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The girly`s ......giggle box

Just ranting

I'm so sick of being sick!  My throat is killing me again, and my tonsils are swollen.  This stupid bug (or maybe they're over-lapping bugs) just won't go away.  I want a magic wand to finish my apartment and so I can have soup appear whenever I want it.  Off to make more hot drinks - REALLY want a proper cup of tea but the caffeine won't be helpful at this hour.  I barely sleep anyway, so I just might risk it.  

I went out yesterday to the pharmacy & grocery store (for all of an hour) and was so done in when I got home it's ridiculous.  On the upside, Glee was very funny last night.

Peace, out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3201#3201 waterlilybarb's post

Aww Barb, I'm so sorry =( I HATE being sick, so I can understand your frustration, plus on top of it you always have your headaches to deal with. I'm sending over a magic wand with vitamin C and all the soup you could possibly ever want!


Reply 3202#3202 studiojek's post

Thank you!   I've been drinking my juice (usually I either just take my vitamins or eat fruit, but could use the extra calories while I'm under the weather) and eating what I can.  I only have tinned soup left (though it's a good one).   I continue to try & convince the cats they could make me cups of tea & soup if they just tried, but they're still having none of it.

Not even gonna whinge about the migraine that's burgeoning.  Just took some drugs and hopefully it will disappear.

Hope today finds you with a happy baby & feeling well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Those lazy cats! They should work for their supper!
Thanks for your well wishes -- baby even slept a full night last night, let's hope it's not a fluke!


Jannah, those look delish!  

And studio, I'm so glad you are having a wonderful Mommyhood experience!  I am so excited to be there someday!  (nope not prego, but my facebook pic is of a pumpkin up my shirt haha)

And pumpkin beer.  Technically its pumpkin ale.  Like a light beer with pumpkin flavoring.  So good!  haha  We also like our locally brewed Orange Wheat beer over here!  


ps Gypsie it's good to see ya around!

pps Barb I hope you are doing better.


Reply 3204#3204 studiojek's post

Weird...I posted a comment yesterday, but my connection was pretty crappy, so obviously it didn't work.  Frustrating.

The pumpkin beer doesn't sound all that appealing to me, neither does the Orange Wheat beer, but I'm pretty picky about my beer and like it to taste like beer. LOL

My cold seems to be gone...YAY, now just struggling with the insomnia.  Ain't life grand?  Sorry, that was negative - I've had kind of a not so good couple of days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Wow Barb,  no one has posted since you.. and that  was 8 days ago!  I don't think the giggle box has gone that long without a post in... ever! haha

The pumpkin beer is technically ale.  and it is pretty sweet. but has the wheaty flavor of beer.  and the Orange Wheat is very beer-y, but with a hint of Orange.  It's definitely not overpowering! haha

So random, but my hubby and I got free tickets to the U2 concert.  our neighbors were like, hey we cant go, do you want them?  It was AMAZING!  And Black Eyed Peas opened up for them!  So awesome.  But I was obviously screaming & singing all night, Sunday (concert night),  and then yesterday was worship team for church, so I sang for 2 hours straight, and I sing the higher part. So my throat is KILLING me!  I have had a cup of tea already today and a few throat lozenges.  Any ideas on something else to soothe my throat?


Reply 3208#3208 themegababe's post

Ouch to your throat but yay for free tickets! How fun!

I'm not a huge beer drinker myself, but I love a cold glass of Pilsner in the summer! I'm more of a wine drinker...that is, before getting pregnant and then nursing...haven't had a nice glass of wine in a looong time now!


Reply 3208#3208 themegababe's post

WOW!  YAY for you guys getting free ticket for U2!  I bet it was fun.

Now that you've described the beer, it actually doesn't sound bad.  I AM a beer drinker (of wine, I prefer red, but it gives me migraines, so I take a pass)...the orange one sounds more my taste.  I'm not overly fond of really cold beer.  Like wine, you lose the flavour if it's too cold.  I like it at cellar temperature.

As for your throat, honey is soothing, even just swallowing a spoonful.  You can also try gargling with warm salt water.  Both help ease the pain, and the honey coats the throat nicely to take away the raw feeling.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


thanks!  I will try the honey and gargling when I get home!  Oh and btw I heard gargling with salt water twice a day will help prevent swine flu.  Don't know if it's true, but it's worth a shot!

And yes the concert was amazing!

And i prefer wine to beer.  But I do like beers at a party, because it takes longer to drink & fills you up.  Also not as strong as wine or mixed drinks.  Helps me not drink too much! haha  but yeah, cellar temp is good for beer, not too cold, but not warm!


Well, I'm bloody sick again!  How, when I haven't left the house since Saturday, did I catch another bug?!  Not whinging (OK, I am a bit), just flabbergasted at how easy it is to catch things when one doesn't have a properly working immune system.

On another note, I'm hungry.  I'm wishing once again for home-made soup (or food replicators), but I think tinned will have to suffice this evening.  

See how chatty I become when the World Series makes all my shows air reruns (or not at all).  I miss Glee!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


awe sorry Barb, I have another sinus infection if that makes you feel better.


Reply 3213#3213 gabsimom's post

Misery sometimes love company, but seeing as you're preggers, a sinus infection is one of the last things you need.  Plus, you can't even take drugs to alleviate symptoms.  Those things just won't leave you alone, will they?   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


For all my whining about being hungry, I can't even finish a tin of's equal to about a bowl and a half, and I haven't eaten anything else today.  Guess I really am sick - no appetite once the food arrives.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3215#3215 waterlilybarb's post

I see quite a few of you are sick and I'm really sorry to hear it.  I have one piece of advice as a patient not a doctor.  Be very careful not to get dehydrated.  It happened to me a few weeks ago and I ended up spending a week in ICU.  I was stubborn about it and my wife tried to convince me to go to the hospital but I refused.  I went to bed one night after arguing about it and woke up 3 days later in the ICU unable to remember how I got there.  Doctors really are the worst patients.  I turned a simple illness into a life threatening one and should know better.  I hope you all get well soon.


Reply 3216#3216 cshapiro's post

well i see your back-nice to see you around - sorry about what happen  glad your  better now . Christmas is coming going busy at hospital  


Reply 3216#3216 cshapiro's post

wow that's scary!  glad to hear you are better now!

Barb, I so miss Glee too.  Less than a week now!


Reply 3216#3216 cshapiro's post

Howdy stranger!  Nice to see you.    I'm extremely conscious of staying hydrated, especially when I'm ill, as I tend to dehydrate's been that way since I was a kid.  I've been hospitalized for it too, but I never got so bad that I was in ICU.  Doctors really should pay attention to the advice they give their patients when it comes to themselves. (tsk tsk tsk) LOL  Glad to hear you're feeling better though.  Thankfully this doesn't seem quite as bad a bug as the last one, so on that front I'm not feeling too bad.  I'm getting another migraine though (just took all the meds to try & catch it before it blows), so I'm not feeling too spiffy today.

On a positive note, my friend came over yesterday & we got more painting done (probably contributing to today's migraine) and, though I can't unpack the boxes, we got them reorganized so it doesn't feel so much like a storage room in here.  YAY!  One step closer to being settled.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Speaking of which, has anyone had the Swine Flu vaccination yet? They are giving it here to Pregnant women, people with an underlying condition, over 65's and children first. Then it will be the general public.

I've decided I'm not going to get it as I don't have any underlying problems, I probably would if I did, but I'm just not convinced it won't have any long term effects as it's a new vaccine.

What do you guys think?

