night. They actually have showings at like 9 and 10 am near me...I want to go at those times but I don't have a car. I hope its not too bad. I absolutely love the books - read them in a week. I don't like the first movie, though. My aunt sent me a shirt in the mail today, it says: "Its a Twilight thing, you wouldn't understand." LOL! It was such a great surprise!


I think I'm going to give it a week or so too. All of the shows were booked out since Thursday night but I might get a spot tomorrow or Sunday night. Will see, I'd say I will probably wait until all the hype has passed!!!


P.S. I don't think that its silly to love it.   Even though the books are categorized as "reteen" reading, I think that the books are mature reading (other than the first one).


yeah, they are pretty mature reading!  I still haven't seen it.  Maybe after Thanksgiving?  My meez has on a Team Jacob shirt. haha  I loved him in the books, well New Moon at least.  In the other 3, it was all about Edward!

